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Whats up faggots.

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  • Jerome: Shit my bad I was confusing names here, I don't mind this so much honestly. I was thinking of Bowe Bergdahl not Transmanning. The problem with trans people is its a mental disorder by the way, nobody should sit here and play into their fantasy that they should have been born a girl when they have a dick. Its because people allow them to think that they are right or tell them how brave they are that they end up doing something retarded. There is a reason that group of people suffers from a high suicide rate, its a mental disorder and they need help not people congratulating them.

    Qan: Read first sentence above, but also I never had a problem with Julian Assange, I won't lie and say I wasn't happy he released a bunch of shit on Hillary that helped Trump win because I wanted Trump to win. But if he ends up having information on corrupt shit that Trump is doing I would expect him to release that also.
    Rabble Rabble Rabble


    • Jessup:
      Rabble Rabble Rabble



        Also, read this Jerome. Remove borders, is this your friend?
        Rabble Rabble Rabble


        • Originally posted by kthx View Post
          The problem with trans people is its a mental disorder by the way, nobody should sit here and play into their fantasy that they should have been born a girl when they have a dick. Its because people allow them to think that they are right or tell them how brave they are that they end up doing something retarded. There is a reason that group of people suffers from a high suicide rate, its a mental disorder and they need help not people congratulating them.
          You are a dumb bigot and the type of person who drives trans people to commit suicide. You make gay jokes every chance you can with me and use them to disregard any arguements I write and say here. You certainly are not some helper of the LGBTQ community rather the enemy we fight. I think you are vile and shallow and a complete douche. You are the one with a mental illness. Mental illness isn't being trans or gay but it's entirely possible, likely even that it can be precipitated or caused by homophobia and transphobia though. YOU CONTRIBUTE TO PAIN AND SUFFERING KTHX... CHECK YOURSELF.
          TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
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          TSLB CHAMPION 2018


          • Originally posted by kthx
            The problem with trans people is its a mental disorder by the way, nobody should sit here and play into their fantasy that they should have been born a girl when they have a dick.
            Keep in mind that a trans member of this community (and a good friend of mine) killed themselves in no small part because of the isolation caused by people not willing to just mind their own goddamn business.

            It's true that a lot of transgendered people have psychological issues, but it's a bit of a chicken and egg problem: do such people have mental problems as a result of gender dysphoria, or do they have gender dysphoria as a result of mental problems? I don't think anyone can say definitively one way or the other. I don't trust the veracity of any claim in either direction -- or the mental prowess of anyone willing to make such a claim. It's all just hubris, talking about something that we as a species really know very little about.

            You don't have to like it or support it. You don't have to acknowledge them as "real" men or women. But if you believe it's a mental disorder, if you're not actively trying to get them into therapy, the next best thing would be to let sleeping dogs lie. Unless your true aim is to make them feel even worse about themselves, encourage suicide, feel superior to them, etc. (I'm about 90% sure it's the last one.) I don't mess with schizophrenic people for my own enjoyment, or kick homeless Vietnam vets because they were chewed up and spit out by the government and left as human shells. I don't see how you can justify tormenting people you believe to have a mental illness to anyone but yourself.
            "You're a gentleman," they used to say to him. "You shouldn't have gone murdering people with a hatchet; that's no occupation for a gentleman."
            -Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment


            • i feel like nothing can unite us all better right now than this commercial which is just, idk, it's oscar worthy ok, all of the oscars.

              internet de la jerome

              because the internet | hazardous


              • Well I am better than Jessup but that's neither here nor there. He's trying to talk shit to me and I only engage in total war while I argue. And based on his last post it works obviously so. Anyways I blame society for coddling them instead of pushing them to get help and the government for starting that anti bullying campaign. There used to be a social hierarchy that taught these people to not fall into their own delusions but liberals destroyed that also.
                Rabble Rabble Rabble


                • "There is no such thing as a gender crisis, its a fucking mental disorder. We need to stop playing make believe with these lunatics."

                  "Too many fucking soyboys over here, theres only two genders faggot. Seriously go get some mental help."

                  "I am thankful for not being mentally unstable and realizing that having a penis makes me a male, and knowing that nothing will ever change that and that there are only two genders."

                  "You think im mentally unstable because I voted for someone that you don't like, I think you are mentally unstable because you have a penis and think you are a girl which is proven not true by science. And I quote "The genetic difference between males and females resides in that last chromosome pair, the sex chromosomes. At the sex chromosomes, women have two X chromosomes, while men have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome."

                  You either have one or the other, no amount of medicine, hormones, or surgery is going to replace your chromosomes. GG faggot.

                  You fucking genderqueer faggots are worse than socialism, I would get one of those blockbuster cards from Jerome than to be that insane.
                  Kthx quotes that started it all.... yup this is a person when pressed shows the inner bigot openly...
                  TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
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                  TSLD CHAMPION 2018
                  TSLB CHAMPION 2018


                  • And they are all right.
                    Rabble Rabble Rabble


                    • Alright so I'm drinking but I wanted to say Jessup you aren't a bad guy and I shouldn't be so hard on you. Hope shit works out well for you in your life despite all this shit talking.
                      Rabble Rabble Rabble


                      • Originally posted by kthx View Post
                        Alright so I'm drinking but I wanted to say Jessup you aren't a bad guy and I shouldn't be so hard on you. Hope shit works out well for you in your life despite all this shit talking.
                        i know we'll probably be back at eachother's throats in a week because they're no way we're gonna stop voicing our opinions and there's no way we're not going to start taking shit personally and gettin nasty, but i too am drunk and it's friday and hell yeah here's to hoping shit works out for us all, 2018 is crazy.
                        NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                        internet de la jerome

                        because the internet | hazardous


                        • ALL LGTQB REPORTED


                          • Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs View Post
                            i know we'll probably be back at eachother's throats in a week because they're no way we're gonna stop voicing our opinions and there's no way we're not going to start taking shit personally and gettin nasty, but i too am drunk and it's friday and hell yeah here's to hoping shit works out for us all, 2018 is crazy.
                            Yeah we will I'm sure but I still have respect for you. I don't say that to many people either, I like your idealism even if I think its naive. Being able to argue differing opinikns factually is something lacking in today's society so even having our conversation is a good thing.
                            Rabble Rabble Rabble


                            • Originally posted by kthx View Post
                              Alright so I'm drinking but I wanted to say Jessup you aren't a bad guy and I shouldn't be so hard on you. Hope shit works out well for you in your life despite all this shit talking.
                              TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019


                              • I just get very emo when it comes to this gender stuff because I live it every day and it is very real and a great struggle in the life I live. I want to protect others too who deal with this. I wouldn't wish what I've been through on my worst enemy when it relates to the internal hardships I've faced. It is a constant struggle for us and only recently has society begun to accept us. We still get pushed to the fringes just because of who we are though.

                                Thanks for making some peace Kthx. Even though I totally am the opposite spectrum from you in politics and it seems so much in life lol, we can and should still respect each other when it comes to basic human dignity. I guess ur just as passionate as I am about your beliefs. I just want to let people know that those type words you said can and do hurt people who already have a shit ton of stuff they are dealing with... Anyways.. thanks for extending an olive branch. Let's drop this gender fight and I'll focus of other faggoty things you believe in :P I can't help it I'm a die hard leftist and I don't think I'll change. I do have some libertarianism in me though. One common ground I see we have is weed. I use it sometimes. Less these days but damn I have this huge cookie.. and I eat only 1/6 of it at a time and get high as crap.. It has been a fun week doing it every other day hahah. Edibles are amazing.
                                TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
                                TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
                                TWDT TRIPLE CROWN MEMBER POWER 2018
                                TSL TRIPLE CROWN FINALIST 2018
                                TSLD CHAMPION 2018
                                TSLB CHAMPION 2018

