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  • Fight

    What was the best fight [IRL] that you've seen or have gotten into?

    I remember one at my school that took up almost the whole block that my school resided on. A bunch of cops came by- it felt like a riot. Boy was that great. People getting hurt/ killed... wow.

  • #2
    The best fight I was ever involved in wasn't much of a fight. There was this bully that used to push me around through most of elementary school and part of junior high. I say part of junior high because one day at lunch, when I was in the eighth grade, he came up behind me and cuffed me real hard across the back of the head. I couldn't tell you why, but I went absolutely ape shit. I happened to have a fork in my hand, one I had brought with my packed lunch. I spun around and stabbed the motherfucker with the fork. I drove it in all the way to the handle. He went to the ER for a shitload of stitches. Good times.
    jasonofabitch loves!!!!


    • #3
      On my previous school, there is a guy who beated up another guy, but he did this really hard. It was on the end of June and school was finished. The guy got into some troubles with some black guys and they were ripping him and stuff. But he had enough of it so he took a baseball bat with him that day and he started hitting on one guy. After 2 minutes he almost killed they guy. They sended him to prison for two months and when he was allowed to go home, his mom threw him out of the house. Now that's fucked up
      I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal...


      • #4
        Originally posted by Cundor
        On my previous school, there is a guy who beated up another guy, but he did this really hard. It was on the end of June and school was finished. The guy got into some troubles with some black guys and they were ripping him and stuff. But he had enough of it so he took a baseball bat with him that day and he started hitting on one guy. After 2 minutes he almost killed they guy. They sended him to prison for two months and when he was allowed to go home, his mom threw him out of the house. Now that's fucked up

        Fucked up? It's called KARMA my friend.


        • #5
          My favorite fight was this time we were at this party where we really didn't know anyone at all and this drunken redneck decided he didn't like my friend because he wore sunglasses at night so he's a dumb bastard and someone asks him to leave and he says ok and then he hurls me across the room (he's big i'm little) en route to my friend who he pops in the eye and then runs away and then we spent the night in emergency room because wire frame sunglasses do bad things to your eyelid when you're hit in the face with them.


          • #6
            "In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
            - Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)
            Will Thom Yorke ever cheer up? - ZeUs!!!


            • #7
              Oh, and one time in grade 4.... My friend Suzanne and I were walking home after school..... and some freak on a bike with a knife started chasing us....... We still aren't sure whether it was a plastic knife or not, but we certainly ran away quickly.....

              And then, one time.... again, walking home from elementary school (LOL), this stupid bitch who I didn't even know was trying to pick a fight with me. She was like, totally freaking out and screaming and yelling at me. This was just while we were walking home from elementary school.

              And one other time, in a spot very close to where the other two incidents occured, my best friend and I were walking home from (GASP) elementary school. There were two girls there, pulling each other's hair and screaming at each other. They were having a MAJOR catfight. So my friend broke up the fight between them and then they both started yelling at me!!!! SO, he was just like, c'mon let's get out of here. So we did. The End.

              <3 <3 <3
              Will Thom Yorke ever cheer up? - ZeUs!!!


              • #8
                i haven't been in a good fight in a long time now...maybe 5 years ago when i was in eighth grade and me and this kid fought because i clotheslined him in manhunt because he was a really annoying kid. I need a good fight right about now though, its been a while.
                TWLB Champions Season 8
                TWLJ Champions Season 8
                TWLB Champions Season 10
                TWLB Champions Season 11


                • #9
                  uhhh well a long time ago at summercamp this kid asked me for a cookie and i said no, so he tried grabbing at one in my hand and we had the struggle over possesion of the cookie and punched him in the stomach and it knocked the wind out of him and he fell down. the cookie was pretty much dead though.
                  Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
                  apt>yes u can wtf
                  apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
                  apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
                  apt>so i dont miss the toilet
                  Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
                  apt>ill show you pictures
                  apt>next time I masturbate


                  • #10
                    once i was riding into town with my friend and this townie shithead wit loads of crap 20 quid medallions from argos came up to me and said "give us a quid"

                    Me> i only got a fiver
                    Dick>give us a quid now then
                    Me> No
                    Dick> fucking give us one u tight shit
                    Me> fuck you shorthouse

                    (this guy was like just over 5'5" yet you can tell hes my age)

                    The asshole stamps at me, trying to scare me but didnt work;
                    I try to cycle off and he got in the way;
                    He scrambles for my pocket;
                    I kick him to the floor out of retailiation;
                    He jumps up tring to kill me;
                    I smash him round the head with my fist while sitting on my bike;

                    He falls over and runs over to his mate who is older than me and he starts crying.

                    I shout "pwned j00 n00bie!" and cycle off laughing my head off


                    • #11
                      There was this kid named Billy Parsons and he was a real dick. One day he was picking on me, I don't remember what he was doing or anything, but I got crazy mad and started chasing him around and when I caught up to him I smacked him in the face with my metal Dukes of Hazzard lunchbox and his nose was bleeding.
             - Gallileo's racist thread

                      "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                      • #12
                        That's too funny.

                        metal Dukes of Hazard lunchbox = $$

                        I had a Buck Rodgers one. Dukes of Hazard rocks (your face, Billy Parsons).


                        • #13
                          I play in a ball hockey rec-league, and last summer we played a tough game against a team of goons. There was pushing and shoving and some gloved punches thrown as time was running out. The other team was mad at our captain because he pretty much nailed one of their guys, knocking him down with one punch.

                          That wasn't the funny part though. After the game, while we were leaving the arena, our team walked out and saw their team standing by the door. Of course, we just walked through ignoring their insults because, it just wasn't worth it. What happens in the game stays inside, what happens out here is real, and most of us had to go to work the next day. Besides, they outnumbered us. Since our captain was always the last one out of the dressing room after a game, we thought it a good idea not to leave him coming out alone to those goons, so we moved farther out to the parking lot; far enough away to keep a decent distance, but near enough so that we can keep an eye on each other.

                          After a few minutes of tension, our captain finally came out and their team started surrounding him. We started moving closer when suddenly... our goalie walked out the door behind him. Oh, did I forget to mention that our goalie is a 6 foot 4, 270 pound biker?

                          Yeah, those goons backed down pretty quickly. We all got a laugh out of it, and then went out for drinks.


                          • #14
                            I never really got into any fights I was a good kid, although one time when I had a paper route this kid about my age for some reason threatened me and told me that if I didn't leave a "TV GUIDE" in his mail box he would stab me. I didn't leave one and nothing became of it.

                            But I have seen a few fights, in grade8 2 girls were fighting after school and the one who thought she was all that got her but kicked. She pushed the other girl down and some how the girl who was pushed got on top of the other one and grabbed her by the bra and started feeding it to her. some teachers came out and broke it up, later that night was the "Parent - Teacher night".

                            And then in high school in grade 11 gym class when there was a substitute teacher this one mouthy guy said to some other guy "Hey, you want to fight me?" and so after there basketball game was done they went up to the upper level where the ping pong tables were and the guy that started the fight really mopped the floor with the other guy. The poor teacher had to climb up on the basketball nets to get up to where the fight was because he couldn't figure out how else to get up there. (You had to go out side the gym and up a flight of stairs to get to that area.)

                            And yes we had to play ping pong in gym class.
                            "Bilbo" SS is a sophisticated chat channel, nothing more.


                            • #15
                              Wish we played ping pong in gym class.
                     - Gallileo's racist thread

                              "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo

