Here is my Trace. Read sticky threads. Tried numerous things to lower lag. Nothing. I heard it was nothing on my side, which isnt surprising. Someone help! I can't DD/JD with this sort of lag. Mind as well quit if I can't play the game....
Many people have had trouble with Level3 and packetloss over many years, not just in SS. I'd recommend using a free VPN to connect to TW, using a point somewhere in the US. This should reroute your network traffic and hopefully avoid the hop that is giving you packetloss. This will increase your ping, of course, but you can try a few different options and see what gives the best connection. It probably won't be all that noticeable, and it's definitely more playable than 4% ploss.
"You're a gentleman," they used to say to him. "You shouldn't have gone murdering people with a hatchet; that's no occupation for a gentleman."
-Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment