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StarCraft II

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  • StarCraft II

    so is anyone playing this yet?

    should i get it?

    i'll probably get flamed like whoa by all the starcraft fans for admitting this, but i pretty much never played the first one.

    if a bunch of people are planning on playing this, i'll grab a copy. it'd be nice to play something other than spaceships with my spaceship buddies.
    jasonofabitch loves!!!!

  • #2
    My friend bought it for me for my birthday, but I haven't played the first one either lol
    I shall have to scrounge up the first starcraft and have a go at that before I play the second one.
    duel pasta <ER>> i can lick my asshole

    Mattey> put me in corch

    zidane> go kf urself pork


    • #3
      Blizzard just created a 180 dollar game by selling this shit in three parts, I am just going to steal it because they are fucking douche bags anyways.

      Next for Blizzard:

      Selling Diablo3 by the act.

      60 dollars for Act 1, 60 for act 2, 60 for act 3, 60 for act 4, 60 for act 5, and 60 dollars for the expansion that adds another act and super powerful weapons for people to buy from chinese item farming slave shops.


      I refuse to buy it, even though I know its pretty useless because they need to learn that this kind of shit won't be tolerated, if I pay 60 dollars I better get a full fucking game, not a piece of it. I would have even been willing to pay like 80 if the entire game was released.
      Rabble Rabble Rabble


      • #4
        it's a free market, they can do what they want


        • #5
          game looks too childish with their shitty cartoon buildings/units etc.


          • #6
            by the way, you get the full game at 60. the full game is playing multiplayer,.. who the hell even plays single player anyway?


            • #7
              I do. Might as well play what you pay for. I'll be getting it as soon as I finish the campaigns in the first + broodwar since it continues right after it.


              • #8
                are we talking about other game in a game?
                thats not good, inconvenient <_<
                “Imagination is more important than knowledge...”
                -Albert Einstein

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                • #9
                  I started playing blizzard games years and years ago starting with warcraft 2. Did for warcraft 3 and starcraft, and both were lots of fun, especially since I had a few RL friends playing as well. I will likely get starcraft 2 at some point and I'm sure the online play will be very enjoyable for awhile. They will however get old soon enough, just in time for an xpack!

                  I don't really mind paying for blizz games cause not only do they wait a good 16-24 months to release xpacks, but I don't play console games and continuum is free! I can see it being annoying if you're a real gamer and go through games like nothing but a $60 expense for a game every 16-24 months is fine with me.
                  2:Sauro> dp i placed 4th today at yugoh tournament
                  Sauro> i traded e tele for 2 dark bribes and a primy today dp

                  2:Sauro> IM REARRAGNGING MYD ECK WTF
                  Go go go!

                  Sauro> my fav card

                  1:Mootland Farmer> Duel, want to stfu please? Real m,en talking about Yu-Gi-Oh here
                  1:Sauro> yea dp

                  1:Sauro> i love dick


                  • #10
                    I'm pissed about a couple things:

                    - Lack of chat rooms
                    - Lack of cross-region support
                    - Real-ID bullshit

                    Thankfully Blizzard has announced they will be fixing these issues with patches :-)

                    The game is honestly overpriced for the campaign which took me like 20 hours to beat but the real value is the multiplayer.....and the gameplay is superb.

                    If you don't mind some of the issues that blow, the game itself is awesome.


                    • #11
                      so if i buy it, you'll rock some multiplayer with me creat?

                      should i play through the first starcraft and broodwar before getting this? (as twerp mentioned)
                      jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Jason View Post
                        so if i buy it, you'll rock some multiplayer with me creat?

                        should i play through the first starcraft and broodwar before getting this? (as twerp mentioned)
                        Of course if you're into the storyline and lore, yes.

                        Me personally, I never cared for campaigns and always got my use out of blizzard strategy games with their online multiplayer games ( I think there are many units brought in from the first starcraft to the 2nd, so I really don't see much of a point in playing the first one if you're gonna do multiplayer.

                        ps real ID is so people playing WoW and other games can communicate. When they release the next diablo and a new xpack for WoW, I'm sure it'd be a good thing to have.
                        Last edited by Veloce; 07-29-2010, 01:06 PM. Reason: ps
                        2:Sauro> dp i placed 4th today at yugoh tournament
                        Sauro> i traded e tele for 2 dark bribes and a primy today dp

                        2:Sauro> IM REARRAGNGING MYD ECK WTF
                        Go go go!

                        Sauro> DARK MAGICIAN GIRL SHOWS CLEAVAGE OK
                        Sauro> my fav card

                        1:Mootland Farmer> Duel, want to stfu please? Real m,en talking about Yu-Gi-Oh here
                        1:Sauro> yea dp

                        1:Sauro> i love dick


                        • #13
                          burzum also plays a lot. Surprised he didn't post this first

                          Originally posted by Jason View Post
                          so if i buy it, you'll rock some multiplayer with me creat?

                          should i play through the first starcraft and broodwar before getting this? (as twerp mentioned)
                          I'm just running through with the cheats on. I can post a summary explaining it. But yah, you learn a lot of strategies in multiplayer.


                          • #14
                            I would totally get this game but I don't think my old ass computer can handle it.


                            • #15
                              just bought my copy
                              All good things must come to an end.

