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  • #16
    I think !np should be default too, but probably not for the same reasons as Lizzo's.

    So like, the bot could instead pm the tk'd person with an offer to send a !ffs


    • #17

      Do the programmers want the game to improve or stay the same? Get creative here people. LF just announced PeePee weekend. Which apparently has been done before .. where are we now? Is this the best you can be? Say it after me ...

      "We don't want PP, we want NP!"

      "PP smells!"

      WHat is the problem? Is it $$$s? I am long in the bulk slightly off spec personal lubricant market. It is the next GME, mark my words. You can too! DM me when PP is off.


      • #18
        Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
        Message has been sent to online moderators
        2:BLeeN> veh yes
        2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
        2:BLeeN> ok then no
        :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
        (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


        • #19
          Hey a point of interest and an easy solution.

          I agree with nockm, !np should be default. If anybody is going to risk typing during the heat of a fr battle, it should be the guy trying to make money off of his teammates.


          • #20
            I want a chaotic pub where everybody do what he want


            • #21
              Originally posted by ronaldinho View Post
              I want a chaotic pub where everybody do what he want
              Any Levi after 2003 can't base... all they know is roofing, charge they bomb, rep, be attached, eat all shots & die


              • #22
                Someone should make purepub permanent. Get those dirty levs out of our zone.


                • #23
                  Or maybe there should be another zone set up for dueling or competitive basing w/ no lev???


                  • #24
                    Yeah it's called trench wars before it was fucked with.


                    • #25
                      I say give us nightwasps again.
                      2018 TWDT Champion 2019 TWLD Final 4 2019 TWDTJ Semi finalist 2019 2x TWDTD Finalist 2020 TW Forum Mafia Game champion


                      • #26
                        I honestly believe that the existence of leviathans is harmful to the public experience, from a gameplay perspective, and it's one of the main reasons I don't play the arena anymore. There is also something to be said about constant heated political and religious debates, hateful messages, general toxicity and so forth, but that deserves its own topic.

                        Pure public is great for the zone. It is way more enjoyable for most players to have a large flagging match going on without having to worry about a small group of individuals on a private LT frequency. I feel we shouldn't cater to such a small playerbase as more often than not they are the ones actively trying to ruin the experience of every other player.

                        Trench Wars mission statement says that flagging is the main objective of our zone and I feel we should prioritize it way more. Leviathans do not belong to a healthy flagging environment.


                        • #27
                          I also think it should !np by default. Also, +1 to TK abuse freq locking you to priv.

                          I'm baffled by the amount of people who hate on Levs simply because they get TKed by them. Do you guys never play with Javs in base? These fuckers will TK you way more than any Lev would, because most of them suck and can't aim. Yet no one is blaming every Jav, or saying we should ban Javs. Y'all only hating on Levs because they are a minority and in reality, banning them would only remove a handful of players, and most pub players never play Lev so they feel no sympathy for them.

                          People who say they quit because of Levs are full of shit too. It's the same argument with Sharks; people saying they stop playing because low player count sharking kills the game. This only highlights your inability to adapt to other people's play style and it's laughable. You refuse to change ship for a little while, or change your game play temporarily to strategically adapt to your opponent, in a King of the Hill style game. IMO the whole point of the game is to adapt, overcome the other freqs' play style, change ship strategically, take out specific opponents, etc. If you can't do that with Levs, the slowest, most defenceless ship, then it says more about your inability to handle your bad ship, than about the state of pub.


                          • #28
                            mystic_pizza It's not about changing ship, it's about changing gameplay. And very few people are complaining about TKing from levs.

                            If levi's actually played the flag game they might not get as much hate. But the vast majority of levis couldn't care less if their team has the flag or not (assuming they're even on a pub freq). The only thing they are doing is trying to get as many kills as possible, regardless of if that contributes to the actual flag game.

                            If I have to switch to shark to rep the enemy shark's mines, fine. At least I'm still basing. But if I have to switch to warbird and play a game of attrition outside of base until the enemy levi gets so frustrated that they spec and I can go back to basing, that's not what I logged on to do. I would rather go play something else.
                            Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
                            Message has been sent to online moderators
                            2:BLeeN> veh yes
                            2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
                            2:BLeeN> ok then no
                            :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
                            (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


                            • #29
                              The Levs you are talking about, that only care about kill counts, are so shit at the game that killing them takes literally 20 seconds, and that's only for the small minority of them that even manage to hit FR when a base game is going on. They're hardly worth quitting, or raging over. They are irrelevant and hardly impact anything at all. Even Lizzo says he Levs for winning, for the sweet $$$s. Don't think all Levs are the same!


                              • #30
                                Game is dying because 20 year vets like turban and rab only play when they can slaughter newbs because this game is their safe place. When some one changes the narrative either by using ships they don't like, or in the odd event that there are too many players they log off. On pure pub weekend, on 5 pm on a Saturday with 5x bonus there were only enough players to make a moderate map, and even then the flag game was basically 2 switch bs when shuffle vote needed. Mods - Make pub fun to get the mass back and get up to avg 50 ACTIVE players in the day... Then these 1337 pussy wbs can have enough people who are interested in pew pew ing with them in any of the already set up league and specialty zones. We don't want PP, we want NP

