Anyways. EVERY ANIME fan should definitely watch this. You'll feel like you're watching another anime with a great plot with great characters you'll just love.
Even if you're not an anime fan, watch it. It has a good deal of action and a good deal of drama. Not too much of either and it's deep. I'd compare this movie to "Gladiator" but further east and with an asian's touch. I give it 1384128974123192873 thumbs up if I had that many. But of course this is just a biased review from a person who really loved the movie and it's story. Oh BTW. The story was great too.
p.s. I was able to watch the movie the day before it released because I can. I am the almighty SAMURAI!! MUAHAH Man was I too into that movie, or what?
Anyways. EVERY ANIME fan should definitely watch this. You'll feel like you're watching another anime with a great plot with great characters you'll just love.
Even if you're not an anime fan, watch it. It has a good deal of action and a good deal of drama. Not too much of either and it's deep. I'd compare this movie to "Gladiator" but further east and with an asian's touch. I give it 1384128974123192873 thumbs up if I had that many. But of course this is just a biased review from a person who really loved the movie and it's story. Oh BTW. The story was great too.
p.s. I was able to watch the movie the day before it released because I can. I am the almighty SAMURAI!! MUAHAH Man was I too into that movie, or what?