TWDev is in need of dedicated beta testers for new, upcoming events. Currently, bot coders and other event creators are having difficulty ensuring their events will work properly before it's released, and running tests on the main Trench Wars server just isn't practical. Consequently, I've been given the green flag to create a cadre of individuals who are willing to be on call to test events before they're released out into the public.
- Play Trench Wars (not idle) 20+ hours a week
- Ready to beta-test when online (if you are online, you considered active & need to help unless in a match, event, etc.)
- Maturity and respect towards all players (if "ez" is in your vocabulary, this may not be for you)
- Extreme patience
- Regular event-goer
- Have played TW for at least 6 months
It would also be nice if you've done any SS developing, such as mapmaking, conceptual design, bot coding, etc., but this is of course not necessary.
If you are interested in joining the beta group, please email the following information to, with the subject line "TWBeta Application":
SS name
Contact email (if different from where you're mailing from)
Average number of TW hours played per week
How long you've been playing TW
Your 3 favorite TW events & why they make the cut
Thanks for your interest!
- Play Trench Wars (not idle) 20+ hours a week
- Ready to beta-test when online (if you are online, you considered active & need to help unless in a match, event, etc.)
- Maturity and respect towards all players (if "ez" is in your vocabulary, this may not be for you)
- Extreme patience

- Regular event-goer
- Have played TW for at least 6 months
It would also be nice if you've done any SS developing, such as mapmaking, conceptual design, bot coding, etc., but this is of course not necessary.
If you are interested in joining the beta group, please email the following information to, with the subject line "TWBeta Application":
SS name
Contact email (if different from where you're mailing from)
Average number of TW hours played per week
How long you've been playing TW
Your 3 favorite TW events & why they make the cut
Thanks for your interest!