That, give or take a second, is how long I've been a player of Trench Wars across my various nicks and, for well over 5 years of that, Captain of British Squad. As some of you may know I recently stood down and entrusted Sol ^ with squad leadership, and now I make this post to announce - in the unlikely event anyone cares - that I'm leaving SS altogether. I'll try not to make this long-winded but before I leave there are one or two things I want to say, and a few people I wish to mention.
Part of my reason for leaving is that there are other things to take my attention, both on the net and in RL. In between that and my recently acquired new job, I simply no longer have the time or inclination to spend in SS to get any decent enjoyment out of it. The other part is the fact that Trench Wars has moved out of being a small player-run zone as it started out at, and has turned into a huge community that is one of the cornerstones of Subspace as a whole. I heartily congratulate Priitk, DoCk> and the rest of upper staff for developing the zone into what it has become. But for me, there's none of the coziness that there was when it had a weekend population of 100 or so. The spark has gone, and it's been gone for some months now - and it doesn't look like it'll be back.
While I'm vaguely on the subject of staff - in the ridiculously small chance I wasn't axed for zero hosting last month (and general slackerism in the months before), you can consider this my notice of resignation. My apologies; I'm as disappointed as you are. Give my congratulations and best wishes to the lucky ZH that replaces me.
There are so many people that I want to give a mention to and no doubt still more that I'll forget. In particular I wish to say a special farewell to the members, past and present, of BritSquad; to the regulars who know me on britchat; to the members of TW staff who I got to know during my 18+ months there; and to the people like Sumpson Guy who I've got to know from other zones. Some more specific names that come to mind, for good or bad:
* AcidMouse and Sorted – I hesitate to name any veterans of my old squad above others, but these two founders deserve special mention. They’re the pillars of BritSquad; without them, the squad would not have had a base upon which to grow, and we would have floundered and died in our first months, as so many new squads do.
* Sol ^ - It should already be a fairly good demonstration of my regard for you that you were the one to whom BritSquad's command was given. You have my personal thanks for taking on this duty, and my congratulations on bringing the squad to success unlike anything we've seen in recent years.
* KJW - We never really talked or knew each other that well, but I have a deep respect for your leadership of Paladen, and for the friendliness of all its members. Every match between our squads was great fun and I'm sure there will be many more clashes inside and outside of the leagues in the future.
* Disqualifier - Another of the captains that has been around enough to earn my respect, although for a different reason. As leader of -Final-, a squad that has been in the upper echelons of the Trenches through many league seasons, your dry humour and witty sarcasm has made me laugh many times.
* Slowbob - Hey man, where the hell is Unite? I miss those grudge matches we used to have in TWL! In recent times it's been nice to talk for the odd few minutes here and there, but I know we didn't always quite see eye to eye in times past. I always had a healthy regard for your ability to lead Unite though, and I don't doubt you'd do it again had you the time and inclination. I once said that I'd never leave SS until I'd seen you join BritSquad... guess I'll have to forget about that, eh? :P
* Crown of Thorns - From what I've seen there's a lot of bad feeling about CoT, and I never knew the full story of what caused it. Perhaps if I did I would feel differently, but somehow I doubt that. If you're still out there, mate, I wish you all the best - give the family my regards.
* Acid (formerly Acid Twin) - Ah, the boy done good! From squad member to staff member to Smod in double-quick time. Kudos to you, my friend. My own ambition of reaching similar lofty heights both in staff and in the game never worked out. In another time and place, who's to say our positions wouldn't have been reversed? Still, I'd have it no other way. You were an excellent squaddie and are one of the few veterans that I still truly admire.
* VenomArse, DUMBRIT!, Tigerex and Foxy – Credit where credit is due, you were great pilots and members of BritSquad in your day. Things have happened which changed my original opinions of you, for better or worse, but still - that’s water under the bridge and I commend all of you for continuing to play at high standards, even if you do have attitudes that conflict with my own.
As I say, there are certainly more people which deserve a mention but have slipped my mind. You should probably know who you are for yourself
So... that's it. Until Subspace 2 or some similar project, this is the End. Good bye.
Part of my reason for leaving is that there are other things to take my attention, both on the net and in RL. In between that and my recently acquired new job, I simply no longer have the time or inclination to spend in SS to get any decent enjoyment out of it. The other part is the fact that Trench Wars has moved out of being a small player-run zone as it started out at, and has turned into a huge community that is one of the cornerstones of Subspace as a whole. I heartily congratulate Priitk, DoCk> and the rest of upper staff for developing the zone into what it has become. But for me, there's none of the coziness that there was when it had a weekend population of 100 or so. The spark has gone, and it's been gone for some months now - and it doesn't look like it'll be back.
While I'm vaguely on the subject of staff - in the ridiculously small chance I wasn't axed for zero hosting last month (and general slackerism in the months before), you can consider this my notice of resignation. My apologies; I'm as disappointed as you are. Give my congratulations and best wishes to the lucky ZH that replaces me.
There are so many people that I want to give a mention to and no doubt still more that I'll forget. In particular I wish to say a special farewell to the members, past and present, of BritSquad; to the regulars who know me on britchat; to the members of TW staff who I got to know during my 18+ months there; and to the people like Sumpson Guy who I've got to know from other zones. Some more specific names that come to mind, for good or bad:
* AcidMouse and Sorted – I hesitate to name any veterans of my old squad above others, but these two founders deserve special mention. They’re the pillars of BritSquad; without them, the squad would not have had a base upon which to grow, and we would have floundered and died in our first months, as so many new squads do.
* Sol ^ - It should already be a fairly good demonstration of my regard for you that you were the one to whom BritSquad's command was given. You have my personal thanks for taking on this duty, and my congratulations on bringing the squad to success unlike anything we've seen in recent years.
* KJW - We never really talked or knew each other that well, but I have a deep respect for your leadership of Paladen, and for the friendliness of all its members. Every match between our squads was great fun and I'm sure there will be many more clashes inside and outside of the leagues in the future.
* Disqualifier - Another of the captains that has been around enough to earn my respect, although for a different reason. As leader of -Final-, a squad that has been in the upper echelons of the Trenches through many league seasons, your dry humour and witty sarcasm has made me laugh many times.
* Slowbob - Hey man, where the hell is Unite? I miss those grudge matches we used to have in TWL! In recent times it's been nice to talk for the odd few minutes here and there, but I know we didn't always quite see eye to eye in times past. I always had a healthy regard for your ability to lead Unite though, and I don't doubt you'd do it again had you the time and inclination. I once said that I'd never leave SS until I'd seen you join BritSquad... guess I'll have to forget about that, eh? :P
* Crown of Thorns - From what I've seen there's a lot of bad feeling about CoT, and I never knew the full story of what caused it. Perhaps if I did I would feel differently, but somehow I doubt that. If you're still out there, mate, I wish you all the best - give the family my regards.
* Acid (formerly Acid Twin) - Ah, the boy done good! From squad member to staff member to Smod in double-quick time. Kudos to you, my friend. My own ambition of reaching similar lofty heights both in staff and in the game never worked out. In another time and place, who's to say our positions wouldn't have been reversed? Still, I'd have it no other way. You were an excellent squaddie and are one of the few veterans that I still truly admire.
* VenomArse, DUMBRIT!, Tigerex and Foxy – Credit where credit is due, you were great pilots and members of BritSquad in your day. Things have happened which changed my original opinions of you, for better or worse, but still - that’s water under the bridge and I commend all of you for continuing to play at high standards, even if you do have attitudes that conflict with my own.
As I say, there are certainly more people which deserve a mention but have slipped my mind. You should probably know who you are for yourself

So... that's it. Until Subspace 2 or some similar project, this is the End. Good bye.