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Why Do People Hate The Usa?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Verthanthi
    Japan- My friend accidently smacked an old guy in the face with a fan. The old man apologized.
    USA- My friend elbowed someone while trying to put his carryon lugage in the overhead compartment. He received a ten minute lecture.

    Japan- My friend's bag was a kg overweight. The check-in lady giggled, put her finger to her lip, and told us to keep it a secret.
    USA- He paid $100 extra and had to wait an extra half an hour at the check-in.

    Japan- We were half an hour away from take off, they brought us to the front of the line.
    USA- Due to the extended wait at check-in, we only had fifteen minutes to get through the security checkpoint and get to our flight. We were yelled at for dawdling and had to go through the line anyway.

    I'm not saying Japan is perfect. They like Jon Bon Jovi. But just about everyone was very very nice to me, which is a lot more than I can say for the US.
    Flip that coin in each situation, save the first one, and you could say that Japan caters to tourists while screwing the public.
    Mr 12 inch wonder


    • #17
      No worries. Sure you Americans may be being stripped of your privacy, constantly suspicious of one another, and having your free speach limited. But soon terrorism will surrender, and then everything will be all better again.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mythrandir

        Perhaps I'm confusing tradition with true nationalism.

        It seems that this is the only true problem you have with America, I would like to see your explanation for what is wrong with just nationalism.
        Mr 12 inch wonder


        • #19

          Long read, but neat.
          LAME -


          • #20
            Lotta people seem to have a problem with our President... and they also seem to think that EVERYONE voted for him, when infact it was the closest election ever and was acctually decided by supreme court justices and not the people (but thats an entirely different discussion all together). Many people seem to be judging the people while their true problem is with the government, and if you read the beginning of my post, its quite clear that half the people weren't happy with the election results. People look at the head of our country and form broad generalizations about the people who elected him (btw I'm not cutting on republicans). My point is don't confuse our people with our politics. If anything... the main problem you should have with Americans is that a great deal of us are either too lazy to vote, or not interested enough to learn about the issues.

            Another thing you must consider is that we have a lot of immigrants living in our country... not just natural born Americans. In fact my high-school is one of the most diverse schools in the country. So while you're talking about Americans you may be talking about some one from your own country. Sure they're not from America but they seem to have no problem living here (no I dont hate immigrants).

            edit: I haven't said the pledge in like 6 or 7 years.
            Mayo Inc. - We should change god's name to "Tod"... see if there's any followers. - Mattey


            • #21
              Very neat indead CoL.
              Mr 12 inch wonder


              • #22
                "The difference is that American strategic judgments sometimes conflict with and override financial interests"

                Yes, so the planned invasion of Iraq is all about ridding the world of the threat of a tirant and once more making it safe for democracy, ecomomic consideration doesn't even play into it.
                There's no place like


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Annux
                  Sorry for the rant, but you're just not being realistic if you can't understand that America has done as much good as it has bad.
                  I'd have to agree.

                  We are a nation that takes action. We possess the abiity to take action on a big scale. Most of the time those who aren't American find flaws in the action that is being taken, no matter what it may be (military/economic), etc. I'm not saying everything my country do is nice and fluffy and will cause lollipops and sunshine to rain down. But hey, it got us where we're at today, didn't it?

                  The bottom line is: WE TAKE ACTION. It's easy to sit back and criticize/analyze the players on the field when you're sitting in your recliner watching it all go down.

                  Do you like your country? Do you like where you live? Would you prefer living there over another country because you've been there most/all of your life? SURPRISE! That's nationalism.

                  We all have our own personal/societal problems. Every country's government is fucked up and wrong in one way or another. Deal.

                  Let the exaggeration and borderline hate mongering continue!


                  • #24
                    That was an interesting read, the first quarter/one-third was. Later on the writer continued on speculations that easily can be argued about.

                    Also, Europe is presented in the article as a unity. But it isn't. It's not like the US, where 40 states are closely united, differentiating in only a few aspects.

                    The EU is a mess, and it's a pain to keep it united. The French and the German are always in conflict. Every country tries to have their little pathetic politicians in the high functions of the EU.

                    The Dutch generally dislike French people. Though they're affectionate towards Belgium (the Dutch part) and Germany.
                    Sweden, Finland, Norwege, Austria, Greece, Spain? Right, they're european countries, but I feel as much related to them as I am related to Mexico or China.

                    Europe is _trying_ to be unity. It's rather peaceful and I won't see any western european country starting a war with another. Just as you don't expect the USA to start a war with Canada.

                    If people ask me if I'm European, I would say: "no, I'm Dutch", and I think most other "Europeans" agree with that, they aren't European, they are German, or French, or Finnish, or whatever.

                    I could go on for hours, but I think you got the point: Europe is a continent, not a country. And I think that's what the article is mistaken on: it bases everything on EU's point of view. And indeed, the EU is a bunch of idealists. But take every country in Europe apart, and you would get a whole different picture.

                    Don't get me wrong. I like Europe to be united, but it's a lie to say it is united right now, it's half-way.


                    • #25
                      Also, in reply to PJ.
                      I just wanted to put some counterweight to tCK's "why do you hate us, we don't do anything wrong!!!@123" topic.

                      In fact, my opinion is that every act of every country is out of self-interest. I don't believe that a country does charity, everything a country does benefits it in one way or another.


                      • #26
                        Agreed fully.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Mythrandir

                          B. You need to be damn rich and/or have the support of companies to greatly increase your chance to be elected.

                          Bush most certainly isn't rich, infact he may well still be up to his ass in debt due to the financing of his election campaign.
                          There's no place like


                          • #28
                            I had originally spent 35 minutes writing an educated and informed piece concerning ignorance among people in all nations. My computer then crashed, windows xp, die. This post will be slightly less informed, and slightly more bitter.


                            I think it is absoultely ridiculous when people tell me they hate the United States. There never seems to be a viable reason as to why. Some people choose the path of "during World War II you destroyed Germany's economy, and more importantly its livlihood by dropping thousands of bombs on it, it was overkill, and you Americans should be held accountable for the horrendous damages that occured." To this I say: "it is completely ignorant for you to hold the 97% of Americans alive today who had nothing to do with World War II or the decisions made during that chaotic period, just like it is absolutely ridiculous for any person of color to hold people who are white today accountable for the horrible injustices done to their people 400+ years ago." Most of the people then respond with "Well Americans seem to hold all German's accountable for the horrible injustices that were done to the people of the Jewish faith during the World War II era." That is completely ridiciulous. I say that any American who holds the vast Majority of Germans responsible for the genocide that took place is an ignorant fool, and should be educated better. I know from experience that our school systems are not set up to make Americans anti-German in any way. However, although it sucks, because I believe in acceptance of all views of politics, our school systems are set up to try and teach the kids that democracy is the best form of government, and the only acceptable form of government, and that capitalism is the best and only acceptable form of economy. But can you honestly blame it for being set up that way? After all, public education is mandated by people who are players is the game of politics, and making money, albeit way too much, off our capitalistic economy. So of course that is going to be the way it is set up, however, if someone thinks that all americans are in favor of these ideals, I would have to immediately declare them a moron and try my hardest to set them straight. That is just not the way it is. I do think America has exploited many people, and many nations, and I am disgusted by that fact. Our so called democracy won't allow people who are homosexual to be legally wed in all states but Vermont, and our so called virtuous government goes into Africa, rapes the land, and leaves hundreds and thousands of people starving to death. I don't like those aspects of our society. But to hate America for those facts, just doesn't add up. Every single nation on this earth, as Mythrandir so intelligently stated, does things in its own interest. But that is human nature, and just because your country's crimes don't get as published and exploited as mine, doesn't mean my country is worse. Read, listen, and ultimately learn that your country has just as many ghosts in its closet as ours does. As for those players who I am going to group together by age, because it seems to be these people who do it the most, ages 12-17 from other countries who hate America, and don't know why, but were told to by their parents. I urge you to go out and learn about your country's history and then compare it to that of America's you will eventually see that it isn't as half or even a quarter as awful as you think it is. Now, I know some of you think I am a dipshit, and it is true, I am, but I emplore you to go learn, become educated about the past, the present, and think about the future, and understand that America, albeit over bearing and sometimes ridiculous, isn't that awful, and anyone who thinks that it is better be willing to provide more negatives about America than I can provide positives. Ultimately you will see that this country really isn't that bad, and hopefully you will change your views about it. On the same note, I emplore all americans who think that any other country is inherently evil, to go and study it, not just the politics or the economics, but the culture and the people. I am not claiming I am more educated than anyone, I am not. A lot of you people I strongly believe are very intelligent. That is why I am saying all of this. Because you people can change things. I am not kidding. It is ok to have pride in your country and think it is great, but it is not ok to tell anyone that their country is awful or horrible or even evil. I think that one of the worst things in our country's history was when George W. Bush claimed certain countries to be members of the axis of evil. Please don't think all of us believe that, remember, more people voted for Gore than for Bush, and if you count Buchannan and Nader, the liberals vastly outnumbered the conservative votes.

                            That sounded so much like a middle school lecture. I am sorry for the length and the typos that may have occurred. Please feel free to rail on me, I like criticism.
                            2: DaNuMbA1OrGaZmO> virginia is where all faggots are from that wear a condum

                            Overwhelm> Maisoul used to be a loser
                            Overwhelm> then he joined paladen and became leet ;)


                            • #29
                              I think its incredibly hysterical when Euros dare to critisize the actions of United States in the past. Anyone clue me in to who's been responsible for all global conflicts, world wars, and power trips in the history of the 21st century? Here's a hint, starts with an "E", ends with an, "E."


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by arrogance
                                No worries. Sure you Americans may be being stripped of your privacy, constantly suspicious of one another, and having your free speach limited. But soon terrorism will surrender, and then everything will be all better again.
                                I can't even begin to comprehend that? I live in New York, 40 minutes away from Ground Zero, and I can honestly say I have never been suspicious of any of my neighbors, my privacy has never been stripped, and I have been able to express myself in ways you can't imagine.

                                Things here are fine, in regarding to the political state of my environment. If, anything, the Economy could use a boost. And it will only get better when the War on Terrorism comes to a conclusion.

