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All reasons that we're alone in the universe (and there is an assload!)

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  • #16
    how does your OFF work under ya nickname? doesnt seem to work


    • #17
      The size of the planet and the amount of gravity are not seperate points, ty.



      • #18
        Edit: I'll let somebody else tear up the previous post.
        5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
        5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
        5:royst> i wish it was calculus

        1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

        1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


        • #19
          Re: if you read so many books you shoulda know,

          At the risk of coming across like an infomaniacal shit-pot who gets his rocks off proving internet strangers wrong, I just can't let this post hang unattended.

          Originally posted by SEAL
          1) We already found life outside our planet; it was on the news like 1 or 2 years ago. Planet Earth catched this meteor wich containted microscopic life.
          After brief embarassment, all but a small handful of scientists have abandoned the claim that the "mars meteorite" contains signs of life. Most agree it was a well-learned lesson in scrutiny, but that's a far cry from calling the search a success (more).

          Originally posted by SEAL
          2) Scientists asume we got our life from planet mars (meteor crached into mars wich split it --mars&earth&moon--; but this isn't proven yet tho, and a longer story than those 2 lines.
          Scientists don't assume that. They just don't. Maybe you mean the theoretical Earth/moon split (more)? Either way, you've got to do a lot of work to demonstrate how a majority of the scientific community advocates a theory suggesting Mars split, hit the Earth (causing the Earth, in turn, to split and create a moon), and in the process spread/generated life.

          Originally posted by SEAL
          3) who says life needs water+light+etc. Why can't organisms life in toxid gas or whatever. It´s an interesting point, serious.. In fact, at some vulcano in some ocean some organisms live, and cant life without, near the enourmous heat of the lava.
          To answer your question, these are the guys who insist that water is necessary for life:

          Originally posted by SEAL
          4) since the aliens brought us on earth (erich von daniken) it's irrelevant to even have this discussion
          I can work with that.

          Originally posted by SEAL
          5) Elvis Presley
          Should never have joined the ARMY.

          Originally posted by SEAL
          Note, I havent taken time to backup my points, so for a good story and fact i´dd refer to probably thousands of site's on the internet...
          I found some of them, thanks.

          - Again, sorry to be a prick in this thread, but you can't go throwing half-assed assumptions around all willy-nilly. The best screening device you can use is common sense. Do you think, if the meteorite did indeed contain confirmed signs of life, that there would be anyone in the informed world who didn't know about it (perhaps you thought it just wasn't newsworthy)? Do you think scientists are hung up on the idea that water is necessary for life because they are egotistical or just uncreative? Do you think anaerobic organisms living in the heat ducts of volcanos had somehow escaped them, in their obsessive charting of the characteristics of life? Rest assured, these dudes went to a lot of school for this shit, and they're very much on the case. So sit back and enjoy the outpouring discoveries -- there's lot of them -- but double-check your sources.
          The Daily Nice
          Post Secret


          • #20
            there is no god... there's only space aliens...

            i wonder if they also play subspace......


            • #21
              Re: Re: All reasons that we're alone in the universe (and there is an assload!)

              Originally posted by TelC@t
              By using the word 'often' I assume you are using the time scale of our universe, right? Because so far as I am aware of, the average time interval for a life terminating meteor or asteroid to hit earth is about a few million years.

              But then I guess there would be unfortunate planets that get striked twice a year.
              As a result, we'd be most likely to encounter life that has progressed far enough to protect its own planet from such disasters (by diverting incoming asteroids, or whatever).
              'vet' is the new 'newb'.
              sit ez vet, sit.


              • #22
                C:\Mp3\Orson Wells - War of the Worlds.mp3

                ^This just proves everything.
                You ate some priest porridge


                • #23
                  All the ways to measure time/space/distance are false. How the fuck can you tell the distance from mater to mater when mater is just tiny pieces of energy holding themselves together? Time is just an illusion created by our minds. Nothing can measure the empty space. The whole universe could fit inside a coffee cup because anything can exist in any size and there's no limits. So that brings me into the conclusion that the universe is a doughnut.
                  Originally posted by Diakka
                  Lets stop being lil bitches


                  • #24
                    And because universe is a donut the next level of existence has the shape of a coffee cup. That's how parallel universes work: We have that stupid coffee thingie making us like wet. Like whoa!

                    Originally posted by Diakka
                    Lets stop being lil bitches


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Eeks
                      All the ways to measure time/space/distance are false.

                      Personally I think things in this universe are like varibles in equations, if you know all the variables and all the equations, you can solve them simultaneously.
                      Sometimes we are able to accurately predict certain stuff, that's because there are dominant variables in the equation and we know them pretty well. The variables that we do not know are called uncertainties ... but since they do not contribute that much to the result , ignoring them wouldn't do too much harm.

                      But then again ... the above is just my personal opinion ... so it could be wrong *shrug*
                      Wont die, no surrender 2


                      • #26
                        I think universe is a fractal. Every object is made from smaller pieces and there is no smallest piece. 1 kvant equals 1 universe. We see round shapes in everything. Universe has a center and things running around it. Galaxies are round. Atoms are energy with a center. Kvant could be divided into smaller pieces and those pieces into smaller pieces and there could be bigger things than universe. Doesn't matter if the bigger thing would be another reality containing our universe but there is no biggest or smallest. They're all the same.
                        Originally posted by Diakka
                        Lets stop being lil bitches


                        • #27
                          Every equation can consist of countless variables, and there could be countless equations.

                          We might not be able to solve those equations, but sometimes we can get a best estimate by grouping up some of the more important variables (say, by multiple integrations of smaller elements) and treat it as 1 variable (i.e. a donut), and ignoring less significant variables.
                          Last edited by TelC@t; 06-12-2003, 08:11 AM.
                          Wont die, no surrender 2


                          • #28
                            Re: Re: if you read so many books you shoulda know,

                            Originally posted by RogerMexico
                            Thanks for backing up my story, no offence taken; you took the time to find it out. Almost all the articles did not exclude the posibilities, but just found it highly impossible.

                            What if life could excists in some sort of gas-form.. perhaps there wouldnt be any need for water then..

                            About commen sence, alot of "alien believers" are Highly educated and (were) well respected. You don't have to be a sheep and follow the crowd, if we all did that everyone still believed in god and Adam&Eva. So i don't accept your commen sence part; it's too rational.

                            By the way, im not a star trek fan, nor waiting to be picked up by aliens on my free nights.

                            Take care


                            • #29
                              Re: Re: Re: if you read so many books you shoulda know,

                              Originally posted by SEAL
                              What if life could excists in some sort of gas-form.. perhaps there wouldnt be any need for water then..
                              I find this unlikely. Life, however small it may be, sort of by definition, life is required to have the following characteristics (these are all I can remember from biology class two years ago):
                              [list=1][*]Respiration[*]Movement[*]Reproduction[*]Interaction with the environment (stimulus)[/list=1]

                              I'm sure there's more, I just can't recall them.

                              Conc: I realize that it is nearsighted to believe that life must only follow the characteristics which we recognize, but otherwise, how do you define it as life?
                              5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
                              5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
                              5:royst> i wish it was calculus

                              1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

                              1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


                              • #30
                                Re: Re: Re: Re: if you read so many books you shoulda know,

                                Originally posted by Fit of Rage
                                (these are all I can remember from biology class two years ago)
                                hence my point; we depend on the knowledge we have, wich in a way limits our thinking capability.

