Whenever anything moves from rest it must have infinite acceleration, as there is a point where it moves from zero velocity to some velocity (at which the acceleration must be infinite).
Does anyone have any idea how this can be explained? (I have an idea myself, but I dont want to influence other peoples ideas especially if im wrong
The same thing applies when to objects hit one another. If a fly flew into the windscreen of your car, it must change direction, and therefore be stationary at one point in time, and as it is now connected to the car surely it must have temporally stopped too. However in this case the fly is squashed, so it will not all change direction at once. What is the last thing that goes through a fly's mind when it hits your windscreen? Its arse
Does anyone have any idea how this can be explained? (I have an idea myself, but I dont want to influence other peoples ideas especially if im wrong

The same thing applies when to objects hit one another. If a fly flew into the windscreen of your car, it must change direction, and therefore be stationary at one point in time, and as it is now connected to the car surely it must have temporally stopped too. However in this case the fly is squashed, so it will not all change direction at once. What is the last thing that goes through a fly's mind when it hits your windscreen? Its arse
