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put go base setting in pub

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  • put go base setting in pub

    random damage is now really annoying, lancasters still need fixing.. and i guess there are a couple other things.

    also limit the number of terrs in pure pub. recently i have been getting PM's asking me to "midbase terr" or something.. this consists of you getting in a terr and runnning around midbase dropping bursts all over and flooding it with bullets. its extremely annoying and lame, as well as roof terring.. so a limit of 2 terrs per freq would fix the problem i'd say.
    Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
    apt>yes u can wtf
    apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
    apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
    apt>so i dont miss the toilet
    Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
    apt>ill show you pictures
    apt>next time I masturbate

  • #2
    and no weasels.
    No spectate mode, because you get 10-15 people speccing. which sucks.
    Also only 2 freqs allowed, no priv freqs.
    I would say 2 terrs, 2 javs and 3 sharks max per freq. then unlimited spids. maybe a WB or a lancaster, but those are no fun.

    This way the arena would be much more fun for "Pure" basers.


    • #3
      Originally posted by andrewabcd
      and no weasels.
      No spectate mode, because you get 10-15 people speccing. which sucks.
      Also only 2 freqs allowed, no priv freqs.
      I would say 2 terrs, 2 javs and 3 sharks max per freq. then unlimited spids. maybe a WB or a lancaster, but those are no fun.

      This way the arena would be much more fun for "Pure" basers.
      help: (how do i shot) (Public 0): how do i travel diagonally? i only have up, down, left and right keys.

      4:PinkSTAR <ER>> ask DP he knows me inside and out


      • #4
        Good idea in theory, but can you imagine the whining going on if the players of the limited ships were noobs?
        G[y]Ro> omfg
        G[y]Ro> u nerds
        G[y]Ro> NERDS
        G[y]Ro> ALL OF U


        • #5
          ya and bot which check teams and wont let freq hopping. must wait something like 5 min before freq hop. or more. and then automatically starting time race to 10. and limit for javs=2 limits for sharks = 2 limits for wbs=2 limits for ters =1 or 2. make some tip screens around arena which shows how to play and how to keep flag room.


          • #6
            pub is where players can choose to play whatever ship they like (-lev in pure pub)

            only thing that needs changin gis maybe 2 freqs and no roof holes.

            edit: err, 2 freqs in the pure pub*
            Last edited by NaiLed; 04-09-2004, 02:55 PM.


            • #7
              You should have free range to pick whatever fighter you want. (Wb, Jav, Spid, Lanc)


              • #8
                this topic is about getting the random damage taken away and lancs fixed.. not limitting javs and sharks. i really dont even think limiting the javs is the best way to solve the tk problem. a bot that specced you for tking 2 or 3 times would be better. i am also saying limit terrs, a freq does not need more than 2.
                Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
                apt>yes u can wtf
                apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
                apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
                apt>so i dont miss the toilet
                Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
                apt>ill show you pictures
                apt>next time I masturbate


                • #9
                  A freq also doesn't need more than 2 sharks, and I'd rather have too many terrs than too many sharks.


                  • #10
                    You should have free range to pick whatever fighter you want. (Wb, Jav, Spid, Lanc)
                    Exactly, if they want ?go base settings then goto ?go base or have ?go base2.

                    I would totally detest the idea of not having the freedom to pick what ship I want. When I base I love to use Warbird only, some of you may think warbirds are boring, but I love'em.

                    However, within this thread there is many other good ideas (minus shiptype limits).

                    -2 sharks (more than 2 is useless like Troll King said a year ago)
                    -1 or 2 terriers
                    -3-4 Javs are good, not like 6-7 of them way too many shrapnel flying around, and on top of it like 3-4 burts going off every minute.

                    I say they put a limit on # of javs, yeah that is really annoying when 10-20 bombs clutter mid-base.. real lame.. yeah sit (camp) in the flagroom and do your fancy trick angle shot...

                    I agree 4-5 lame terriers flying around with their bursts...

                    But those Jav bombs with max shrapnel are killer in mid-base.

                    About the freqs; non-priv freqs, no freq hopping... good!

                    Less spectators, totally reduce it!! Like if a player sits in spec for 5mins, disconnect them.

                    Yesterday I was on a freq with only 5 players and the opposing main freq had 10 players. I counted 6 in spec, and then you have a ROOFER Priv freq of 5-6 players. I said to hell with the basing, and then just did my lame thing flying around in open space and looking for some challenging wb duels.

                    Ohya the amount of eats and duds I seen was insane....


                    • #11
                      I think the idea would only be for pub 0 and not for all pubs.


                      • #12
                        Adding Ship Limits to every Public Arena is like Shooting TW in the face.
                        If you're talking about Pure Pub, Well.. that's still just a public arena,
                        no way to change the settings for it, without changing for all,
                        and I don't think ship limits are a good idea in Pure Pub even.
                        2 Freqs Max in Pure Pub is a good idea though. The reason ship limits
                        would be a bad idea, is that since you aren't picking people to put in
                        certain ships like in ?go base, then you're going to get way too many
                        8 year olds sitting in a jav or a shark, and doing whatever -other- than
                        basing, simply so they can say "ha.. ha.. neener neener I got one of
                        the only <shipname>" and refuse to give it up, blah blah blah. Children
                        are petty, after all.

                        Once again though, Troll King hits the mark. It's frustrating as all get
                        out, when you're sharking and people see you get lots of kills from mines,
                        so 3 more sharks appear, and start laying bloody mines wherever, and
                        then won't listen when you say "Please stop laying mines in the flagroom"
                        I'd rather have 8 terriers than that mess. =P
                        "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

                        Reinstate Me.


                        • #13
                          -Spectator mode for staffers is needed (to watch teamkillers etc.)
                          -Limiting ship the Terrier to ie. 2 could possibly suck, they could be taken by a two random newbies not knowing what to do with it.

                          Originally Posted by HeavenSent
                          You won't have to wait another 4 years.
                          There wont be another election for president.
                          Obama is the Omega President.


                          • #14
                            Throwing the .?go base lancaster settings into the pub 0 would be nice. There would be (I think) more people using the lancaster, and less people using the jav
                            A little bit of Trench Wars in your life
                            My space


                            • #15
                              pure base settings in pub still wouldn't be ballanced simply becuae its never 8vs8. The effect of mines and and bombs is alot more when base is so saturated with ships it's hard to miss *something*
                              SIGNATURE PROTEST: KEEP THE SHORT FFS

