i have a freezer full of green chiles right now, come at me bro, they taste better when you throw in some louisiana hot sauce
i had family in the small city of creede, colorado for a good decade or so. i will admit that the terrain is more gratifying to look at, but as i write this i realize that the greatest thing about the south has not even really been mentioned yet, and that is:
new orleans, louisiana
i mean, going to a gun show and then a marijuana convention in one day is pretty awesome, but howabout being offered to buy a gun from a shady man in a trench coat in a dark alley in the french quarter, and then running into a high times van selling baked goods out the back of the vehicle? or any other miraculously ridiculous combination of bizarre events which make new orleans, new orleans.
probably the best thing that i have witnessed in new orleans is one time we were leaving, i was driving on the interstate and one of my buddies in the right-hand back seat started throwing up out the window, and a schoolbus filled with children were yelling comforting things out their windows like "DRINK SOME WATER" and "MAKE SURE HE DOESNT CHOKE". the N.O. educational system obviously teacesh real, useful life skills in school
Fair enough. I successfully urinated in public and bought a 20sack (that ended up costing me $40) of the worst weed ever from someone in front of Jackson Square within an hour of each other and didn't go to jail some how.
And bars staying open forever is pretty kickass too, because there are just some nights you want to party alllllllll night.
Also my family entered this fine nation through 'nawlins, so that's a plus for it in my book as well.
Edit: I go though a big bottle of Louisiana hot sauce a month easily. That shits tasty.
but how about being offered to buy a gun from a shady man in a trench coat in a dark alley in the french quarter, and then running into a high times van selling baked goods out the back of the vehicle?
This sounds like downtown on a Saturday night, minus the fr*nch part, but NO is pretty legit I can't deny that. But what the fuck, why does no one go to see the Hornets?
Last edited by the_paul; 12-22-2010, 05:45 PM.
Reason: oops
JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it
turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath
Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido
buying weed from random people and partying all night long trying to get some poon man, maybe that pamphlet is a sign.
About 2 or 3 get left here either by the cashier counter or in the restrooms a week -- Then on Thursdays the Jehovah's Witnesses come by with their Watchtower doom-sayer magazine. Everyone has their own stuff and line to try and get you involved with their specific form of Christianity. I read them all before I throw them away usually because I enjoy learning about all religions. It's the organized hierarchy of the main parts of most religions that screw us all.
I'm comfortable with myself and my spirituality, I don't need some one to try to scare me with a evangelical comic.
I also rather enjoyed how there was both a Gun Show and a Marijuana Convention in Denver last weekend. Where else could that happen at the same time? I wish I was able to go to both of them, but I had other shit going on.
/thread really should be renamed "post reasons that Colorado pwns u"
Seattle. And every other liberal west coast city for that matter.
You guys aren't that special. FFS stop talking about Colorado. That state blows.
Shitty football team (Tim fucking Tebow is your QB?). Shitty climate. Shitty air conditions. Shitty airport. Shitty schools. Shit, shit, shit.
Originally posted by Tone
Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better
Of the states I've been to, I'd say that Montana and Vermont have the best scenery. California is up there too but the cities ruin it for me.
I've been to the South West (Texas included) but not the South East so I guess I can't make a reply for the op.
Anyways, Canada has the best scenery by far so I don't know why all you yanks are arguing...
lol? liberal left coasties hate guns. even conservatives out there have a different view about gun control that is fucked up.
Uh huh. No one here owns guns. You're right. No one in LA or San Fran either, despite the fact that they have a much higher gun violence rate than Denver. We're all leftists or something.
you can keep all those bums you have in seattle as well, i was shocked by all that -- a damn bum farm in front of Qwest Field.
I wasn't aware that having a conscience was a bad thing. We have so many homeless because we take care of the bums that you bus out west because your shithole whitewashed cities wont take responsibility. Homeless people are nothing to be afraid of unless you're a suburban bitch living in mile high pussyland.
And no one from the NFC west should try to brag about their football team. Noone expected the Broncos do to well this year.
Yet our record is better than yours.
300+ days of sunshine a year
With ass-chapping cold in the winter that ruins all forms of transportation. You can keep the "sunshine". protip: sunshine doesn't matter all that much when it's 40-50 fucking degrees outside for six months on end.
DIA owns u, you're going into the tunnels now next time u travel through.
Worst airport I've been to.
All of our colleges are better.
No they aren't.
And goddess doesn't live here.
You know who else lives here? Bill Gates. The dude that invented the OS that lets you post on these shitty forums. As does the owner of Amazon, Paul Allen, Howard Schultz and others.
We have Hempfest just like you guys have your pot convention. We have better music, more shows, a much more thriving art community, the most well-read and well-educated populace of any American metropolitan area, the winner of the 2010 Pulitzer prize for News coverage, low crime rates despite taking in all of your trash, the Official US museum of Science Fiction, more skyscrapers, less Republicans, and yes Kthx, we have coffee everywhere.
Keep all the stuff you listed above, but don't get all high and mighty about it. Denver is no better than anywhere else. Just because you guise smoke da weeds, lol, doesn't mean that other places aren't hip to that groove.
I don't want to get into a pissing contest since there are plenty of things to dislike about Seattle, but at least it isn't fucking Denver. I'm never going back to that shithole and this thread only affirms that I'm not missing anything.
And I'll take our food selection over Denver's any day. Oh, but we're skinny...congrats homos.