The title of this thread is Star Wars: The Old Republic which gives me adequate justification to tell you a few lines about Republic VS Democracy.
When you hear stuff on the News & TV Shows & Movies about Democracy, it is PsyOps Disinformation to distract you from the real form of government, Republic.
The word Democracy means: "masses & majorities of uninformed, barbaric, dark & evil people would like to impose their will upon you by coercive force, to make your life be much worse"
Republic means: "elected government which operates under a constitution of inalienable rights, who's job is to protect life & liberty of all individuals, but not of certain groups or majorities. Just purely individuals, and all of them, not 80% ot 65%, all 100%"
The word Democracy means: "masses & majorities of uninformed, barbaric, dark & evil people would like to impose their will upon you by coercive force, to make your life be much worse"[/I]
Im sure you got that out of the dictionary, haha. Terrabad living here in the Netherlands. Though I must admit I do feel barbaric, dark & evil at times.
(Children)>hunted for life
(zhou)>ofc u hear things cus ur still a virgin
:zhou:i dont wanna go deaf bro
What does the majority of the population think & believe today? Barbaric terroristic things that make life hell is what. I give you the real definitions that the dictionaries cannot do.
PsyOps Disinformation takes Extremism and Normality and reverse the two to confuse you. They want you to believe that which is extreme is normal and that which is normal is extreme. This acts as a powerful PsyOps because then anyone can just say that which is normal is obscure eccentric extremism and others believe it because this planet has not experience normality not one single time in the 6000 years of official mainstream societal history. Not once.
The politics, culture & customs of world nations is profoundly extremist, satanic & mentally ill. You have no frame of reference to understand this and just how truly bad it is. Demons with zero empathy & zero wisdom control this planet.
I'd like to think my dykes are solid, streetlights are on, electricity is available, I get water and other commodities. I like to think i am allowed to think and do what I want to. And for you to, too, how ridiculous it sounds. I am fine living like this.
(Children)>hunted for life
(zhou)>ofc u hear things cus ur still a virgin
:zhou:i dont wanna go deaf bro
2 things: I was looking at the videos of this game and I had to look at my calendar to make sure it was almost 2012 and not 2004, just saying.
Also, this is a thread about a star wars video game, TONE get the fuck out of every thread with your constant de-railing, honestly, you enter a thread spout off on your conspiracy agenda and the thread immediately dies. I would suggest you get banned if you continue to ruin every thread you enter. I actually agree with you on almost everything that doesn't have to do with aliens, but seriously, if you want to talk about the difference between republic and democracy make a new thread and stop turning other threads into tone-poop.
Star Wars is a polished tab targetting game, but it offers little in the way of originality. It's not exactly a WoW clone, but it falls into that genre. The PvP isn't great, and it's not full-loot so I'm not interested. Questing sucks, I want to gank bitches and steal their shit. Dying and killing someone should offer both risk and reward. Most of these MMO's don't offer this. Rift was also another polished WoW clone, same shit different year. I get it though, it's Star Wars and an MMO which seems like it'd be ten times more fun than WoW. I'd personally last a month and hate the fact I dumped nearly a hundred bucks into it. Fuck that shit.
If you want to play LoL, hit me up. I use the name boxface. I crit bitches.
it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did
I was hoping for PvP to be risk and reward, but alas that's not the case. There's no point in ganking people in a PvP server if there's no reward for it, aside from the satisfying feeling you get from being an annoying cunt forcing someone to waste 10secs of their time until they revive on spot.
All in all it's a good game, but the PvP is awful at least until maximum level. And don't get me started with PvP Warzone Huttball.
@ Cops: add me, NA LoL name: Diviner
and also, join the chat room "trench wars" for more trenchers. not that many of us play anymore, but i got like 120 ppl from trench wars / subspace on friend list.