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help a brother (sister) out - friend moving to washington DC

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  • #16
    Friend of mine works down there. First thing your friend needs to do is find roomies. DC is an expensive town to live in, if you mind getting robbed, raped, or piston fisted. Try Bethesda, it's got a good night life, etc.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Turban View Post
      yes, we euros are too dumb to realize it's a visa and not visum (in finnish it's called viisumi, and we think visa automatically means credit card, thus who can blame us!).
      i guess my problem is that i never had Latin classes.. so with a lot of Dutch Latin sounding words i think theyd be the same in english.. in my head visa would be the plural of visum.. i guess it's not!!


      • #18
        does she know that black people live there?
        that might scare her. them being black and all.

        and visa = second person singular. dur.
        Originally posted by Jeenyuss
        sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.

