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Hey! Yeah, you! I have to tell you something...

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  • Hey! Yeah, you! I have to tell you something...

    I like you...I've been holding it in for God knows how long, and every day that I look at you I cry because of all the time I've wasted by not being at your side. I'm afraid to talk to you sometimes, because I want you to think the best of me and I fear that I'll say the one wrong thing that will make you avert your gaze and walk away.

    Then I realized that you're a human being just like me! You cry and laugh and hurt and make mistakes...and that was the moment when I realized that I don't want to just impress you, I want to be the one that makes you mad, yet finds you still by my side when I wake up. I want to be the one that makes you laugh and cry, and I want to be the one you go to for warmth. It hurts to feel how much I want to hold you in my arms, and feel your heartbeat against mine.

    You smile and everything bad, everything wrong disappears from my world, and all I want to do is keep that smile on your face. When you're not looking I reach out my hand and hope you'll reach out yours and touch me, then immediately drop it when you turn to look at me. But now I have your eyes on me, and I'm still reaching out, and I'm hoping against hope that you'll grab my hand. I promise I'll do everything in the world to remind you how beautiful I think you are. I vow to make you realize how you make me listen attentively to every word you utter, because anything you say remind me of what a great and benevolent soul you are.


    ZeUS !! Will you let me make you the queen of my world?

    topic.moved? ="yes"
    …../|,-‘`¯¯`\(o)_\,----,,,_……… LUEshi is watching j00...
    …( `\(o),,_/` ¯ : o : : :o `-,……

  • #2
    No, piss off. Useless Crap
    Originally posted by Facetious
    edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


    • #3
      EDIT: Hungoveeeeeer.
      Last edited by ConcreteSchlyrd; 11-05-2003, 11:48 AM.
      Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.

