It's the return of that insatiable inmate from Candystripe land! That's right, Waldo's back in the mix and there's a bounty on his head! To the victor go a flock of pelicans and a year's supply of bird seed! Everybody and their dog will be out to claim that reward, who will emerge victorious?! Be there, saturday, 3PM EST to find out!
EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! There's fighting off on the Western Front! Armies from all over the world have emerged over night and are fighting it out for domination and survival! Your country needs you! Enlist in the army today and choose your team! Avoid the conscription! Be a good citizen! Your services are needed, sunday, 3PM EST!
Draft Tournament Schedule is posted here:
EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! There's fighting off on the Western Front! Armies from all over the world have emerged over night and are fighting it out for domination and survival! Your country needs you! Enlist in the army today and choose your team! Avoid the conscription! Be a good citizen! Your services are needed, sunday, 3PM EST!
Draft Tournament Schedule is posted here: