I was just thinking this other day, about my early days playing ss. About how I have evoveled in handling ships from the newbie stage.
While thinking I remember some of my so called "newbie misstakes", that can be very embarrassing today.
Anyway, I thought I could share it with you, and hoping that you could share some too, if you remember something embarrassing in your early playing "age".
Or in other words, when you was a total newbie.
My story:
So I started to notice that terrier was a pretty cool ship (while getting killed by brusts), you could warp, brust and it was the fastest ship. Though I called em bouncing balls or something. Anyway, so I started to play in terr. The thing was that I thought you would get more bounty by pressing/humping/thursting up a wall or sideways.
And I like said in my mind (while having an other terr in base) "Haha, I have more bounty then you, and I know how to get it faster! :PP". How stupid of me..
But back to the more embarrassing moment that I had... So I was in base as base terr would be, had a spider and a shark with me. The others was in mid base shoting down the tube. Sometimes one or two of the enemy slipped up to base. Since I had noticed that you can get a brust or a portal from the greens, and I went chasing em like mad man. And when someone else took em I whined "Please don't take the greens, since I can get new portals and brust from em!".
And of course the spider went chasing em even more after my whinings.
Luckly I learned that even if someone else takes the greens, you will still get em as a terr and as a lev. (Though levs get only up to the bounty of 15, if you didn't know
While thinking I remember some of my so called "newbie misstakes", that can be very embarrassing today.
Anyway, I thought I could share it with you, and hoping that you could share some too, if you remember something embarrassing in your early playing "age".
Or in other words, when you was a total newbie.
My story:
So I started to notice that terrier was a pretty cool ship (while getting killed by brusts), you could warp, brust and it was the fastest ship. Though I called em bouncing balls or something. Anyway, so I started to play in terr. The thing was that I thought you would get more bounty by pressing/humping/thursting up a wall or sideways.
And I like said in my mind (while having an other terr in base) "Haha, I have more bounty then you, and I know how to get it faster! :PP". How stupid of me..

But back to the more embarrassing moment that I had... So I was in base as base terr would be, had a spider and a shark with me. The others was in mid base shoting down the tube. Sometimes one or two of the enemy slipped up to base. Since I had noticed that you can get a brust or a portal from the greens, and I went chasing em like mad man. And when someone else took em I whined "Please don't take the greens, since I can get new portals and brust from em!".
And of course the spider went chasing em even more after my whinings.
Luckly I learned that even if someone else takes the greens, you will still get em as a terr and as a lev. (Though levs get only up to the bounty of 15, if you didn't know
