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  • #16
    looks great


    • #17
      Thanks dude. So i will be seeing you guys in the game then? We are tring to recover from the deadness of Microsoft and are gaining players slowly.
      Remember the game is run by dedicted people who luv the game, so its always updated and factions and new options are released constantly.


      • #18

        2) That's what subspace 3D might look like - see how it loses all its originality?

        3) I'm gonna go check it out now, and i'll be striked by lightning if it's not more than 50 megs
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        • #19
          Originally posted by Ecliptica
          Thanks dude. So i will be seeing you guys in the game then? We are tring to recover from the deadness of Microsoft and are gaining players slowly.
          Remember the game is run by dedicted people who luv the game, so its always updated and factions and new options are released constantly.
          Oh good, so you have to download updates every time you log on?
 - Gallileo's racist thread

          "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


          • #20
            Now now Andrew dont get mad because I dislike the game. I dont really slam you for telling me how much Subspace is the stupidest game ever . Also, what days should I log in to play? Because I've logged on a Saturday and there was only max 25 people :\. Alright I am done.

            Also, RPGs are not boring!


            • #21
              THIS GAME IS 100% BULLSHIT. why?

              1) Download takes too long

              2) took a few tries to install correctly

              3) took 3 reboots to start it up

              4) the training is extremely slow and doesn't let you do anythin

              5) Controls take up all buttons on the keyboard plus some combinations. Wtf I'm not learning all those.

              6) when i tried to connect to the server, it started downloading the update. 312 new files. 67 minutes left. FUCK I JUST WANNA PLAY THE DAMN GAME

              7) overall I couldnt even play it.
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              • #22
                Like i said. Ask for help on the forums, Lots of technical changes and stuff from Microsoft. Heather, best times to log on are during AZ games....saturday around the after noon. And at night, during week. The training missions are crap and dont cover really anything. The game is all online! Like i said this game combines an RPG with Microsoft Flight Sim in space so dont expect a simple point and shoot like ss.


                • #23
                  Ohh sweet.. ever since I found out this is the closest way to ever play a version of the battles in Ender's Game (by being commander) I wish I actually played more of this when it originally came out...

                  Will try it out soon

                  Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                  My anime blog:


                  • #24
                    Heh heh, glad to see we have fans. (unlike some, who just complain all freaken damn day long about the most shitist crap)
                    Remember if you need help, please register with the our forums and ASK FOR HELP! dont be scared. And no you wont have updates all damn day whenever you log on.
                    Appearently Scout1 must have a pretty damn shitty connection for this game to take 2 hrs to download some files. And no you dont need cable or dsl to play this game like you do with ss to have fun. (and dont give me that crap that you can play ss with 56k, cuase i use to have 56 and it blowed big time. Every 1 out of 2 shots are hits and people say they missed. Then you got the fact that everyone is yelling at you to fucking leave, cuase you lag like an ass and are getting hit everytime.
                    On Allegiance, dont know how, but they got it so 56kers have a ping of about 120. Wow isnt that great compared to s.s's 240 to 280 ping? Besides if you lag out, you can just join back in. And your lag doesnt affect any buddy else, so you wont have to worry about getting yelled at. You just drop and can rejoin.
                    If you do have 56k the first update will take about 30 min to 45, since you got to update about 3 years worth of updates. Just leave your comp on and go eat and come back and it will be done.
                    Ok, any other questions?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Ecliptica
                      Heather, best times to log on are during AZ games....saturday around the after noon.
                      Ok I'll try that again this Saturday.


                      • #26
                        If you say so....This just isnt your game. Your the one that say's HALO is 'ok' when every one else thinks it owns.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Ecliptica
                          Heh heh, glad to see we have fans. (unlike some, who just complain all freaken damn day long about the most shitist crap)
                          hey your job is to adverstize and show only the good points in the game, and my job is to try it out and show only the bad things in the game. Plus I'm allowed to have my own opinion. Another thing: i didnt complain the whole day, and you just called your own game "shittiest crap". gg
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                          • #28
                            No, i called your opinions the shittiest crap. Who freaken cares if the dl takes a little long over 15 min.. Just eat, and take shower. When you come back it will be done.
                            If you dont the patience for 15 min, Then you might as well drop dead now, cuase you wont get anywhere in life.


                            • #29
                              Is this guy for real? Eliptical, do you know that there's such thing as dial up? No? Dude, where the hell are YOU going in life? Not knowing such simple things?

                              You say that my opinions are shitty. Thats your opinion. I think your opinion is shitty. Which makes me think that my opinions are, thus, good. Copish? Atleast i backed them up.
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                              • #30
                                If you do have 56k the first update will take about 30 min to 45, since you got to update about 3 years worth of updates. Just leave your comp on and go eat and come back and it will be done.
                                Scout1, stop being lame and read. You opinion is riducule if you dont have the time for this. If you dont have the patience to dl game then get lost, cuase the game itself is long and requires it. This is tactical and realism game, not some point and shoot.

                                Each game/match can take up to 4 hours if necassary. Most last about 2 hours. Quick games end in about 10 min to 30 min.
                                This game is not for all my friend. Mabye you should stick the simpletens game of S.S.

