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Mines & Lag

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  • Mines & Lag

    Does anyone know exactly how lag works with mines?

    For example, what happens when someone lags through a mine? Do they just not see it, or what?

    I was Sharking for a few hours today, and a lot of time I would have 2 or 3 mines in the tube, and someone would come along and it would look like they were trying to get around an invisible mine, and they would end up going through the mine and not dying. The best thing though is that about 100 times, people died from my mines but the mines didn't go away... how does that work? I mean, one time I had 4 times going across the enterence to the base, and I killed about 5-6 people so I headed down to refresh the mines. Surprisingly, they were all still there...

    I don't get it. I guess it's kinda similar to how you can shoot someone, they die, but the bullet still goes and kills someone else....?

    Oh yeah, and the most annoying thing ever is when your teammate has mines somewhere, and someone lags through them and it ends up killing you while the enemy survives.

  • #2
    Well, I can tell you thing I know about mines and lag:

    When people first enter an arena, mines that were laid before they came in don't register on their computers. They can fly through mines and explode them, but they won't receive any damage whatsoever. People around them will however. So if you see someone on the other team that you hadn't seen before go barrelling through your mines, it's not his fault.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Troll King
      When people first enter an arena, mines that were laid before they came in don't register on their computers.
      What stops people re entering arenas? o.0

      Ive never repete repeatdlt rep, Ive never re-entered an arena lots of times to find out.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Troll King
        Well, I can tell you thing I know about mines and lag:

        When people first enter an arena, mines that were laid before they came in don't register on their computers. They can fly through mines and explode them, but they won't receive any damage whatsoever. People around them will however. So if you see someone on the other team that you hadn't seen before go barrelling through your mines, it's not his fault.
        That's interesting... I never knew that before... I guess it explains a bit.

        But I still want to know how I killed 5 people without a single mine going away.


        • #5
          someone up there likes you


          • #6
            Thats happened to me in a levi which I blame on lag (I didnt read your post fully though so the similarity may be non existent)

            Levi layed mine
            Player goes thrugh, he explodes, mine doesnt
            Mine is still there, player goes through
            Mine explods, player doesnt.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Disliked
              Thats happened to me in a levi which I blame on lag (I didnt read your post fully though so the similarity may be non existent)

              Levi layed mine
              Player goes thrugh, he explodes, mine doesnt
              Mine is still there, player goes through
              Mine explods, player doesnt.
              Yep, that's pretty much what I mean. Now that I think of it though, I was watching one time and people apparently blew up from a mine of mine (lol) that was invisible. I mean, say I had 4 mines in a row, but someone would fly right beside them, and still die.


              • #8
                I hardly play other zones (I hardly play ss anymore in all honesty) but I hear tw is the laggiest so meh


                • #9
                  the way i understand it is...
                  because of lag sometimes other people see your mines in a different place than you see them. according to the other persons information on the mine, it looks like they ran into it but on your computer it doesnt look that way so it looks kinda like the person dies for no reason. I dont think that made any sense but whatever...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Disliked

                    What stops people re entering arenas? o.0

                    Ive never repete repeatdlt rep, Ive never re-entered an arena lots of times to find out.
                    Actually, I think it's just entering the zone, not just arenas. In other words, it only happens when you first log into the zone, and not when you switch arenas. In any case, it's much more efficient to get a shark and rep the mines.


                    • #11
                      No TK, if you are in public 1 and you make a macro ?go 1 and you hit it every time new mines are placed you wont see the mines anymore and you can fly trough. I must tell you it is very funny.

                      And to reply to the topid, mines are the same like bullets or bombs. Sometimes (due to lag) you miss someone but in his view he gets shot. He dies.
                      Sometimes de bullet/bomb flies on and hits someone else who doesn't die from it. Or sometimes he does.

                      So when someone hits your mine but not in your game it is still there for some people and for some people not.
                      You ate some priest porridge


                      • #12
                        Good explination TK.

                        Now if someone could explain the principle of damage absorbtion to the general public (or why firing a jav missile at point blank range will hurt you more than your opponent, and won't kill your opponent despite hitting him straight on)
                        gravy_: They should do great gran tourismo
                        gravy_: Electric granny chariots
                        gravy_: round the nurburgring

                        XBL: VodkaSurprise


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by GuruMeditation
                          Good explination TK.

                          Now if someone could explain the principle of damage absorbtion to the general public (or why firing a jav missile at point blank range will hurt you more than your opponent, and won't kill your opponent despite hitting him straight on)
                          oooo i can i can!!!

                          the monkeys that live in your computer wont let it happen...


                          • #14
                            it sucks


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by GuruMeditation
                              Good explination TK.

                              Now if someone could explain the principle of damage absorbtion to the general public (or why firing a jav missile at point blank range will hurt you more than your opponent, and won't kill your opponent despite hitting him straight on)
                              Games have rules, Subspace is a game, and one of those rules is this:
                              If you are too close to your bomb exploding, you take the majority of the damage, and not your enemy.

                              About re-entering arena to reset mines: Did this bug occur in SS? I don't remember it happening.

                              Anyway.. once you keep in mind that every single action in the game you see, is not the truth, but based on data around 0.2 seconds old.. you can easily explain most TW lag phenomena.

                              This is my explanation about the problem of an enemy going through a mine and not dying - even though the mine was on his screen:

                              Mines will explode on your screen if your Subspace client sees any enemy touch it - even if they didn't on the enemy's own screen.

                              When an enemy makes a close-shave dodge past a mine on HIS screen, the data packets he sent that says that he DID make that split-second dodge might not have got to you in time, due to his, or your lag/packetloss.

