However, I have a bigger problem, being an atheist for 9 years, most of it during my teenage years I've become a little addicted to masterbation. I've tried to stop and even asked God to help but I'm unable to resist the temptation and it's driving me insane with grief.
Originally posted by concealed
when i was on incuria i took 40 mgs of adderol like an hour before every match. didnt help me that much :X
The only TWOTIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.
Originally posted by Richard Creager
All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.
i started as k3m, stealing the a2m, my brother. K stood for kevin, 3 cause im the the 3rd kid in my family, and m for mulcahy. then, i had a bunch of gay ass Dragon ball z names, but i got bored of those. so finally, i came up with k3vin, which is just kevin with a 3 for an E
Letsee, it began in 1998 when I wanted to play some chess on and needed a name. I had the game "Bioforge" cd case next to me and I took the "Bio" part and combined it with the rating of the game, "mature" thus, "Bioture" was created. Still use this name today
TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
TelCat> hoes get paid :(
TelCat> i dont
started off with Verbal cause that's been my nickname since I was 12, then went to Lagavulin which is my favourite whiskey, then picked King G for no reason, then picked this one for no apparant reason, I sometimes create new names for no apparant reason other than it just appeared in my head, like Stumpy the Chicken
As I started my big thing was still about my favorite deck from ZERO called the American Zero, after trying to log in with the name with no success, I decided to shorten it to AZERO, I played on it for a day or two before fleeing from it because I saw the zone message about abusing ?cheater, and out of curiosity I hit it and then thought It enabled cheats or something and since it displayed in what seemed pub chat, I thought everyone saw it.
So, out of shame I fled from the zone until I came up with a new name. I was talking to some friends on AIM and one of them was Richard, I thought the name had a nice sound to it, then I was reading transworld and Ronnie Creager was busting out some tech stuff in a Blind advertisement, I thought Creager had a nice sound as well. So, I decided to put them together and play from there. I stuck with it because some time later Ice Dawg recruited me to DiSeAsEd which collapsed shortly afterward, I followed Ice to BioTeX and stuck with this name because I was on a squad with it, and here we are.
I started as Mayo3000 a cross between my last name Mayo and one of my favorite rappers Andre from the group OutKast had started to call himself Andre3000 so i followed suit for my first SS name.. i made MayoNaze but it never stuck and i used 3000 for a while until i took a little break. During my break I reformatted my comp and lost my SS passwords so i lost 3000 but I remember making the squad name Mayo Inc. and i thought t sounded like a cool name so I now use it.
Also Epi made fun of 3000 because it had numbers...
I also have the name Capitalism which I hope to switch to one day.
Mayo Inc. - We should change god's name to "Tod"... see if there's any followers. - Mattey