Invite them to split the bill b/c it solidifies their principles for gender equality
President of ?Go wbduel
Hero of ?go Bug
Trivia Master of ?go pub
M3 student doctor (MD/MBA)
Fide Candidate Master 2262 elo
Solved over 600 evil sudokus (avrg time 6 mins)
Future Trenchwars Sysop 2050
Returning Dec 2017
You're joking, but I've never bought a lady dinner and had her not buy me dinner at some later point. (Usually split the bill.) Bottom line, I wouldn't. Nobody should.
I guess you may never have dated """a feminist""" (a self-respecting woman? I don't mean someone who never reads feminist theory but posts constantly on tumblr about this thing she has absolutely no understanding of whatsoever, and also hates men and wants to enslave them; I mean a real woman) but I don't see how it's equal for one party to buy the other dinner all the time. It's absurd. Regardless of if you're male or female, if you are always paying for dinner/dates/etc, you're being taken advantage of, and should probably try to find someone who actually cares about you. It's 2016, and wages are close to equal (despite some skewing of statistics by unscrupulous or ignorant people with an axe to grind). Women do not make 75% of the male wage, but rather something close to 95% when actually comparing wages in the same position, with same level of experience and education, and same number of hours worked. The overall wage is still vastly different. Women are more likely to take care of families, and thus work part-time jobs; they also opt for more noble but poorly-paying social service jobs more often. Still, comparing the same positions, wages are fairly close to equal. Close still isn't great. Women are on average less assertive and less pushy about negotiable salaries and raises, especially because women who are assertive are seen as unattractive or bossy by many men, who, wouldn't you know, still run the only game in town. But it's not nearly as bad as it's made out to be. You shouldn't fall for it as an excuse for why you should buy dinner for someone, especially someone who is manipulative and cheap, and so not worth your time to begin with.
If you want an old-fashioned woman who likes to be treated like a lady, have fun opening car doors and experiencing sex used as a bargaining tool in order to manipulate you into being subservient. Or, you can say that stuff is not OK, and open yourself up to seeing women who are smart, confident and capable, expect you to treat them as an equal, and recognize that equality doesn't stop when it becomes inconvenient for one group of people.
"You're a gentleman," they used to say to him. "You shouldn't have gone murdering people with a hatchet; that's no occupation for a gentleman."
-Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment
You're joking, but I've never bought a lady dinner and had her not buy me dinner at some later point. (Usually split the bill.) Bottom line, I wouldn't. Nobody should.
I guess you may never have dated """a feminist""" (a self-respecting woman? I don't mean someone who never reads feminist theory but posts constantly on tumblr about this thing she has absolutely no understanding of whatsoever, and also hates men and wants to enslave them; I mean a real woman) but I don't see how it's equal for one party to buy the other dinner all the time. It's absurd. Regardless of if you're male or female, if you are always paying for dinner/dates/etc, you're being taken advantage of, and should probably try to find someone who actually cares about you. It's 2016, and wages are close to equal (despite some skewing of statistics by unscrupulous or ignorant people with an axe to grind). Women do not make 75% of the male wage, but rather something close to 95% when actually comparing wages in the same position, with same level of experience and education, and same number of hours worked. The overall wage is still vastly different. Women are more likely to take care of families, and thus work part-time jobs; they also opt for more noble but poorly-paying social service jobs more often. Still, comparing the same positions, wages are fairly close to equal. Close still isn't great. Women are on average less assertive and less pushy about negotiable salaries and raises, especially because women who are assertive are seen as unattractive or bossy by many men, who, wouldn't you know, still run the only game in town. But it's not nearly as bad as it's made out to be. You shouldn't fall for it as an excuse for why you should buy dinner for someone, especially someone who is manipulative and cheap, and so not worth your time to begin with.
If you want an old-fashioned woman who likes to be treated like a lady, have fun opening car doors and experiencing sex used as a bargaining tool in order to manipulate you into being subservient. Or, you can say that stuff is not OK, and open yourself up to seeing women who are smart, confident and capable, expect you to treat them as an equal, and recognize that equality doesn't stop when it becomes inconvenient for one group of people.
Yep. This is mostly a joke to ridicule the stupidity of feminists who hold double standards out of their own personal interest. Though realistically speaking, no matter how confident I am, I'm still a man with evolutionary weaknesses. Females using sex as a bargaining tool (aka being pussied whipped) is quite effective regardless of the type of person she is .
I agree that the time has changed. Social revolution has already occurred and will continue doing so. Chivalry isn't dead, but we need to draw a line.
That being said, I would never invest my time with closed minded, incapable, low self esteem, insecure women. I expect her to be my better (or at least equal) half. I want a challenge. I prefer women who are genuinely kind, open minded, goal oriented, and knowledgable about world issues, with her own belief system and not bandwagoning on social issues out of convenience.
President of ?Go wbduel
Hero of ?go Bug
Trivia Master of ?go pub
M3 student doctor (MD/MBA)
Fide Candidate Master 2262 elo
Solved over 600 evil sudokus (avrg time 6 mins)
Future Trenchwars Sysop 2050
Returning Dec 2017
you guys hear how everyone got mad recently that Apocalypse grabbed Mystique by the throat? lol
3:kyler> who r u btw i keep wanting to ask people "who is 45th pres" but someone gonna say "trump"
3:45th President> do it
kyler> who is 45th President
nah> donald j trump
Downfall> Shoutout to forwards for randomly giving gunsmith results that made no sense and just made things harder
Jacklyn> holster is the thing that holds/carry the gun