This weekend was quite good, I went to a wedding and had the house to myself. My mom was up north (3 hours from here) at our cottage and she went garage sailing and bought me a few XBOX games, I'm just wondering if NightCaster is any good. I havn't had the time to actually sit down and play it.
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Originally posted by ZeUs!!
HOUSE PARTY! - Gallileo's racist thread
"Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo
He had the goings for a really good weekend but it turned out to be another nerd outing.
Wedding (Banquet) - get drunk, booz is flowing and nobody cares if you get some unless you live in a conservative christian hold (loser). Or maybe its just because I only go to European banquets.
Alone in house - Party and get drunk
PS: Never work in a European banquet hall. My boss was a slave driver and yelled at me all the time.
Originally posted by EternalEntropy
He had the goings for a really good weekend but it turned out to be another nerd outing.
Wedding (Banquet) - get drunk, booz is flowing and nobody cares if you get some unless you live in a conservative christian hold (loser). Or maybe its just because I only go to European banquets.
Alone in house - Party and get drunk
PS: Never work in a European banquet hall. My boss was a slave driver and yelled at me all the time., I can't even remember when I posted this thread, I have no short term memory. It's kind of funny because when I'm watching tv and the commercial comes on I don't even remember what I'm watching. I think it was on sunday when I got home and my weekend was finished. The game was pretty hardcore suckage so I'm going to trade it in at eb games for something decent.