Originally posted by syzygy
the Allah in Islam and God in various other religions are the same
the Allah in Islam and God in various other religions are the same
If it were the truth, then God would be a fickle liar who manipulates the people against each other.
The fact is that there is One Creator God.. (Judeo-Christian)
.. and mischievous spirits who seek the worship of mortals to confuse and destroy God's children. These spirits, since before the fall of Lucifer have sought to take the place of God.
There was a time, before the Fall and afterwards, when the earth was divided into (70?) regions for ruling (or administering) archangels to govern the affairs of men. Israel is the people that God chose to govern Himself.
Since most of these adminstrators of God have gone bad, God is calling out to all His children around the world to come back to Him.
With mortality, our choices in this temporal life become our testimony as to which side we have chosen to follow. If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
Once everyone is on their perspective sides and God has finished passing His judgment, new governors/administrators will be appointed.