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CANCELLED! Subspace Continuum will not be available on all platforms starting today!

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  • CANCELLED! Subspace Continuum will not be available on all platforms starting today!

    Update: We are extremely sad to announce that even though we'd all wish it were true that our little game would be playable on more platforms and have a cryptocurrency supporting its development, it is not the right time and we don't have the resources. Thank you all for your continued interest in this game nevertheless and we will see you in the Trenches!

    April Fools 2021 Team

    We are extremely pleased to announce that Subspace Continuum is being ported to all platforms, including web, Android, iOS, Mac and Linux. Increasingly, mobile gaming platforms represent the future of user experiences. In order to capitalize on this, we have made some changes to maximize compatibility.

    For those who are familiar with .IO games, this new graphics package (WIP) will seem very familiar. We hope you enjoy this fresh, dynamic approach to Subspace, which can be played on a modern gaming PC ... or a literal refrigerator!

    The second change we'd like to unveil is even more exciting. Securing funding for a volunteer-run game has always been challenging. Our days of worrying about server costs are over. Introducing: PriitKoin!

    Every kill you make, every game you win, you will now earn PriitKoin, a freshly-minted Ethereum token powering the Subspace2.0 blockchain network. Subspace2.0 will store all in-game player data in preparation for the new Continuum client, and will allow players to securely store and trade in-game items like nametags, squad names, and graphics (new client only). This change is expected to bring in potentially thousands of new crypto-savvy players.

    In exchange for a small amount of your idle GPU power, all players will be able to earn PriitKoin [PTK] while they play. As the value of the token increases, we all benefit! We are currently working with a number of popular exchanges to host the PriitKoin token, and will have more details on our anticipated ICO date soon. Once hosted, your PubBux will carry real-world value as PriitKoin and can be exchanged for other cryptocurrencies.

    Thank you for your patience as we bring Subspace into the modern era. This will mean a lot of change in the coming months, but we know you're as excited as we all are. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to use ?help to reach out to online moderators. We're here for you!

    Your friends at
    SSCU Trench Wars
    Last edited by BIET; 04-02-2021, 08:37 AM. Reason: 04-01

  • #2
    Actually a good plan as only miners have gpus.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Rab View Post
      Actually a good plan as only miners have gpus.
      And their own internet!

      Good luck BIET though I suspect its Apriil fools no?
      Last edited by Grasps; 04-01-2021, 08:42 AM.


      • #4
        This is legitimately dope. Exciting stuff, you're a godsend Biet.
        Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
        Message has been sent to online moderators
        2:BLeeN> veh yes
        2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
        2:BLeeN> ok then no
        :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
        (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


        • #5
          APRIL FOOLS.....

          I'm skeptical we have the developers and skillsets to develop cross platform and the crypto knowledge to build a blockchain from scratch. That's pretty hard even for a talented 10 person dev team so I'm not buying it....



          • #6
            some of this is already true, or not that far off from being true...

            subspace already works on mac and linux for example, and there have been working web and android versions in the past, or at least work has been done and that work could actually be finished relatively fast if people were interested.

            yeah, not buying the whole priitkoin thing...


            • #7
              Funny, but this should honestly spark some ideas about creating a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) out of SubSpace/Continuum and implementing a governance token that could give players a vote in community polls regarding map changes, league planning, etc. The token could also be used to bet on in-game duels, TWD matches, TWL games, from player or spec perspective.

              We could create a community pool/allocation from the start, like 60% of the pool goes to core staff members from the core zones, and from this pool we could draw funds as needed to service the population, dive staff compensation, and most importantly, actually start marketing. We could even correlate the token with PubBux or ?usage. Create addresses designated to every alias and distribute the token to players in amounts proportional to the amount of PubBux or ?usage they've earned over the years. Staff could even get tipped by a bot from a community pool for answering help calls and hosting events. New players can earn microfees for getting kills, and by earning these microfees would also have a say in governance so everyone could be included.

              We could market this very easily on Reddit and Twitter to the cryptocurrency crowd and easily get well over 100 people to sign into TW for the first time and introduce them to the game.

              It would be pretty easy to figure out how to create a DAO and token using or another DAO-producing application on a faster network.

              If staff and the community are interested in monetizing TW and bringing hundreds or even thousands of new players to the game, consider this. This can all be done with the current server and client as voting and creating smart contracts to process bets would take place in a web browser.

              Great April Fool's btw BIET and Dwopple lol
              Last edited by Pressure; 04-01-2021, 10:24 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Pressure View Post
                Funny, but this should honestly spark some ideas about creating a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) out of SubSpace/Continuum and implementing a governance token that could give players a vote in community polls regarding map changes, league planning, etc. The token could also be used to bet on in-game duels, TWD matches, TWL games, from player or spec perspective.

                We could create a community pool/allocation from the start, like 60% of the pool goes to core staff members from the core zones, and from this pool we could draw funds as needed to service the population, dive staff compensation, and most importantly, actually start marketing. We could even correlate the token with PubBux or ?usage, airdrop it to a bunch of addresses that are designated to every alias, and assign the addresses to different players proportional to the amount of PubBux they've earned over the years. Staff could even get tipped by a bot from a community pool for answering help calls and hosting events. New players can earn microfees for getting kills, and by earning these microfees would also have a say in governance so everyone could be included.

                We could market this very easily on Reddit and Twitter to the cryptocurrency crowd and easily get well over 100 people to sign into TW for the first time and introduce them to the game.

                It would be pretty easy to figure out how to create a DAO and token using or another DAO-producing application on a faster network.

                If staff has any interest in monetizing TW and bringing hundreds or even thousands of new players to the game, let me know. This can all be done with the current server and client as voting and creating smart contracts to process bets would take place in a web browser.

                Great April Fool's btw BIET and Dwopple lol
                not to distract from your post, but it was 99.9% BIET. It's BEAUTIFUL. I only wrote the crypto / blockchain blurbs in the news.txt after qan had already wrote something quick up.
                zidane> big play
                Omega Red> dwop sick
                mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
                WillBy> ^^

                1:Chief Utsav> LOL
                1:Rule> we dont do that here.

                cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass


                • #9
                  idk what to believe why the fk couldnt this wait til tmrw if it was serious


                  • #10
                    Props to Biet on the graphics. They really look fantastic. It is always what I imagined a newer version of Subspace would look like. I’m ready for it to be the new normal
                    3:Steadman> ive been a leader in every league of legends and basketball game ive ever played in


                    • #11
                      Lotta people ate the onion on April Fools Day I see
                      RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                      RaCka> mad impressive


                      • #12
                        Even though this is a joke, have a crypto token infused into the Subspace economy would be the most OG Subspace shit we could ever do.

                        It would be the most decentralized community shit ever, like this old game powered by loser players in their 30+s up just set the ground work for the rest of internet gaming.

                        Rodvik and I follow eachother on Twitter, dude will lose his shit.



                        • #13
                          In case you missed some of the assets from yesterday:
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	ptk small.gif
Views:	486
Size:	628.7 KB
ID:	1353388
                          The official PTK! Was only used in low res as the MVP shield.
                          Click image for larger version  Name:	a1-rules.png Views:	0 Size:	75.0 KB ID:	1353386
                          A1 graphics with some flavor text for the ships


                          • #14
                            could you upload the graphics somewhere so we can keep playing with them?


                            • #15
                              All the graphics, except the background grid, can be downloaded here.

                              To use the graphics in pub, for the tileset and bot controlled graphics in particular, you need to put them in < Your Continuum Directory>/zones/SSCU Trench Wars/(public)/<put files here>.

