Obama plans a national address later Tuesday on the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history. On a trip to Mississippi and Alabama on Monday, he assured residents that the government will "leave the Gulf Coast in better shape than it was before."
The people in Alaska can tell Obama first hand he is full of shit on this issue. Just turn a rock over on the Alaskan Coastline anywhere that the Exxon spill had hit and you still find oil. This is as bad as the rhetoric he spewed during his lengthy presidential campaign. Things will never be back to normal and or better. He should bet his own life on this situation if he is so sure of himself.
On February 10, 1999, the Alaska Wilderness League released a new report declaring Prince William Sound's wildlife and ecosystem unrecovered. As the report points out, "the Office of Technology Assessment (has) estimated that cleanup has recovered 3 to 4 percent of the spill. Substantial contamination...and depressed population...of wildlife persists."
In the 1989 spill, crude oil spread across Alaska's coastal seas covering 10,000 square miles, an area the size of Connecticut, Delaware, Rhode Island, and 25 Washington, D.C.s combined! Within a week, currents and winds pushed the slick 90 miles from the site of the tanker, out of Prince William Sound into the Gulf of Alaska. It eventually reached nearly 600 miles away from the wrech, contaminating 1,500 miles of shoreline -- about the length of California's coast.
"I am satisfied that tanker traffic to and from Port Valdez and operation of an oil port there will not cause any significant damage to the marine environment or to fisheries interests."

We have the proof of what will be for the future for wildlife and fish habitats, as well as the industries that for generations that made a living from the fishing industry, not to leave out the Hotels and vacation resorts along the gulf.
In the 1989 spill, crude oil spread across Alaska's coastal seas covering 10,000 square miles, an area the size of Connecticut, Delaware, Rhode Island, and 25 Washington, D.C.s combined! Within a week, currents and winds pushed the slick 90 miles from the site of the tanker, out of Prince William Sound into the Gulf of Alaska. It eventually reached nearly 600 miles away from the wrech, contaminating 1,500 miles of shoreline -- about the length of California's coast.
"I am satisfied that tanker traffic to and from Port Valdez and operation of an oil port there will not cause any significant damage to the marine environment or to fisheries interests."
L.R. Beyon, British Petroleum
speaking for Alyeska in 1971
speaking for Alyeska in 1971

Not to bitch and bitch, but after hearing Obama make another stupid ass comment that it will be better than it was before the spill is just bullshit. Oh well.....lame duck in office, who is gonna be next? Perhaps we can get Michelle to take over...frankly I think she is smarter.