Whether it be your favorite band (PJ), your favorite body part (Face), or your last name (Mattey), divulge the info.
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Why did you choose your name?
Why dont you take a wild guess about mine.
i was originally known as leezilla as it was a sort of...squad thing, then that dissolved and I changed my name to evitts which was named after my real name which in all honesty I forgot about it a while ago, liek my actual real identity was 'Disliked'
Then I joined a squad called Urza where you had to have angel at the end of your name, fallen angel was taken so I choose fa11en_angel (after an IRC nick that a mate used) Then i joined britihs squad under that name and things occured inside brits togethor wiv a depressive period I created the name Disliked.Last edited by Superted; 08-29-2002, 09:27 PM.
I started under "x draven x" when my buddy Vindicate showed me the game (I think he was on EliteWingz) Anyways, after screwing throguh a bunch of names I came to Kookei Vulcher, which was my sad attempt at humour. Vulture Vulcher...anyways, The Kookie part was for a bud of mine (who doesn't play ss) So then i became Kookie <EZ>, Kookie_ and finally Kookie!. Then I joiend Task and Delectable gave me Rift, which I later gave away. Well I hate symbols and all so i started name trading and got Effective from destroy, before joining my next squad, Implosive. On implosive i gave Rift (and hear it's been movign from person to person a lot). I left Implo fairly quickly and eventually met syc0tik (Jason) I then traded Defective for Nickname and used Nickname until the pw got hacked and the name stolen. I then bounced aroudn on a lot of names (Badlands, Nietzchean, Agitate + more) until I was bored and went ?squad Nickname. It was finally squadjoiend to something (Flawed, owned by, you guessed it, Defective) So I freaked (this is abotu a year between having Nickname, I left Syc0tik a message beging like a little girl to get the name back (I expected him to say no, or want somethign for it) He gave it back, free of charge (even thoguh he had to trade to get it) and I have been using it ever since. Oh and the guy who owns the name Kookie is finally back from inactive (as of Aug 14th) So I plan on gettign that name.
Moral of the story, Not everyone in SS is gay.
Oh and I use Nickname because I enjoy plain bland names. I have the name "Player 1" Which I use regularily enough for the same reason.The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.
Originally posted by Richard CreagerAll space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.
Face is actually short for Facetious and he started using it because he lost the password to Facetious or something.
I chose my name because French is the language of love and I love all of the people of the world. Especially Yoshiba.I have stopped swimming in the rock pools a few days ago. Now instead of 40 minutes swimming, I substitute it with 40 minutes power walk - usually on the beaches or around the cliffs. Nothing beats burning the fat in the cold wind. Colon minus pee.
Shade's Children is the name of a book. It's pretty good, though its audience is really middle schoolers. Has a really cool cover. However, I am only one person, so I dropped the plural.
Verthanthi is a Norse Goddess. Actually, it may be Verthandi or Verdandi. I've seen it spelt all three ways, and I liked Verthanthi best. I saw the name in something I was reading, I beleive Saga of the Volsungs, and was all "ooou oouuu pretty. MINE!" and went and registered the name.
Mootland Farmer:
There is a table top game called Warhammer. In the map of the Warhammer world there is a small place called "The Moot" In the moot the race called Halflings. Most of these Halflings are farmers, because a every Halfling enjoys good tasty food. (but some are mercenaries too!). So hence my name, Mootland Farmer."What is it? Um . . . what do you want it to be?" ?€”Juzba, Izzet tinker- Shark
- Dicer
- Sager
- Trench Wars Map Uploader
I am in college and was goign through some chemistrys at the time that i started playing this game. And i needed a really bad-ass name that wouldnt make me look like a newb. so i thouht the ideal gas law is so cool. i should be that. and henceforth i became pv=nrt
p.s. in other online games i went by spyder but it was already taken when i tried to play on ss
p.s.s the cool name thing didn't work. i am still a newb.To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart
Originally posted by Latrine
Face is actually short for Facetious and he started using it because he lost the password to Facetious or something.
I was about 12 I think when all my friends had cool nicks and I was still using my firstname, Bram. So I thought, damn I need to get a cool name (puberty), so I first created, The Bram, that of course looks awful so I switched to Tha Bram, which looked even more idioticly, then I went to Da Bram and then DaBram->Dabram.
Then when I started playing subspace I created the nick Dabram, and 3 years later I still hate it but since 'everyone' knows me with this nick I can't really change it anymore, tho I got some nice aliases, Deftone, Agios Nikolaos (which just sound fucking elite, admit it.), Scrotum and Rose (<3 Roxy).