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2004 election

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  • 2004 election

    I am worried. Bush might get a 2nd term.

    Bush + 2nd Term = More wars against terrorism
    TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
    TelCat> hoes get paid :(
    TelCat> i dont

  • #2
    i don't follow politics much, but i'm thinkin bush won't win... that whole "wrong information" scandal thing didn't look good for him
    1: Pasta <ER>> lol we are gona win this bd talking about porn on our squadchat

    1:EpicLi <ZH>> but should i trust you, you are mean to the ppl
    1:trashed> wha
    1:EpicLi <ZH>> you will hack into my computer and steal my child porn
    1:trashed> i am a very nice person actually.
    1:trashed> i do not steal other's child porn
    1:trashed> i download my own


    1:turmio> i was fucking certain that the first time she would touch me i would come


    • #3
      No, I think it's looking good for Bush. You have to keep in mind that generally Americans are very strange about this whole terrorism thing. They want a President that isn't afraid to do some very wrong and scary things in the name of national security. The more bombs are dropping, the safer your average American soccer-mom feels. From my side of the fence it doesn't make very much sense to me... but seems to be the reality of post-september 11th politics in America.

      Just wait until the defict becomes too large and the entire world starts hating America even more... Both are happening, and those two things are the biggest stumbling blocks facing America.. And they are both things that Bush is commited to making worse.

      What do I know though, I'm a Canadian... Speaking of that, though... You would think the US would treat me good, right? Being close allies and all... But Bush (who believes in free trade) has put tarrifs on lumber and grain and banned beef imports... If this is how he treats his greatest ally how is he treating the rest of the world? Not very good. Note to America: Don't be expecting any favors from anyone any time soon.. We're too busy looking after ourselves after all the damage you've caused.

      Bush is damaging most of the world, not just America. Whether its your greatest allies or your greatest enemies, Bush is fucking over all of us.

      I must admit though, most of the Canadian government can be quoted as, at one point or another, saying something to the effect of 'Man, those Americans are fucking idiots. I hate those dolts' so I can't blame Bush. I'd be annoyed at Canada too. *giggle*
      Formerly EEK! A Spider!
      Former TW Moderator, still an all around nice guy


      • #4
        I can't comment on how safe Bush's presidency is until I see who he's ultimately matched up. I know I won't vote for him.
        Mayo Inc. - We should change god's name to "Tod"... see if there's any followers. - Mattey


        • #5
          Bearing in mind Gore got more votes than Bush last election, this one should be interesting
          Originally posted by Facetious
          edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


          • #6
            The problem is that there hasnt been a single strong candidate for the democrats.
            TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
            TelCat> hoes get paid :(
            TelCat> i dont


            • #7
              Think about it this way: If Bush does win we got Spinsanity for another 4 years!


              • #8
                I think it all comes down to economics. If Bush can offer a sound economic plan for the next four years, then he'll probably be re-elected. If someone else can come up with something better (not too difficult) then Bush's chances are decreased.

                This doesn't count the votes of all the ignorant people who vote Bush for being the figurehead of the "war on terrorism."
                5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
                5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
                5:royst> i wish it was calculus

                1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

                1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


                • #9
                  As an American I can tell you that no one in this country understands/gives a shit about anything remotely political, aside from a tiny intellectual minority. It's all about the idiotic media.
                  'vet' is the new 'newb'.
                  sit ez vet, sit.


                  • #10
                    I too believe Bush is a complete idiot but we know one thing about him and it is that he is a true Leader. To actually lead 300,000 troops to places all over the world and to convince (no estimate how much of the US) to go to another nation and start blowing things up without any hard evidence, now THAT is TRUE LEADERSHIP.

                    Anywoo he's a jerk. Later!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ZeUs!!
                      Bearing in mind Gore got more votes than Bush last election, this one should be interesting

                      hmm, maybe this time...congress and the supreme court will change their mind, and the populus might actually have a say in who gets to be President.
                      Ну вот...


                      • #12
                        Solution: Don't vote.
                        TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
                        TelCat> hoes get paid :(
                        TelCat> i dont


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Spider
                          What do I know though, I'm a Canadian... Speaking of that, though... You would think the US would treat me good, right? Being close allies and all... But Bush (who believes in free trade) has put tarrifs on lumber and grain and banned beef imports... If this is how he treats his greatest ally how is he treating the rest of the world? Not very good. Note to America: Don't be expecting any favors from anyone any time soon.. We're too busy looking after ourselves after all the damage you've caused.
                          NAFTA treats Canada WAY good, you guys make a shitload of money up in the over the counter drug trade, and on the online drugstore trade. On a sweeter note, Canada's managed to put a lot of the US semi-skilled industry (difficult manufacturing, Candy making, etc) out of business. Lets see, grain and lumber tariffs, well the US is a representative democracy with what we call lobbyists, and apparently US logging companies are spending more in congress than the Canadians. Heck, the US farmers have been bitching about getting undercut on the world market for years, if they can't sell at home they're toast all together. You have something against a nation feeding it's people? Oh, and beef. Mad Cow disease will do things like that. Not many of us in the US like the idea of contracting an uncurable disease that turns your brain into Jarlseburg. What else you got spider, cuz right now you're shooting blanks.
                          Last edited by wadi; 09-02-2003, 08:26 AM.


                          • #14
                            Ofcourse he will win another term.

                            The bullshit about the war on terrorism will mask American's into thinking hes not the complete idiot the rest of the world believe he is.

                            I am still waiting for them to find the weapons of mass destruction from Iraq. Only time will tell..


                            • #15
                              Weapons of mass destruction will be found sometime right before the 2004 election
                              TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
                              TelCat> hoes get paid :(
                              TelCat> i dont

