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dotproduct (HTML5 Online Multiplayer) - First game event

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  • dotproduct (HTML5 Online Multiplayer) - First game event

    dotproduct is an HTML5 online multiplayer asteroids-like space shooter that my friend at Google, I, and another team member are developing. Presently, it is only available to play through Facebook authentication at

    The first official game event will begin at 5PM -6GMT (Central Time / Chicago), or about 30 minutes from time of posting. I invite you to come and give this game a whirl. =) You need either Chrome, Firefox, Waterfox, or Safari (or a browser that can handle HTML5 and websockets). At this time, dotproduct is most optimized for Chrome, but will work fine in Firefox.

    Controls reference:

    ENTER to initiate chat.
    Numbers 1-4 to change ship.
    Greens give you upgrades and rewards.
    Firing bullets and bombs uses energy, so when you fire weapons shields go down. Your energy bar is at the top of the screen.

    (Videos of dotproduct @
    Last edited by L.C.; 08-02-2012, 07:35 PM.

  • #2
    for no particular reason the only vid i watched was

    firstly i must say that though I think it's pretty cool if you can play it in a html5 version

    sir i find your minimalist desktop and your Microsoft background offensive

    but thats an aside

    you can expect stupid criticism on this old internet

    but then again I dont have a facebook account nor am I going to get one so i'm a bit perplexed about the fact you need one to play a browser based version of SS

    I do think there is legality’s that were never fully addressed in letting the game go community based from the original developers that were left with, they still own it and we can fuck around with it but not for out and out profit. But then again that might have changed or never been around in the first place. I'm no authority on that :P
    In my world,
    I am King



    • #3
      Originally posted by Pressure Drop View Post
      for no particular reason the only vid i watched was
      i'm a bit perplexed about the fact you need one to play a browser based version of SS

      The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

      SSCJ Distension Owner
      SSCU Trench Wars Developer

      Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


      • #4
        i would play this in a heartbeat if i didn't have to connect it to my facebook.
        Originally posted by Jeenyuss
        sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


        • #5
          I do not have a Facebook shitmathinger. How are you, your friend at Google, and another guy working for me to bring this amazing dotproduct to the shitmathingerless masses such as myself?
          TWLD CHAMP x1 Fierce (Benched 100%)

          BENCH MAX: I don't sit on benches; I can't get back up
          CURL MAX: An entire ham
          SQUAT MAX: 566lbs
          DEADLIFT MAX: 566lbs
          WEIGHT: 566lbs HEIGHT: 5'1" (Medically impossible, according to Discovery Channel)

