Our domain, trenchwars.org, is temporarily down.
This affects a wide range of services, including our main website, our link at server.trenchwars.org to the game server, our directory server, etc.
PriitK has been contacted and will hopefully fix this in a short amount of time. The issue is an extremely minor one based on regulations, but unfortunately does rely on him.
In the meantime, you can join the server with this IP/port (which are good to have saved anyhow): port 5400
Or by entering another SSC zone with a crosslink set up, and using ?go tw.
This affects a wide range of services, including our main website, our link at server.trenchwars.org to the game server, our directory server, etc.
PriitK has been contacted and will hopefully fix this in a short amount of time. The issue is an extremely minor one based on regulations, but unfortunately does rely on him.
In the meantime, you can join the server with this IP/port (which are good to have saved anyhow): port 5400
Or by entering another SSC zone with a crosslink set up, and using ?go tw.