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Currency Wars

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  • #16
    ahahahaha this whole thread

    internet de la jerome

    because the internet | hazardous


    • #17
      It was more fun when Jerome made these threads...
      Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

      My anime blog:


      • #18
        go fuck yourself


        • #19
          vat i really like what you've done with this thread don't let anyone tell you different
          can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence


          • #20


            • #21
              Originally posted by Epinephrine View Post
              It was more fun when Jerome made these threads...
              i know, right? like i was about to hit reply and i just sort of physically deflated. to think at one time i could do that sort of thing. we have a term for it in the debate world, we call it "the fervor of the crazy". it's people like vati who write books and articles that have the best warrants for debate rounds because they use awesome phrases like "nuclear holocaust" or "the moral equivalent of a 24/7 rape camp for kids".

              vati it's not that i disagree with you necessarily, but i mean clearly this is not a forum for this kind of discussion. that is why god invented reddit.

              internet de la jerome

              because the internet | hazardous


              • #22
                ever since the amero came out, heavenscent has stopped posting. what do you think happened?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs View Post
                  this is not a forum for this kind of discussion
                  ask yourself if this is something you really want to go down as having said


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Vatican Assassin View Post
                    ask yourself if this is something you really want to go down as having said
                    look chinese-u.s. currency manipulation conspiracies are one thing, the nature of fractional reserve banking and the moral questions of nationalized healthcare and its statist implications ARE SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT

                    internet de la jerome

                    because the internet | hazardous


                    • #25
                      it was a great read, no doubt. however, it only adds to the limitless number of conspiracies...yes, the writeup makes sense, yes its plausible, yes its possible, probable, and no, it isnt impossible...however, it should be taken with a grain of salt...because were talking world war 3 here
                      Call me Hadoken cus' Im down right FIERCE


                      • #26
                        I think the thing is, it's not really necessary for this conspiracy theory to even exist.

                        I mean China AND GERMANY both told the US to screw off at the G20 in Seoul and that was that. China doesn't need to be firing any missiles to warn the US about anything... they just have to ignore the US on this issue which they have been patiently doing for a decade.

                        BTW Jerome, you still debate? Ever part of APDA or are you in other southern debate league?
                        Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                        My anime blog:


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs View Post
                          look chinese-u.s. currency manipulation conspiracies are one thing, the nature of fractional reserve banking and the moral questions of nationalized healthcare and its statist implications ARE SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT
                          So if this thread was only about fractional reserve banking, then this forum would be an appropriate place for the discussion? I've been here 7 years, we talk about possible conspiracies and political crap all the time, I don't think this forum is so over-loaded with new threads that you need to say such nonsense.

                          Epinephrine, the difference between right now, and anytime in the last 10 years, is the US is purposefully devaluing its currency, and because over the last 10 years, China is the #1 owner of US Dollars and US Treasury Bonds. If we devalue them, they have quite a bit to lose. Ignoring us is not an appropriate response for China, especially when we are meeting in South Korea to discuss currency manipulation, we are accusing China of doing it a few days after we just did it. Is sending a missile the right response? What else can they do? All they can do is keep printing Yuan, or suffer huge trade losses to a country who's only export is inflation.

                          The USA is exporting inflation to China and Germany.

                          Back to the missile.

                          "Retired Airforce Lt. General Tom Mcinerney, with no reservations stated that this object was clearly a missile saying:

                          “Well first of all, I do not agree with the assertion Sean. And your question is, we should get a definitive answer. You’re absolutely correct. Look, this is not an airplane because of the plume, and the way you see that plume. Airplanes do not con at sea level or 5000 ft like that. I spent 35 yrs flying fighters, and I never saw an airplane con like that. That is a missile – it’s launched from a submarine, and you can see it go through a correction course, and then it gives a very smooth trajectory meaning that the guidance system has now kicked in, it’s going at about a 45 degrees away from you that’s why you’re not seeing a lot of vertical velocity.”

                          When Sean interrupted Lt. Mcinerney, asking ” are you 100% certain? Mcinerney answered with 100% conviction: “Sean… I’ve watched that film 10 times, I’ve watched 15 other Trident films, SM 3.. Standard missile threes, and T Lam launches…. I am absolutely certain that that is not an aircraft.”


                          • #28
                            im helping china to become an even greater superpower

                            fo real

                            1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                            • #29
                              i dont know where else to put this but we are kind of a big deal

                              also we just bought bucyrus 8)

                              1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Epinephrine View Post
                                BTW Jerome, you still debate? Ever part of APDA or are you in other southern debate league?
                                nah, my college didnt have the sort of CX-style college debate team that i enjoyed in high school. i've helped cut cards and research a little for people on the debate team at my school, but i do frequently go to high school tournaments as a judge for my old high school... ten bucks a round and the awesome food in the judges' lounge. but the rounds themselves suck, unless i go to texas and judge rounds there. louisiana debate tournaments barely qualify as sanctioned tournaments.

                                a dude from my old debate team won the CEDA nationals with his partner, debating for OU. i think genocidal knew him irl, if he still posts here
                                NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                                internet de la jerome

                                because the internet | hazardous

