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Suggestion for ?go base

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Kolar
    Sigh... Zerz you're missing the point of this forum. This isn't where we shoot down ideas and call people idiots. It's an idea, an odd one at that. If you're taking this personally because you do have bot powers on Matchbotr4 then really piss off, this is 'Suggestion for ?go base' and it looks like a decent idea for cleaning it up. I have no problem with staffers or their picking caps, most of them do good, some don't. I'm not trying to single any of them out, this is purely to enhance the game.

    Now when you pick people randomly without caring like when people spam cap in team chat, you don't get even caps, games and you get uncaring caps who just screw up the game intentionally. Those people shouldn't cap.
    I am not calling anyone an idiot. I just call your idea and reasoning stupid. It's ?go base, it's not squadbased. You can't expect it to be even, no matter what you do, without ruining the gameplay.
    If you want people to put effort in a ratingsystem that, as you present it, is full of flaws, I call it stupid.
    There is now already a problem with people willing to captain at certain times, that will be worse if people have to keep some sort of rating up to keep a chance of capping.
    Imagine this; it's late at night, and there is almost only new people. Anyone that can capt will say: No sorry I won't cap now, there is too many newbies, it will ruin my rating if I lose.
    You ate some priest porridge

