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Whats up faggots.

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  • #16
    Also to get back to the original point. A lot of the reason why costs are so expensive here in the US also is the fact that we are responsible for creating new drugs and establish new drug patents. (linked proof here)

    So, after we create all these life saving drugs with our "terrible healthcare system" we also make sure our doctors are paid well, which is the reason we are also leading in research against most diseases (Especially here in Houston). The rest of the world benefits from the money we spend on our healthcare system. I know you went to school and those alinskyites brainwashed you but you need to wake up and relearn how to use common sense there my dude.
    Rabble Rabble Rabble


    • #17
      Originally posted by kthx View Post
      I have actually read that before, but the system we use is much more different than the system employed originally in Europe in which Marx's writings inspired.. I am going to assume you are going to bring up John Smith next? But anyways that is far from the point that socialized medicine is a failure wherever it is implemented, and never before has it been put into place in such a large and largely populated country. Also I find it funny you bring up Marx without bringing up Alinsky

      Marx basically laid out a framework through which events & history could be analyzed. His big contribution was developing the idea that society has followed a cycle where "masters" and "slaves" continually redefine their own relationship through revolution. There used to be tyrants and caesars, and then the masses learned about themselves and their world, revolted, and society re-arranged itself anew: the feudal arrangement. Then the masses learned more about themselves and their world, they revolted, and feudalism to constitutional monarchism, which gave way to parliaments, which gave way / are giving way to increasingly "free" forms of government.

      Marx might have been a man of a certain place or time but that's like saying gravity doesn't apply anymore cuz Newton's era is long gone. Marx didn't analyze a certain time or place, he looked at all of history and derived some interesting conclusions!

      Anyways I also think you meant Adam* Smith, and also, read Wealth of Nations! When talking about "free markets" he meant markets free from cartel/monopoly control, and called for their regulation lol

      internet de la jerome

      because the internet | hazardous


      • #18
        I did mean Adam Smith actually, been awhile since I studied any of this to be honest.

        The problem in all of this is of course energy you know. People are pushing for a form of government that can't exist yet, pushing for rights that are feasible yet. We can't give everyone in the world free healthcare, we can't give everyone in the world a living salary where they don't have to work. We don't have the energy available to us yet to take the next step our civilization is ready to take. My point still stands on what I said originally. All forms of government eventually devolve into a select few in power having everything because it is human nature. But, I would say we have had a pretty good run so far here, as opposed to like well, certain South American countries.
        Rabble Rabble Rabble


        • #19
          remember that one fgt who created distension...legit forgot his name tho

          also honorable mentions to the following for making forums entertaining:
          gran guerrero (funny in a disturbing way)
          ilyaz (provided n00dz)
          xog (was the punching bag tw needed but didnt deserve)
          jason (struggled with being a forums mall cop)
          galileo (was given a terrible role in mafia on purpose to see him cry)
          1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

          1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

          Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

          Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

          Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


          • #20
            This Game has an Amazing Ultra Long LifeSpan -- I notice every other good thing that came out for the internet i.e. HearMe on Mplayer late 90s, cancelled 2000.... every good thing that comes out online and offline things becomes quickly corrupted and brought down, within a few weeks to a few years. On the Otherhand theres NOTHING like the AMAZING LIFESPAN of Subspace Continuum SSCU Trenchwars --- WOOOOW OWOWOW Oh weird how every acts the opposite as if,,,,, nevermind and stuff


            • #21
              When a game dies the leader of the game doesn't have to tell people to eat the pets to survive because there isn't enough food you stupid fucking faggot.

              Hi Cres, no honorable mentions for me you fuck? Jason.. my god I felt bad destroying him
              Rabble Rabble Rabble


              • #22
                Kthx. You forgot to mention RATTYdotdotdot
                Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider, me? Must’ve got bit by a goat

                - The best player to every play the game....Will duel any 10* who thinks otherwise.


                • #23
                  Holy fuck that kid with the greasy mullet and bjork bumper sticker on his 1992 Honda Accord, how could anyone forget.
                  Rabble Rabble Rabble


                  • #24
                    aahahaha forgot that guy

                    1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                    • #25
                      The amount of fake news and leftist spin surrounding ‘Single Payer’ or ‘Universal Care’ is staggering. The vast majority of those who comment have never experienced shit. In fact, most people do not know that US already has socialized medicine. In 1975 the US implemented a law that provides dialysis for every person at no charge through Medicare. Anyone who is diagnosed with End Stage Renal Disease, whether you are 5 years old or 85 years old, is automatically qualified for Medicare and Disability. This covers 80% of all your medical costs and then there are other programs where you can get the 20% of your medical costs covered. The cost for doing this is a bit more than 2% of the total US annual budget. (For comparison, the Dept of Education entire budget is only 1% of the total; supporting dialysis is costing US tax payers twice what they are paying for education.)

                      I have a unique perspective, I get dialysis treatments with this socialized system but I get my cancer infusion treatments through the normal competitive system. It is a fucking night and day difference. The level of care absolutely sucks under the socialized dialysis system, it is abysmal compared to the competitive system. The reason is simple; the socialized system emphasis is totally and completely based upon patient ‘turn over’ and greatly reducing the patient to healthcare provider ratios.

                      At dialysis center, there are 40 chairs and treatments take about 4-5 hours. At the infusion center, there is 35 chairs and treatments take about 3-4 hours. At dialysis there is 2 nurses handling 40 patients, at the infusion center there is 13 nurses handling 35 patients. And with the extreme emphasis on productivity; the socialize dialysis system is ALL about ‘treat them and street them’. They are forced to rush through the medical care, it is basically a medical sweat shop. And due to this the dialysis centers across the USA have an employee turn-over rates that are comparable to that of McDonalds. When you spend 15-20 hours per week in these systems you get a good handle on how many mistakes and errors are occurring; I have documented as many 4 mistakes per week at the dialysis center but have never seen a mistake made at the infusion center. In either system, mistakes can be life threatening. When you are constantly training new healthcare employees more mistakes are made. And the level of morale of the care providers between the two systems is shocking and scary.

                      I cannot pseak to how socialized medicine is implemented in other coutnries but here in the USA it sucks. Anyone who supports socialized medicine ought to come sit in my shoes for a few weeks and see the difference between these two systems. It is hard enough for my wife to deal with me having cancer, but she is far more afraid that the socialized dialysis center will kill me first.
                      Last edited by Ephemeral; 10-12-2017, 01:11 PM.


                      • #26
                        But But But.. Jerome went to college surely he knows more about shit because his SJW professor told him in an Antifa meeting.
                        Rabble Rabble Rabble


                        • #27
                          Weird to blame an entire system on a single dialysis center but ok, that absolutely does suck. I dunno though, I dated a chick who was in the air force and her (completely subsidized, socialized) tri-care was pretty awesome. On top of that, we moved my grandma to shreveport when she got too old to take care of herself in Albuquerque, and occasionally I'll run her to the dialysis place and I dunno, seems like you're just dealing with a really shitty one

                          I might even go further and suggest you look closely at Medicare and 1) the repeated efforts by a certain party to continually hobble it and de-fund it, as well as 2) the sort of regulatory concessions that a certain party has given, over and over, to these healthcare providers who lobby hard for profit-increasing laws and regulation at the expense of service or quality.
                          NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                          internet de la jerome

                          because the internet | hazardous


                          • #28
                            That is because unfortunately once you start giving out handouts it becomes harder and harder to take them away. Take social security for example. I don't know about you but I am pretty sure investing the money I pay into that would go much further in a IRA or 401k account, especially since Trump took office. Also your one story doesn't really jive with the dozens of people I know, Izor from this game, my wife etc who have had the worst fucking service with their VA healthcare.
                            Rabble Rabble Rabble


                            • #29
                              I don’t need to go look at Medicare, I live with it every day. Your comment about blaming an entire system on one center reveals that you do not have an understanding about what you are talking about. I have been to 5 different dialysis centers but all dialysis in the USA is handed to one of two companies. Both companies have the exact same issues. They do not compete with each other, the marketplace has been setup so that they each share 50%. In VERY few local markets do patients have a choice. This is not available in 95% of the country, only the very largest cities have both companies available.

                              Interestingly enough, the level of care is higher (CMS stats) and number of reported issues (CDC stats) is much lower in those cities with competition between the two. The employees also average $3-$6 per hour more. So what are the rest of us patients think about that? Apparently major city patients are worth more than rural patients? Nice.

                              Each of these two companies gross around $11-12 BILLION per year; DaVita (the only one I can use) profited about $800 million last year. Yet there is one dialysis tech at my home center who has been there 18 years and she earns less than $35k per year. I have to bring my own Tegaderms (bandages) because they are too cheap and will only dress the port access with a piece of gauze and tape (which Medicare will cover). Nice.

                              And I am curious as to why anyone would hold up the VA as evidence of a good implementation of socialized medicine. People are dying waiting for care in that system. Who can point to any social program that Federal government does well?

                              For an understanding of wait times, simply Google this. In Canada the wait time for a CAT scan is measured in weeks and weeks; same for England. When I go to my oncologist, she has a Cat scan in her office and I can get one an hour after she orders it.

                              Seriously, people who talk about this really need to go through this shit before forming an opinion. Go put your life in the hands of a $35k per year caregiver with a bad attitude, or a caregiver who has zero experience and then tell me how great socialized medicine is.
                              Last edited by Ephemeral; 10-12-2017, 01:59 PM.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by kthx View Post
                                That is because unfortunately once you start giving out handouts it becomes harder and harder to take them away. Take social security for example. I don't know about you but I am pretty sure investing the money I pay into that would go much further in a IRA or 401k account, especially since Trump took office. Also your one story doesn't really jive with the dozens of people I know, Izor from this game, my wife etc who have had the worst fucking service with their VA healthcare.

                                Social Security has made our country a much better place. Look at the statistics before and after. People in their old age had a hell of a go before it was created. It sent them all to destitute poverty in the twilight of their lives and for many was a death sentence. Also it isn't a hand out.. people pay for it. No way in hell i'd ever support privatizing it with these greedy bankers who abscond with trillions and go unpunished we have in the USA.

                                eph said.. [QUOTE]I cannot speak to how socialized medicine is implemented in other coutnries but here in the USA it sucks[QUOTE/]

                                We do not have socialized medicine here. We have private for profit health insurance companies putting their sticky fingers into everything. That is the difference and why Americans have such a wasteful spending system that costs us like over 5 times the cost of other countries and why we rank LAST in 1st world countries with it.


                                Sorry the system you are using sucks so bad though eph and I don't want to see you suffer and not be treated well. Slow and bad is better than none at all though when someone is facing such a serious health issue. The current system is infuriating I know sigh..........we all deal with it or have loved ones who are.
                                TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
                                TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
                                TWDT TRIPLE CROWN MEMBER POWER 2018
                                TSL TRIPLE CROWN FINALIST 2018
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