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Islamic mosque to be built near ground zero
Originally posted by Exalt View PostYeah... let's just build a mosque on every street corner to make the islamic terrorists like us and not bomb us! Yes! America should definitely take this advice from you zazu, because clearly we became a superpower by trying to appease all the fanatics of the world... like hitler... and stalin... and mao... and castro... and Kim Jong-il... etc. Clearly, we should all say fuck all to separation of church and state, even though this country was founded by Christians who still believed that religion and the state shouldn't mix to the point of having state funded churches/mosques/temples/monasteries/etc.
Zazu you are so smart man. I wish America was just like Europe and all of your great policies of appeasing terrorists. You all were brilliant with that during Hitler's rise to power. I mean, I'm sure America was the reason for both world wars too, because death to America we are so evil and wrong! Build more mosques!
end of sarcasm/
Anyway, the point I was trying to explain is that I don't mind people building mosques. As long as they go with the rules. Not every muslim is a terrorist. And either you oppose the construction of ANY mosque or none at all. But don't go crazy because they want to build a mosque like 3 blocks away from the WTC buildings.
And if you review our history. Weren't we the ones (Christians) that raided Africa and every non-Christian country in our crusades? Didn't we kill thousands of "infidels", burn down cities, build thousands of churches and forced the locals to become Christian?
While they were perfectly happy living their lives?
So basically history is just repeating itself. We did it a few hundred years ago, they are doing it now. We were using swords, they are using bombs.
I'm not saying this should be approved in any way, but neither should our behavior back then. So open your mind, disapprove terrorism in any way, but don't get narrowminded and blame any Muslim for the actions of a few. Or else the world will just get more violent every day, with people going towards a zero-tolerance society.TW Web Developer
4:vys> yo
4:vys> 1 day ill be staff
4:vys> know it for sure
4:vys> yo P_L already told me that i'd be ZH one day when deluge is sys op and method owns TW
2:money> zazu got zizu'd when he should have zizzo'd
3:Lizard Fuel <ER>> !tell stop meeting girlfriends on subspace, who are you, hurricane?
3:RoboHelp> Told moth about stop meeting girlfriends on subspace, who are you, hurricane?
3:Lizard Fuel <ER>> oh sht
Yeah well they can just go up to Europe blow some shit up force all of you to worship Allah and cover up all the women and make sure you never eat bacon again. I mean they are just doing what you did three hundred years ago, even though you yourself didn't go force Christianity on people by the edge of the sword you should definitely be punished for it. In fact since you feel so bad about what we did three centuries ago maybe you should just go ahead and do these things before they take you over.Rabble Rabble Rabble
Islam isn't going to break off, what are they going to turn into when the actual literature is so archaic. Basically following the Quran would be like Christians still following the old Testament. So unless they think Muhammed is going to send his son to earth to be stoned to death for their sins and they start to follow his more peaceful teachings it won't happen.Rabble Rabble Rabble