http://star.ilikepop.com/starhome/boa/index.asp? <-- Website
The song playing in the background is Rock With You (korean version)
Here are some music videos that you guys can grab and get a jist of what she does. Her full name is Kwon Bo Ah. She's a great singer, and even better dancer. She has english, korean, and japanese songs (wow). Her reputation as being the most popular korean female artist did not come without her hardwork and dedication to her works. Her japan success was just as good as in south korea, but Ayumi Hamasaki currently reigns as pop queen as of yet, so there is no way to overthrow that. BoA has won several awards from KMA (korean music awards), billboards, and MTV as well.
Song: Atlantis Princess (performance)
Song: Listen to my Heart (MV)
Song: Jewel Song (MV)
Song: ID;Peace B (MV)
---------All vids complements of Solid07-------------
Why I'm doing this? No one knows enough about asian music, and she happens to be one of the most famous ones out there. She is mainstream though, I might put up some urban or rock artists later.