College/Univeristy is what you make it to be. For example, I had a pretty tough time freshman yr (this past yr) because I chose to take hard honors courses. Midway through the first quarter (we're on the trimester system) I deceided to ditch biomed engineering and changed into biology in the Arts and Sci college. I think you should really try to enjoy freshman yr by taking at most 1 challenging class. Studying will prob take a big chunk of your time and the library prob will become your new home (if you really want to succeed). Best thing to do also is to know the campus and get a feel for the nearby places/cities/towns. And it's absolutely important to meet AS MANY PPL AS POSSIBLE the first 2 weeks of school. After that window of time you won't really have a natural opportunity to meet new ppl and cliques will already be forming.
Btw I'm at Northwestern University in Illinois (outside Chicago).
Btw I'm at Northwestern University in Illinois (outside Chicago).