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History Channel and Their Retarded ET Obsession

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  • History Channel and Their Retarded ET Obsession

    Okay... so admittingly.. I watch the History Channel all the time. If I could pick only two channels to ever have on my TV (assuming I even watch TV, which isn't exactly an everyday occurance), it would be History Channel and ESPN. To you Euros.... I dunno if you have ESPN (highly doubt it) or the History Channel... but ESPN is the Eastern Sports Network (sports channel, minus soccer) and I don't need to explain the other one.

    Anyway, I'm sure Tone loves the shit, but I remember it not sucking as much. Perhaps that was just me being stoned throughout highschool so everything was better, but that's up for debate.

    Anyway... history channel went from two polar opposites which both sucked: Biblical prophecy/gnostic "blasphemous" books/revelations, Isiah, David (again, biblical prophecy) and Nostradomis/DaVinci Code cash in crap

    To the current ET Made Everything In Man's Past Civilizations: pyramid theory/Incan, Mayan ruins/everything religious, especially the father,mother,child "god" theory (basically, almost every religion in the Mesopotamian area, as well as most popular religions today, are derived from this... aka Judeo-Christian: God, Jesus, Mary or Egyptian Isis,Horus,Pharaoh, to Babylon version [I forget the names, not going to google it, do it yourself, but I'm right]... either supports Judeo-Christianity as being the real true religion and the others as false copies and some crazy Satanic blasphemous cover, or dissproves it as another version of the father/mother/son religion and all Jews/Christians are retards believing in some old Mesopotamian religion, your call, I'm not about to start some religion flame war).

    Anyway, if you read that, read on.

    So now they are also doing the Illuminati/Masonic crap where the Statue of Liberty is actually a Mason/Illuminati symbol. This is actually probably true, because almost every person in political power back in the 1700-1800s were masons for some reason. Grab a US $1 bill and flip it over and you'll figure it out (beyond the obvious pyramid and all-seeing eye, if you flip the pyramid and look at the points, you'll see it spells "masons"). Plus, there is tons of historical writings that the framers of the US Constitution (Hamilton, Madison, etc) and many early presidents (Washington, Jefferson, Adams, etc) have written about being masons. Also, there are a lot of French writers who were masons (Napoleon), and the guy that built the Eiffel tower & lady liberty herself was a mason (all of this historically accurate). JFK (yes, the guy that got assassinated, and has a zillion conspiracy theorists, which is more credible than ET Tone rants) even said a speech on the issue of "secret societies"... literally... it's on the internet if you wanna google it.

    Ok, so maybe the History Channel isn't very credible at all. I don't know, but I'm tired of the ET crap. Apparently, the new thing is to talk about Göbekli Tepe, which isn't exactly that "new" (4000 years older than any known structure, predates the Ice Age). Now.. ET built not only the pyramids, Incan/Mayan ruins, Stone Henge, Easter Island, NASA, Global Warming, AIDS, Stem Cells, Al Gore, PETA (and Mike Vick), etc, but also they built the (now) oldest discovered ruins in history.

    Ok... so basically... what scientists are "now" saying... is that it supports evidence of a global flood... aka Noah's Flood, aka biblical history... which is also supported by scientists who speculate that the sphinx's head has water weathering (Incan ruins also have water weathering, aka Incan's "found" the ruins, which is accurate according to their own historical records).

    So... not only does these "new" ruins now support a global flood that was once thought to be a local one, since nothing in the bible is accurate if you ask a scientist (even if Judaism/Christianity isn't real, most things are usually based on historical events), but now they are all built by ET, because that's more probable than the invisible Man in the sky? I dunno. Aren't they BOTH based on "invisible men in the sky?" I think both are improbable, and therefore probable by nature, since neither can be proven or dis-proven (except Jesus is historically accurate, at least according to Roman Census). I'd rather believe in Christianity than ETs, although both could be true or untrue. I don't care really either way, since I'm not Tone/chicken little.

    What I do think is retarded is that everything in the history of the world is now based on either ET Phone Home flying a bicycle, or the Illuminati grew wings and became cupid and/or Micheal the archangel. I don't care if the Illuminati run things, because unless Bill Gates is Illuminati, he still 1 Ups all those fucks. Also, if George W Bush (the retarded son), John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton, are Illuminati (skull and bones society?), then they aren't exactly doing much to win voter confidence, meaning they aren't controlling the world anytime soon.

    Europe may be retarded with your European Union (God save the Queen?), but even if America is full of Masonic bullcrap, I don't wanna see it on the HISTORY channel. History to me is actual history. ET isn't history. ET phoned home in a terrible 80's movie. Unless you prove Roswell and Area 51 wasn't just some retarded 50's "the reds are taking over, fuck no!" propaganda for the Tone's of the world, don't try to sell it as history. Matter of fact, at least the religious stuff that they used to show was credible in a historical sense. The Gnostic movement still exists. The shroud of Turin and the "supposed" ruins of Noah's Ark still exist. The pyramids still exist. ET doesn't exist. Chicken Little doesn't exist.

    Actually, I'd rather shoot myself than watch another rerun of Pawn Stars... so bring on chicken little and spock. Dunno why I wrote this, but either it sparks discussion, nobody reads it and it dies, or ET shows up and I'll be on the history channel with crazy hair telling you about ET and the Illuminati. Either way, humans are fucking retards (especially the freemasons, and me for writing this... oh... and for watching and bitching about a TV channel... apparently I have too much time on my hands).

    Oh well. I'm done with finals, and I just got my first financial aid check for the next semester (10 grand in my pocket, schools paid for thanks to the GI Bill and you Mr. Taxpayer, so the rest is pocket money), and I'm too used to writing retarded essays like this with bad grammar. Thanks for sharing (aka fuck you in a nice way).

    The end.
    RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
    RaCka> mad impressive

  • #2
    Good lord exalt .... that's a novel. lol

    Nazi Aliens is what I watched last night on there. lol ............. Wasn't titled that exactly but it could have been.
    Fuck it.


    • #3
      i just read that all and i still don't understand

      it might be because i'm stoned
      Originally Posted by HeavenSent
      You won't have to wait another 4 years.
      There wont be another election for president.
      Obama is the Omega President.


      • #4
        when i think of napoleon, i think "writer". the guy could write pretty well.

        internet de la jerome

        because the internet | hazardous


        • #5
          if i hear another person freaking explain the masonic symbols on the dollar bill 1 more time..

          the pentagram points to the letters M-A-S-O-N!! asjkfajkslflkl111kmkmam
          4:BigKing> xD
          4:Best> i'm leaving chat
          4:BigKing> what did i do???
          4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
          4:BigKing> ???? why though
          4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
          4:BigKing> xD


          • #6
            did you just watch national treasure paradise?

            Its based on a true story. You didn't know?
            8:Lrim> you guys take this game too seriously


            • #7
              Originally posted by paradise! View Post
              if i hear another person freaking explain the masonic symbols on the dollar bill 1 more time..

              the pentagram points to the letters M-A-S-O-N!! asjkfajkslflkl111kmkmam

              Did you know that if you stare at the "all seeing eye" too long the government mind control machines tune into your inner mind?

              Fuck it.


              • #8
                History channel has never been good if you have any sort of interest in history. Reality TV shows, Hitler marathons and Aliens in history? No thanks. Hey, that's what makes money these days though, I don't blame them.


                • #9
                  i really liked their day long america: history of us marathon last weekend
                  can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence

