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  • #16
    if you are possessed by a demon how do you know which one it is?
    Originally posted by Yoshiba
    i lag when i smoke weed


    • #17
      I believe in Ghosts.... since last August... every night when I goto bed I see one....

      It is electric blue.... I can touch it... like an Electric field....

      very weird....

      Not sure if it is a ghost....

      It all started last year, was trying to figure stuff out... thinking very deeply about life..etc...

      I'm extremely curious about whether higher dimensions exist in our universe.. I believe they do...

      Perhaps a Ghost is a demon/angel or an alien... nature spirit..???
      For some my dreams.. i see greys.... you know the black basalt eyes and greyish white faces.... Apparently, I have read on other websites...they these beings can travel in 4th dimension... ASTRAL PLANE??

      Anyone ever read about the Kabala.. Tree of Life??? or also read about the Merkabah (Body of Light?)..... Sacred Geometry???

      I know this is all weird for some.....

      but since last august, my outlook in life has changed... these paranormal experiences all started when I started to meditate... and raising my kundalina energy.... I know for myself it is all very real.... its like an electric field surrounds me... I can feel it literally... like static electricity...weird

      Some martial artist use CHI or kundalina energy to do mind over matter stuff...

      BTW, I chose the name cherub, since it reminded me of the part in the bible.. genesis 3?? where the Cherubim with the flaming sword chases man/woman out of the Garden.. so they don't take from the tree of life....

      So I believe these ghosts are ASTRAL PLANE entities...

      Apparently in these higher dimension planes.. emotion..empathy and altruism has great effects...

      By playing certain types of music, you can control your emotion..very interesting stuff....

      But this weird paranormal activity is concerning me and I have asked in the name of Jesus to stop it... but it does not... No harm has occurred... and I think it is neat still. I'm not afraid of any ghost..demon..etc... If you are a true christian and have faith... then the Holy Spirit (Ultimate force.. thee source) will protect you...

      Now, you all will think I'm nutz.. oh well.... just sharing with you all...

      Think about this.... if you went back in time (1920s) and told everyone you play video games with 1000 of people all over the world... they would think you are nutz...

      The reason I have interest in higher dimensions... is because it might be a way to figure out FASTER THAN LIGHT SPACE TRAVEL.. perhaps high frequency high voltage... and higher dimensional tricks might allow for interesting stuff... Tesla stuff is interesting too..heh.. anyone ever heard of zero point energy?
      It could all be bunk science (metaphysics), but I will not rule out till humans actually have a solved the UNIFIED LAW OF PHYSICS... the equation for all.... I don't believe we have all the answers yet...

      Sometimes it doesn't hurt to ponder questions about the Universe. But if you think to deep about it..... be can lead to insanity very easily.. especially if you develope a guilt complex... like because you have been curious you will goto hell..etc.. Some christians are so foolish, very unspiritual.... in the end it is better to be aware of the spiritual, then your faith increases...
      Last edited by WiseCherub; 07-31-2003, 07:01 AM.


      • #18
        Has anyone heard of stories about Succubus or Incubus? Ghost that try to have sex?? heh... just wondered... weird stuff...

        If you look on the web, you can find interesting stories about this.... sort of funny and sad and scary....

        Whatever you do... don't invoke Lilith..heh... and dont dare put women down around her..heh...


        • #19
          They are actually demons, not ghosts... and damn I'd like to meet a succubi.
          Jesus Christ on a pogo stick


          • #20
            nvm. was about to say something. damn I hate it when you cant delete your own posts.. :/
            Last edited by ZentoR; 07-31-2003, 07:38 AM.

            Staff is gay, im off strike :)

            Spitfire P> dimboy, we need 1 of those green messages - ?go battleship to play. -Dimboy <ER>

            You have been put in spectator mode due to high latency (S2C)

            ZentoR> ?lag
            PING Current:150 ms Average:140 ms Low:130 ms High:240 ms S2C: 0.1% C2S: 0.0%


            • #21
              Originally posted by Bilbo
              They are actually demons, not ghosts... and damn I'd like to meet a succubi.
              ehh.. you dont wanna meet demons.

              Staff is gay, im off strike :)

              Spitfire P> dimboy, we need 1 of those green messages - ?go battleship to play. -Dimboy <ER>

              You have been put in spectator mode due to high latency (S2C)

              ZentoR> ?lag
              PING Current:150 ms Average:140 ms Low:130 ms High:240 ms S2C: 0.1% C2S: 0.0%


              • #22
                Originally posted by WiseCherub
                I believe in Ghosts.... since last August... every night when I goto bed I see one....

                It is electric blue.... I can touch it... like an Electric field....

                very weird....

                Not sure if it is a ghost....

                It all started last year, was trying to figure stuff out... thinking very deeply about life..etc...

                I'm extremely curious about whether higher dimensions exist in our universe.. I believe they do...

                Perhaps a Ghost is a demon/angel or an alien... nature spirit..???
                For some my dreams.. i see greys.... you know the black basalt eyes and greyish white faces.... Apparently, I have read on other websites...they these beings can travel in 4th dimension... ASTRAL PLANE??

                Anyone ever read about the Kabala.. Tree of Life??? or also read about the Merkabah (Body of Light?)..... Sacred Geometry???

                I know this is all weird for some.....

                but since last august, my outlook in life has changed... these paranormal experiences all started when I started to meditate... and raising my kundalina energy.... I know for myself it is all very real.... its like an electric field surrounds me... I can feel it literally... like static electricity...weird

                Some martial artist use CHI or kundalina energy to do mind over matter stuff...

                BTW, I chose the name cherub, since it reminded me of the part in the bible.. genesis 3?? where the Cherubim with the flaming sword chases man/woman out of the Garden.. so they don't take from the tree of life....

                So I believe these ghosts are ASTRAL PLANE entities...

                Apparently in these higher dimension planes.. emotion..empathy and altruism has great effects...

                By playing certain types of music, you can control your emotion..very interesting stuff....

                But this weird paranormal activity is concerning me and I have asked in the name of Jesus to stop it... but it does not... No harm has occurred... and I think it is neat still. I'm not afraid of any ghost..demon..etc... If you are a true christian and have faith... then the Holy Spirit (Ultimate force.. thee source) will protect you...

                Now, you all will think I'm nutz.. oh well.... just sharing with you all...

                Think about this.... if you went back in time (1920s) and told everyone you play video games with 1000 of people all over the world... they would think you are nutz...

                The reason I have interest in higher dimensions... is because it might be a way to figure out FASTER THAN LIGHT SPACE TRAVEL.. perhaps high frequency high voltage... and higher dimensional tricks might allow for interesting stuff... Tesla stuff is interesting too..heh.. anyone ever heard of zero point energy?
                It could all be bunk science (metaphysics), but I will not rule out till humans actually have a solved the UNIFIED LAW OF PHYSICS... the equation for all.... I don't believe we have all the answers yet...

                Sometimes it doesn't hurt to ponder questions about the Universe. But if you think to deep about it..... be can lead to insanity very easily.. especially if you develope a guilt complex... like because you have been curious you will goto hell..etc.. Some christians are so foolish, very unspiritual.... in the end it is better to be aware of the spiritual, then your faith increases...
                I dont think you are nuts. But some may. I think after this, ppl will consider me as nuts.. :P Well anyway, I dont care, I can still whop ass in ss. Are you Christian then? you know the Spritual part is a very dangerous place to be. cuz satan himself is spiritual. If you dont have the Holy Spirit you can not know what is right and wrong. As God speaks trhough the Holy Spirit right to you.. The bible is very spritual. You cant understand its treasures if you dont have help the Holy Spirit.. If God does not reveal the treasure in teh text. you need to read the bible trough the Holy Spirit. By prayin that you eyes would open. your innereyes. You cant get the Holy Spirit in you life with anyother way the choosing Jesus Christ. To say that He is the Master of you(to proclame the He is The Lord, the Lord of you), that he will guide you trough your life on His way of holyness and love. I dont recommend reading books about demons not even Christian books. If you are going to do that, search for Rebecca Brown. She is a exerienced Christian in the certain areas. But just as a warning it is really heavy stuff to read. Not even i would wanna read it. Cuz I'm very sensitive spiritually. I know what real devil worshippers can do to a ordinary human.. you know they have their own demon.. as withes have.. They may give task to the demon to kill some1 or tease a Christian buy cursing them. But of course only if God give the promission. (I havent myself understood this thing. But still God wants our best, satan cannot do anything that God doesnt let him do. i'm not sure of this point.) anyway.. I know my stuff.. I have been trough many things.. also I know that playing ss will only drag me down in my belief.. and still I'm playing.. I'm really trying to get over ss. Bcuz I know what behind it. I think one day you wont se me here.. that is when i have found the door trough this shit. I really dont give a damn about what others may thing of me... remeber it my choice in life. I'm still human and i can still think and act like a human. Tehy say that only weak ppl starts to belive in Jesus Christ.. but I wanna say to you that its not true.. ohh.. got carried away from the topic.. anyways..

                Staff is gay, im off strike :)

                Spitfire P> dimboy, we need 1 of those green messages - ?go battleship to play. -Dimboy <ER>

                You have been put in spectator mode due to high latency (S2C)

                ZentoR> ?lag
                PING Current:150 ms Average:140 ms Low:130 ms High:240 ms S2C: 0.1% C2S: 0.0%


                • #23
                  if you are possessed by a demon how do you know which one it is?
                  Do you think you're possessed? ...know someone who is?
                  Why would you want it's name? Why does it matter? Demons possess people to extend their own abilities. This means you're taking a backseat in your own body. It can lead you on a path of self destruction. By the time it's done with you, you could be rejected by all friends & family, homeless on skid row, or spending your final days suffering prison life. Demons have only one purpose; to destroy all that God made and loves.

                  Lev:19:31: Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.

                  But this weird paranormal activity is concerning me and I have asked in the name of Jesus to stop it... but it does not...
                  Why? ...... Maybe it's verse above.. or it could be:
                  No harm has occurred... and I think it is neat still.
                  Sometimes it doesn't hurt to ponder questions about the Universe. But if you think to deep about it..... be can lead to insanity very easily.. especially if you develope a guilt complex... like because you have been curious you will goto hell..etc.. Some christians are so foolish, very unspiritual.... in the end it is better to be aware of the spiritual, then your faith increases...
                  Maybe some Christians don't want to run the risk of insanity, or what-ever possible consequences that could occur. Maybe it's the fear of the Lord, knowing that He doesn't approve of entertaining evil spirits. Maybe it's just the opposite. It could be their love for the Lord that keeps them from being too curious. Yet the Lord doesn't want us to be ignorant of these things:

                  1Jn:4:1: Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

                  1Tm:4:1: Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils...

                  Lev:20:6: And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.



                  • #24
                    Vulcan scientist have told us that time travelling is impossible


                    • #25
                      But still God wants our best, satan cannot do anything that God doesnt let him do.
                      Isa:45:7: I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

                      Tehy say that only weak ppl starts to belive in Jesus Christ
                      That's what 'they' say... but it really takes a strong person to stand up to the abuse some hurl & still praise the Lord.

                      Mt:5:12: Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.


                      • #26
                        Vulcan scientist have told us that time travelling is impossible
                        What do the Romulans think? They're a little more advance than the Vulcans. I'd be interested in a Clingon's perspective.

                        I personally believe that time as we know it is almost over. The Mayan calendars supposedly goes to the end of time. The time on their calendar says Dec 29th 2012 is the last day. I think this date is interesting in that it could fit a pattern that God uses frequently throughout the Bible. That pattern being a 400 year pattern. It was 400 years ago that the King James Bible was published. The Catholic priests of his time were hording the knowledge from the Bible and using it to manipulate the people. King James wanted the commoner to have access to the Word of God because:

                        Rom:10:17: So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

                        ADAM to Flood & 400 yrs Scattering || Patriarchs - 400 yrs Bondage Wilderness of Canaan || Kings - Babylon,
                        Babel, Egypt, Judges - 400 yrs Judges || Two Kingdoms - 400 yrs Kings || Exiles return - 400 yrs Silent
                        Last edited by HeavenSent; 07-31-2003, 09:09 AM.


                        • #27
                          If there were ghosts I hope theyd be like the female one in ghostbusters who turned ray stanz on so much he went crossed eyes. ANd if ghosts were like that then no I obivously would not want to or choose to be one. Peace


                          • #28

                            -Hi! I'm Casper! Let's be friends!

                            Of course ghosts exist. Haven't you watched cartoons or ghost busters when u were a kid? Pictures prove all, $$
                            Originally posted by Acidmouse
                            pv=nrt your American you cant possibly understand anything.
                            Spiderex> gg
                            PureX> stfu newbie


                            • #29
                              Good point there Zentor and totally agree with you.

                              However, I think Christians should be more aware of spirituality to help with their spiritual survival on this dear Earth.

                              Oh yes, the Holy Spirit....

                              I believe this...

                              humans are tri-body...

                              soul, spirit, physical

                              soul is what makes you unique.. your ID.. what makes you unique in the universe

                              spirit is your higher dimensional body

                              and of course physical, everyone knows this.

                              Now when humans left the garden of eden... their silver cord was severed from soul to spirit.... why? Cause our soul was corrupt by taking from the Tree of Good/Evil Knowledge..

                              Noticed before humans took from this tree, they were naked and didn't know.. innocent..

                              but when they took from it, their eyes opened and wanted to cover their bodies... (This is the start of religion... to cover...)

                              Then came the Cherubim with the flaming sword to chase them out... cause God didn't want them to take from the Tree of Life. Cause if they did, they would just turn into a demon race... fallen angel problemo...

                              As it stands... if you acknowledge and accept Jesus as the Son of God... you get the Holy Spirit to regulate your silver cord connection to spirit body... this has many benefits...
                              I presume when we die.. our soul changes and get salvation.. therefore become complete again.

                              Anyways about God...

                              Holy Spirit - THE SOURCE of everything...most holy!!
                              Father - The Judge...
                              Son - the human relations... and physically manifest god being.

                              My god, is the Creator of the Universe and accept no other.

                              What is anti-christ? 666.. 6 is man's #... but in threes...

                              Anti-christ = carnal human making themselves out to be God thee creator.

                              This is a nono.. taking credit for creation of the universe is ultra lame.

                              Yes, as we approach 2012... you very near future... the world will develop a Global Relgion...

                              Humans once again will become ignorant and self-centered.. and proclaim they are GOD..etc.. then the world will really suck bad... I hope I'm not here...heh..

                              Read Genesis 11:9.. I believe from memory...

                              Elohim (GOD) destroyed the Tower of Babel.. purposely... because God is against GLOBAL GOVERNMENT with spiritually incomplete humans.. only wickedness results...

                              Eventually, there will be true Global Government... but only when God is with us.

                              Many people think Jesus is just a peace loving hippy... but he is not...

                              He came first to save us... give us time... to get salvation.. everyone gets a chance...

                              But the ones who subscribe to anti-christ theology.. will be destroyed.. no mercy!!!

                              The thing I don't understand about Satan.... if so intelligent... why?? Does he even attempt to go against thee CREATOR.. the one who created him? Satan can never say... I created everything... how could he try to steal the respect and grattitude of GOD? Perhaps he made a silly decision in the far far past and now has to deal with it.

                              Us as humans have such a limited understanding of the full scope of the Universe.. we can only try to understand with religion and science.

                              As what does all have to do with Ghosts???

                              Well I don't totally believe in Ghosts? I believe when we die, we either go up or down... no in between...

                              I also believe Angels and Demons... are probably just highly complex forms of life in the universe... possibly what we call Aliens.

                              Like if you went to a primitive culture on a isolated island... you would be thought of as a GOD..heh..

                              Oh well enuff said... sorry if I'm getting too deep... just the topic brought something out in me... later all


                              • #30
                                Re: Ghosts

                                do they really exist?

                                Yes it's a unit in starcraft purchased in barracs

                                do they follow any special ghost laws?

                                They are supposted to be good snipers and cloaked warriors

                                would you choose to be one yourself?

                                Na, I prefer to be a battlecruiser

                                pros/cons of being one

                                pros: You can nuke stuff
                                cons: They generally suck

                                what would you do if you were one?

                                I would get a nuke and hit the harvester area.
                                Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                                5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it

