UPDATED: put ave hours per day too ! lol
Useless fact about your life:
How much you've been on-line since you started playing Continuum.
here's an example:
My names: Ara + AraGee
Total Usage: 4701 hours
Total Usage: 1230 hours
First played: 10-30-1999 12:58:33
I've started playing subspace year '97 but in a different billing zone, not SSC.
But I'll demonstrate with the numbers I have in SSC.
Ok my total usage for these names is 5931 hours.
And I've been playing in SSC since 30th October 1999.
To ease the process I've made a little javascript for counting the funny facts.
visit it here: www10.brinkster.com/scrotals/index.html
I got 15% and 22%! lolz and 3.7 hours per day O_o

Useless fact about your life:
How much you've been on-line since you started playing Continuum.
here's an example:
My names: Ara + AraGee
Total Usage: 4701 hours
Total Usage: 1230 hours
First played: 10-30-1999 12:58:33
I've started playing subspace year '97 but in a different billing zone, not SSC.
But I'll demonstrate with the numbers I have in SSC.
Ok my total usage for these names is 5931 hours.
And I've been playing in SSC since 30th October 1999.
To ease the process I've made a little javascript for counting the funny facts.
visit it here: www10.brinkster.com/scrotals/index.html
I got 15% and 22%! lolz and 3.7 hours per day O_o