alright, i'm not one for usually buying into the whole planet-x, nibiru, 2012 and general doom theories but things have gotten abit weird lately, especially today. i'm not here to scare you into doing anything, like scare you into building your own underground bunker or start stocking up on supplies, fuck that, just want to read your opinions guys.
the above image shows the orbit of comet elenin and asteroid yu55 on Oct 1st, there are various scenarios on how this could end, from extinction level earthquakes after elenin passes behind us to asteroid yu55 being knocked/pulled into us from a collision within elenin's tail.
from wiki:
yu55, in february 2010 was rated with a value of 1. it was downgraded to 0 on 9th April 2010. where 10 = CERTAIN COLLISION means: "A collision is certain, capable of causing global climatic catastrophe that may threaten the future of civilization as we know it, whether impacting land or ocean. Such events occur on average once per 100,000 years, or less often". this rating was for 0.015 AU on 2010-Apr-19, on 2011-Nov-08 it will be 0.002 AU - thats 7 times closer.
trajectory prediction for levy, elenin and yu55:
trajectory prediction for honda, elenin and yu55:
one things for sure... the end of 2011 will be interesting AND disastrous.
the above image shows the orbit of comet elenin and asteroid yu55 on Oct 1st, there are various scenarios on how this could end, from extinction level earthquakes after elenin passes behind us to asteroid yu55 being knocked/pulled into us from a collision within elenin's tail.
from wiki:
yu55, in february 2010 was rated with a value of 1. it was downgraded to 0 on 9th April 2010. where 10 = CERTAIN COLLISION means: "A collision is certain, capable of causing global climatic catastrophe that may threaten the future of civilization as we know it, whether impacting land or ocean. Such events occur on average once per 100,000 years, or less often". this rating was for 0.015 AU on 2010-Apr-19, on 2011-Nov-08 it will be 0.002 AU - thats 7 times closer.
trajectory prediction for levy, elenin and yu55:
trajectory prediction for honda, elenin and yu55:
one things for sure... the end of 2011 will be interesting AND disastrous.