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Why Do People Hate The Usa?

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  • #91
    getting in a fight over the internet is just like the special olympics... even if u win your still retarted
    -good cheese-


    • #92
      Originally posted by Bioture

      Tell the lazy 350 million Americans to get off their fat asses


      Originally posted by Bioture
      This thread is bringing up some newfound hatred i have for america that never previously existed.


      Personal Information: Bioture

      Birthday June 9, 1983

      Squad No Surrender

      Biography Yes i stole Chinostyla;s name for my aim screename. GG

      Location PennState University

      Interests Sex

      Occupation Escort

      Man, you are the ultimate dirtbag.


      • #93
        Go Nittany Lions!


        • #94
          Originally posted by Yoshiba
          i live in america, so rock on mutha fucka.
          // cool //


          • #95
            2: DaNuMbA1OrGaZmO> virginia is where all faggots are from that wear a condum

            Overwhelm> Maisoul used to be a loser
            Overwhelm> then he joined paladen and became leet ;)


            • #96
              Originally posted by Pearl Jam
              Go Nittany Lions!
              The turtle would pwn any nittany lion.
              Mr 12 inch wonder


              • #97
                Ah interesting topic, a topic which I've participated in endless arguments in my years of Subspace. For the record, I'm Canadian.

                I love analogies, so to answer the original question, why do people hate America? Well for the same reason people hate Light. Light perfect record in all 3 leagues. America dominates the world in terms of military, economic and political power. Light has nice people and some really big asses who shove it to everyone with their egos and pointless trash talk. America, same deal. If recruited to join, many people would jump at the chance to join Light. Many people want to immigrate to America.

                But why don't we delve deeper into this topic? Many people don't like America (and "Americans" by extension as a general term, but not on a specific person basis) because Americans love to gloat. In general Americans feel that the world should bend to their will. Any realization of American foreign policy will show such facts. A very good example would of been when my brother went to Europe once. He was boarding a ferry just leaving. Some people were late and they were waiting for the next one. Then two Americans run up to the ship and were yelling at the ship to stop specifically for them. When the ship did not stop, they yelled even harder, obviously waiting for the world to bend to their will. While this is just a specific example, this is in general what the rest of the world THINKS of Americans. Whether this is true in the absolute sense or not does not matter, was the original question was one of perception not of true reality.

                How about going further? As with all great powers, be they in Subspace or real life, America is eager to list all of its accomplishments. I've spoken to many Americans within this game, some squaddies included who genuinely think that America is the only free country in the world with the 'most democratic' government and in fact invented democracy itself. When asked for an example of why it is so good, these people usually point towards the fact that America has a lot of immigrants (in fact Canada has more immigrants per capita, and unlike most Americans we like our immigrants and don't think they come and steal all our jobs, yet another view these Americans I talk to seem to always take).

                Let's go even further. You get to the more educated Americans who use long arguments and so on such as our friend Annux. While he is quick to point out many facts about America, things which are basically along the theme of "Hitler would be ruling Europe if it wasn't for America, so thanks us forever fools!", he's forgotten about everything that America has done wrong. There's another thing which bugs people. Americans are always rapt to point out everything they do right, but never point out things they do wrong unless there's a "but it all ended up good" attached to it.

                Remember how America declared war on British North America (aka Canada) back in 1812? How about America taking over large tracts of Mexico (such as California and Texas) to fulfill their manifest destiny? All forgotten.

                How about American supporting Saddam Hussein and proping him up. Supporting Afgan rebels. Supporting Motubu (sp?) in Congo as a dictator who killed MILLIONS of his own people for over 40 years. All these things have been forgotten and in fact if brought up, are either denied or given a crappy explaination that America knew best anyway.

                But that's not all. The American motto could be best summed up as "shoot first, ask questions later". That's really the basis of protecting the 2nd amendment in modern day isn't it? I mean the king of England isn't about to come up anytime soon, and besides Jefferson's dream of a citizen militia has been replaced by the greatest military power the world has ever seen. So why let people have guns? Hunting sure, but most people would say "if a robber comes in your house, you can shoot them before they shoot you". Perfect example of arrogance and ignorance. Most gun fatalities occur in the home, and between family members, usually children and usually by accident. But I'm fine with Americans killing themselves. What's really annoying is when these practices go forth into affecting the world.

                America produces 25% of the world's CO2 emissions. Yet they do nothing to curb global warming. In fact the president even denys it's existance when almost every scientist worth anything would argue differently. How about the world war crimes tribunal? After a ton of amendments made specifically to protect citizens of democratic countries (many of which America asked for itself), America backs out. A careful search will reveal many times where American does not like to play by the world's rules. Hell it doesn't even like to play by the rules it sets itself. On one hand America asks for other countries to stop farm subsidies, then a few months ago, Bush signs a $300 billion bill for farm subsidies, which will certainly cripple many Canadian farmers and farmers from 3rd world countries which create the same products (which America proports to care about).

                In the end though the list of follies America does might be balanced with the list of good it does to the world. The end result is that Americans like to think of themselves (and endlessly remind absolutely EVERYONE ELSE) that for whatever reason they are single handedly saving humanity from the evils of the world. That their democracy is holding up the Earth, and that them alone care about people enough to act on it. But the fact is America has again and again ignored the plights of other people when it does not directly suit their economic or political interests. It's like a man who proports to give money to all the poor, but only gives to those sitting on his porch and ignores the rest. Yet that man tells everyone he knows that he is the most generous one alive, when all know that not to be true. That is what really annoys everyone.

                So Americans, if you really don't want people to hate you, or if you really don't understand why people hate you, perhaps you should look at yourselves. The endless gloating does you no good in the eyes of everyone else. And unless that stops, the attitude of everyone else will not change.

                P.S. It annoyed me greatly that Canada was not mentioned for a very long time after 9/11, when it was Canada that let all American flights land in our airports. When we gave blood to America in record numbers. And then when America killed 4 of our soldiers, the president himself did not even acknowledge it for quite a while. Things like this tend to piss off people who are helping you.

                P.P.S. I think a lot of Americans are great people, I have American relatives and American friends. But I am explaining why people don't like you as the question asked. So no need to flame:P
                Last edited by Epinephrine; 08-28-2002, 09:42 PM.
                Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                My anime blog:


                • #98
                  OMg.. GJ Epinephrine

                  hey Epinephrine

                  I'm Canadian too and I believe in every word of what u just said

                  GJ.... plus my parents actually gave blood to the 9/11 cause and it did piss me off how late that America acknowledged what we Canadians did..

                  I will help anyone in need of trouble.. Because one day I might just need a favour from you guys



                  • #99
                    I tend to just live my life rather than constantly worry/anger myself over what my neighbors might be doing/have done.

                    I suggest you all do the same. Good lord.


                    • Re: OMg.. GJ Epinephrine

                      Originally posted by Syko(man)
                      hey Epinephrine

                      I'm Canadian too and I believe in every word of what u just said

                      GJ.... plus my parents actually gave blood to the 9/11 cause and it did piss me off how late that America acknowledged what we Canadians did..

                      Epine and syko, acknowledged? You have got to be kidding me, acknowledgment comes after everything is cleared up, and even so, I remember watching the news for days in and days out, waiting to see if my bro was still alive, so I know when I say this it is true: They mentioned canada 3 days after it happened. If you can't accept that, that's just pure stupidity, 3000 people died yo, my goodness.
                      I fucking own you in the warbird, shut the fuck up.


                      • No Ruby. Every other country in the world was acknowledged for giving their condolences to it. Canada meanwhile wasn't even mentioned. Three days later Canada had a national day of mourning where over 100,000 people turned up on our capital. Meanwhile in America they kept thanking the British for their phone calls. Don't you think that's a slight? Completely forgetting your closest ally and friend?

                        Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                        My anime blog:


                        • Any canadian that actually was annoyed by not getting mentioned reminds me of that kid in grade school who tries so hard to be cool but never gets noticed by the cool kids.


                          • Originally posted by Epinephrine
                            Ah interesting topic, a topic which I've participated in endless arguments in my years of Subspace. For the record, I'm Canadian.

                            I love analogies, so to answer the original question, why do people hate America? Well for the same reason people hate Light. Light perfect record in all 3 leagues. America dominates the world in terms of military, economic and political power. Light has nice people and some really big asses who shove it to everyone with their egos and pointless trash talk. America, same deal. If recruited to join, many people would jump at the chance to join Light. Many people want to immigrate to America.

                            But why don't we delve deeper into this topic? Many people don't like America (and "Americans" by extension as a general term, but not on a specific person basis) because Americans love to gloat. In general Americans feel that the world should bend to their will. Any realization of American foreign policy will show such facts. A very good example would of been when my brother went to Europe once. He was boarding a ferry just leaving. Some people were late and they were waiting for the next one. Then two Americans run up to the ship and were yelling at the ship to stop specifically for them. When the ship did not stop, they yelled even harder, obviously waiting for the world to bend to their will. While this is just a specific example, this is in general what the rest of the world THINKS of Americans. Whether this is true in the absolute sense or not does not matter, was the original question was one of perception not of true reality.

                            How about going further? As with all great powers, be they in Subspace or real life, America is eager to list all of its accomplishments. I've spoken to many Americans within this game, some squaddies included who genuinely think that America is the only free country in the world with the 'most democratic' government and in fact invented democracy itself. When asked for an example of why it is so good, these people usually point towards the fact that America has a lot of immigrants (in fact Canada has more immigrants per capita, and unlike most Americans we like our immigrants and don't think they come and steal all our jobs, yet another view these Americans I talk to seem to always take).

                            Let's go even further. You get to the more educated Americans who use long arguments and so on such as our friend Annux. While he is quick to point out many facts about America, things which are basically along the theme of "Hitler would be ruling Europe if it wasn't for America, so thanks us forever fools!", he's forgotten about everything that America has done wrong. There's another thing which bugs people. Americans are always rapt to point out everything they do right, but never point out things they do wrong unless there's a "but it all ended up good" attached to it.

                            Remember how America declared war on British North America (aka Canada) back in 1812? How about America taking over large tracts of Mexico (such as California and Texas) to fulfill their manifest destiny? All forgotten.

                            How about American supporting Saddam Hussein and proping him up. Supporting Afgan rebels. Supporting Motubu (sp?) in Congo as a dictator who killed MILLIONS of his own people for over 40 years. All these things have been forgotten and in fact if brought up, are either denied or given a crappy explaination that America knew best anyway.

                            But that's not all. The American motto could be best summed up as "shoot first, ask questions later". That's really the basis of protecting the 2nd amendment in modern day isn't it? I mean the king of England isn't about to come up anytime soon, and besides Jefferson's dream of a citizen militia has been replaced by the greatest military power the world has ever seen. So why let people have guns? Hunting sure, but most people would say "if a robber comes in your house, you can shoot them before they shoot you". Perfect example of arrogance and ignorance. Most gun fatalities occur in the home, and between family members, usually children and usually by accident. But I'm fine with Americans killing themselves. What's really annoying is when these practices go forth into affecting the world.

                            America produces 25% of the world's CO2 emissions. Yet they do nothing to curb global warming. In fact the president even denys it's existance when almost every scientist worth anything would argue differently. How about the world war crimes tribunal? After a ton of amendments made specifically to protect citizens of democratic countries (many of which America asked for itself), America backs out. A careful search will reveal many times where American does not like to play by the world's rules. Hell it doesn't even like to play by the rules it sets itself. On one hand America asks for other countries to stop farm subsidies, then a few months ago, Bush signs a $300 billion bill for farm subsidies, which will certainly cripple many Canadian farmers and farmers from 3rd world countries which create the same products (which America proports to care about).

                            In the end though the list of follies America does might be balanced with the list of good it does to the world. The end result is that Americans like to think of themselves (and endlessly remind absolutely EVERYONE ELSE) that for whatever reason they are single handedly saving humanity from the evils of the world. That their democracy is holding up the Earth, and that them alone care about people enough to act on it. But the fact is America has again and again ignored the plights of other people when it does not directly suit their economic or political interests. It's like a man who proports to give money to all the poor, but only gives to those sitting on his porch and ignores the rest. Yet that man tells everyone he knows that he is the most generous one alive, when all know that not to be true. That is what really annoys everyone.

                            So Americans, if you really don't want people to hate you, or if you really don't understand why people hate you, perhaps you should look at yourselves. The endless gloating does you no good in the eyes of everyone else. And unless that stops, the attitude of everyone else will not change.

                            P.S. It annoyed me greatly that Canada was not mentioned for a very long time after 9/11, when it was Canada that let all American flights land in our airports. When we gave blood to America in record numbers. And then when America killed 4 of our soldiers, the president himself did not even acknowledge it for quite a while. Things like this tend to piss off people who are helping you.

                            P.P.S. I think a lot of Americans are great people, I have American relatives and American friends. But I am explaining why people don't like you as the question asked. So no need to flame:P
                            Originally posted by Epinephrine
                            Completely forgetting your closest ally and friend?
                            I couldn't fit all the quotes with Canadians sharing what they think is wrong with America and why they dislike it.

                            Then I read that second quote, and I smirked.


                            • eh
                              Last edited by Jiu_Jitsu; 01-30-2003, 11:35 PM.
                              "Can u tell me why I am called noob because I play Trench Wars?
                              I am full of that S**T!

                              Long life for TW!!!!" ~ Agnium


                              • Americans are sterotyped as people who think that others are inferior... that's why we are so hated by a lot of the world.

                                Then again, it is still only a stereotype. And as an American, i do believe we've done as much good as bad for the world. Our views and actions are skewed at times, but the USA is generally a good nation. Not a perfect one, but a good one.

                                And thank you Canada for letting our planes land in your country.

