The e-mail below is a copy of what i sent to, i have included it here in the occurance that my complaint is ignored.
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Tigerex = Banned
The Boring story:
I say Unf to Catgirl a friend of mine and she isn't English so she says "What is UnF?"
So i type
(Tigerex) (Public 37): Is there a !tell What is UnF or anything like that? Cos i need to tell someone what UnF!! means but i am too shy to actually say it cos they are like a girl or whatever!
And Then I am instantly Warned. (By who i later discovered to be Dimboy)
(So there can Be a !tell Bangbangbang, there can be a !tell was is stfu and a !tell FFS - These are all identical considering the nature of the request i made).
So type
?help What the FUCk!
No response
?help Why do you guys keep warning me for legitimate questions! Grow up
I am Instantly Banned (By who i was later told by Dimboy <ER>, to cover his own tracks, was Angel <ER>)
I really don't understand where the real offence was. As you know i was staff for quite a while and i would never consider that original question abuse of help in any way whatsoever.
I understand that since i left staff i have used help more and fooled a little but on this occasion i truely did nothing wrong and yet my 1 day ban will not be lifted until it is almost served in its entirity. Which agrivates me.
Yomama!!! who was at time the highest rank staff member online initially ignored my PM messages until i found out he was actually talking quite contently on other chats. When confronted with my knowledge of this he responded.
(YoMama!!!)>yup ban sticks, u abuse that thing far too much
Now i have been warned for abuse of help once before in my whole 4 years in TW so i am unsure where Yomama!!!'s true motivation and reasoning lay here. Then he continued with:
(YoMama!!!)>telling us to grow up? u need to do that yourself
Clearly showing that his judgement was personal and not merely professional which is a main reason why people are banned unjustly in TW and later unbanned.
And so Yomama quotes back to me my own help call: (YoMama!!!)>.help: (Tigerex) (Public 37): Is there a !tell What is UnF or anything like that? Cos i need to tell someone what UnF!! means but i am too shy to actually say it cos they are like a girl or whatever! and then tells me
(YoMama!!!)>tell her yourself
Is this the rude behaviour in which Smods are supposed to participate. Why do you feel obliged to try and get down on me when i am merely asking why i was banned! Can no one else see that this was so undeniably wrong?
(YoMama!!!)>tell her yourself
Yomama!!! made no further response to me, he ignored all of my PM's asking questions about the nature of my ban and refused to speak to me.
If The Smod's can't set a good example themselves i don't understand how they expect the rest of staff to act in a mature and responsible way. All i ask is that i am treated in the same way as any other TW player, but no. A special exception is made for me which Yomama!!! is all too willing to concur to because of his personal dislike/irritation with me which i was informed of around the time i left staff because of my dealings with Goddess <ER>.
I know that by the time this is read and by the time anyone makes the right call and this is discussed seriously that i will already have been banned for a day. Please try to understand.
childish or not it was still a legit question...even if he was ex-staff so he shouldnt of been warned in teh 1st place...but the next 2 calls after he was warned probably werent necasary...but like i told dock> the problem w/ staff doesnt lye in his <ER>'s/<ZH>'s or even most of his mods...the problem lye's in his Smods although i thought Yomama was one of the good ones...and still do...and it isnt all smods...just a select few who know they got the power and let it get to there head...and a few mods but not much...thats where the problem in staff is
and hiring like to many girls =p...angel/demonic are good but i think like 3 of the lsat 4 hires were girls....and they cant possibly know more then other ppl...elsie usta ask what the answer to a help call was when it came in, like 3 outa 4 help calls_o_2NASRALLAH
There are just a couple of gaps in your telling of what happend though, Tigerex. This is mainly in the accurate reporting of what was said to you compared to quick and vague summaries of what you said at certain points. I'm not saying that you are intentionally misleading or hiding or anything, but there are enough gaps to draw some questions such as what the nature of your PMs were, how many, etc. In the very least, an appeal like this should include more specifics on what you said as well, if nothing else but to make sure that your account of what happens stands on record against what account is heard on their end (which may be much different from yours, with an inherent bias).
Also, you intitiated that tangent around the comment "grow up", so you can't turn it around against him, especially in the face of the question about the !tell. Of course, there may be other gaps at work here as well.
It was a legit question, no matter how childish it was, and if it is true that dimboy lied about banning you, that is blatent abuse and IMO is yet another reason robohelp needs to be killed.
This would have all been avoided if there were not unnesscary !tell's such as bangbangbang, his nice ass, her nice ass, who is <name>, ect. Decommision robohelp for an abuse free world, ok not free, but less.
Overall I think warnings and bans should be carried out via an actual person, therefore if you would like to argue it, you will not have to use ?help again.Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
Message has been sent to online moderators
2:BLeeN> veh yes
2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
2:BLeeN> ok then no
:Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
(Overstrand)>oh...then yes
lol i agree there are gaps in what is said there but i do have screenshots and logs of it all which i have offered for the full view of Tw Staff. However despite this i have already been informed that the ban WILL NOT be lifted and the logs will have no bearing on anything as there will be no investigation. The opinions of so many staff members who agree with the ban in public and talk trash about it behind the scenes (which is a bit sad, just make your minds up) mean nothing to me so don't Pm me with "ooo i agree with you anyway" if you don't have the balls to stand up for what you believe. But thanks to the Staff members who do agree with me who spoke out for me. Big Ups to Weaver and DoCk> too who despite not being able to truely comment one way or the other still showed me some Love while i was sitting in DSB
DSB HAS A 4 VS 4 LEAGUE!!! OWNEDLast edited by Tigerex; 09-23-2003, 07:01 PM.Tigerex
Originally posted by Tigerex
DSB HAS A 4 VS 4 LEAGUE!!! OWNEDVehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
Message has been sent to online moderators
2:BLeeN> veh yes
2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
2:BLeeN> ok then no
:Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
(Overstrand)>oh...then yes
Originally posted by Cig Smoke
elsie usta ask what the answer to a help call was when it came in, like 3 outa 4 help callsDELETED
as much as it was a "legit question" there's alot of things you can ask, legitimatally that are still abusive.
?help what time is full house on?
?help i really need to know what time full house is on, john stamos is my hero, does anyone know?
?help wtf, what time is full house on?
i'm pretty sure, deep down inside, you know you were abusing ?help. dimboy probably lied because almost everyone hates him, and he didn't want any more people hating him. you were rightfull banned, there's no need to cry about it. it's only a day, too, if you can't handle not playing tw for a day, you really need to get a life.
ps.. those new Lay's Stax are sooo a pringles rip-off, except they're a little more flatter, thicker, and don't taste as good.1: Pasta <ER>> lol we are gona win this bd talking about porn on our squadchat
1:EpicLi <ZH>> but should i trust you, you are mean to the ppl
1:trashed> wha
1:EpicLi <ZH>> you will hack into my computer and steal my child porn
1:trashed> i am a very nice person actually.
1:trashed> i do not steal other's child porn
1:trashed> i download my own
1:turmio> i was fucking certain that the first time she would touch me i would come