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There is no one in this universe...(not an angsty rant)

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  • There is no one in this universe...(not an angsty rant)

    Population: None.

    It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there
    must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number
    divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so
    the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be
    said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the
    whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet
    from time to time are merely the products of a deranged

    …../|,-‘`¯¯`\(o)_\,----,,,_……… LUEshi is watching j00...
    …( `\(o),,_/` ¯ : o : : :o `-,……

  • #2
    Actually your way of thinking is kind of reversed. Functions like that may get closer and closer to 0, but they never actually hit 0...they can get right close though.

    That and dividing the number of planets by the amount of universe is just silly.

    "Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed into a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself, subjectively, there's no such thing as death and life is only an imagination of ourselves! Here's Tom with the weather."

    -Bill Hicks
    Ну вот...


    • #3
      *pastes witty comeback completely proving ÆNIMA wrong on every single level*

      Isn't my "way of thinking".
      …../|,-‘`¯¯`\(o)_\,----,,,_……… LUEshi is watching j00...
      …( `\(o),,_/` ¯ : o : : :o `-,……


      • #4
        Well I applaud you for your different way of thinking...I should just wish that it were more effective.
        Ну вот...


        • #5
          Originally posted by ÆNIMA
          Well I applaud you for your different way of thinking...I should just wish that it were more effective.
          Wait, did you ignore my post on purpose? I thought I was the jackass here.
          …../|,-‘`¯¯`\(o)_\,----,,,_……… LUEshi is watching j00...
          …( `\(o),,_/` ¯ : o : : :o `-,……


          • #6
            Try harder, and reply quicker.
            Ну вот...


            • #7
              And for those of you who haven't read Hitchhiker's (or in my case heard the radio show), you can pick up your beanie at the door.


              • #8
                you can have more than 1 infinite ammount of something. the number of uninhabitted planets does not have to be finite, and thinking about this makes it all sound very impossible, even the concept of infiniti. i dont know what i think.

                but check it out. what if there were a two dimensional being... like a circle on a piece of paper or something. could the 2d circle imagine a third dimension? probably not.. i dunno, but thats not the most important part. say there was a sphere passing through the circle's two dimensional plane. upon touching the plane, the circle man dude would see only a single point... and as the sphere passes through more and more he sees two dimensional matter being created in front of his 2 dimensional eyes. he would not see an entire circle, just as a human can not see an entire three dimensional object without viewing it from multiple perspectives (u cant see the back of another human unless u walk around and look in other words). so yeah. the matter is being created in circle dude's three dimensional world because he sees 1 specific plane of the sphere passing through at any given point in time. then, when the sphere gets halfway through the plane, and keeps on going, the matter created would start to disappear. do you see what im thinking? im not really sure about anything, its just interesting.

                another thing i found interesting was that hyrdogen is the fuel for all stars in the universe, and if stars have been burning infinitely in the universe... then all of the hydrogen would be completely used up like infinite years ago or whatever, because infiniti is forever so basically THERE WOULD BE NO FUCKIN HYDROGEN. but maybe there is some process that creates hydrogen other than it being brought in from a fourth dimension or whatever. i dunno.
                Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
                apt>yes u can wtf
                apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
                apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
                apt>so i dont miss the toilet
                Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
                apt>ill show you pictures
                apt>next time I masturbate


                • #9
                  well, actually....scientists have a good amount of evidence that shows that the universe is about 14 billion years's not infinitely old

                  but possibly the the matter that has existed is infinetly old, and is constantly expanding and contracting

                  But for the 2d thing, imagine you were on that 2d plane. you can only see what's to the left, right, infront, or behind you (x and y axis) since you're flat on the plane, you can't see the picture from looking to your side, any object you see would be a line, whether you can see if the line's closer or farther away from you, i don't know...but nevertheless you'd see a line, or just a point...if it wwere a point or a line pointed straight at you

                  but ya, i see what you're saying as to how the matter might seem to just appear...taht's an interesting thought

                  did anyone happen to see that 3 hour speal about string theory on PbS? very interesting stuff, and talk about multiple dimensions and what not
                  Ну вот...


                  • #10
                    the number of planets isnt infinite. badabing. even if it would be you would get a number by dividing the inhabited planets trough the uninhabited ones and not 0 since the 2 values have a linear increase. the books are still fun to read tho.

                    and if you would live in a 2d world you would still see if something is further away than something else. however they would call it 2D effect and not 3D effect and it would be the greatest shit in their flat world. those loosers!


                    • #11
                      Say if there were an infinite number of worlds, then there must be an infinite number of inhabited worlds too. You can't just go from infinite to finite. Ofcourse, the chance of a world to be inhabited is very slim, but NOT 1 / inifinity.

                      Also, space indeed is infinite. But we know about just one Big Bang (asssuming this being the correct theory), and the Big Bang emitted a limited amount of energy, meaning that to our knowledge there is no infinite amount of planets.


                      • #12
                        Re: There is no one in this universe...(not an angsty rant)

                        Originally posted by shiftyeyesdogg
                        Population: None.

                        It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there
                        must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number
                        divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so
                        the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be
                        said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the
                        whole Universe is also zero
                        , and that any people you may meet
                        from time to time are merely the products of a deranged
                        This is an assumption ... since world is infinitely big, even if there is infinite amount of space, it is possible there is only 1 world.

                        This is another assumption ... no one could prove either ways

                        This is definitely WRONG! To prove something is right, you have to prove that for every scenario, your case stands. But to prove something is wrong, you need 1 example and that's enough to prove the whole thing wrong. Since I know I exist, it is enough to prove your idea of zero population wrong.
                        Wont die, no surrender 2


                        • #13
                          My last point is the beauty of rigorous mathematical proves. The best theories are the ones that are not intuitive to people when they first came out. But after several hundred years they still stand correct even though hundreds or even thousands of scholars and intellectuals tried to prove them wrong.
                          Wont die, no surrender 2


                          • #14
                            Dude, I just copied and pasted this.

                            But I'm glad it's thought-provoking for some of you.
                            …../|,-‘`¯¯`\(o)_\,----,,,_……… LUEshi is watching j00...
                            …( `\(o),,_/` ¯ : o : : :o `-,……


                            • #15
                              It's not thought provoking. It's just circular logic (and rather flawed at that).

                              And whoever said the universe was infinite? Sure, space is infinite, but the universe of matter and energy that we live in to our current knowledge is not. Therefore, in our universe, there's an finite amount of matter comprising a finite number of worlds, a finite number of which are inhabited. To our current knowledge, the number is one (ourselves).

                              I think whoever came up with that theory was probably a pessimist and had a dim world view searching for a rational explanation to justify disbelief in society.
                              5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
                              5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
                              5:royst> i wish it was calculus

                              1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

                              1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead

