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Trench Wars fund WAS in dire straits (THANK YOU, EVERYONE!)

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  • WherzWaldo
    Originally posted by paradise! View Post
    Hey Qan. Thanks for your help in all this! Could we get some more details as to what exactly happened with the updates? And a frank discussion about the possibility of rolling it back?

    Also, what exactly is Priitk's role in this? I was under the impression this guy was paying for server costs. Sounds like he is no longer doing this? No joke, I say we pool our money for a lawyer and threaten the shit out of this guy to fork over the source code or go fuck himself. Or if anyone on this game is a lawyer, if they could do this pro bono.

    This guy has held this game hostage for too long for code that he ripped from other sources from a copyrighted game anyways. IIRC, he asked for $20,000 for the source code previously. I say we fuck this guy in the earhole.
    Didn't he co-found/co-develop Skype and sell it for billions of dollars? Dude can probably do a Scrooge McDuck backstroke through all of the money he could throw at any sort of a legal threat from us (which probably wouldn't have much legal standing anyway).

    The conclusion I've reached is that this game's status quo is a dead end. The client code and critical TW infrastructure are out of staff's control, we've been told that various fixes to this or that risk breaking other functionality, and now game-breaking server updates are beginning to creep in. As I see it, there are three paths the game can take:
    1. Staff could have the audacity to solicit help coming up with a detailed plan, then fire up a Kickstarter and cast a wide net to get some funding. There are people willing to help, and even a modestly successful, decently marketed campaign could raise at least a few thousand dollars.
    2. Make the decision to close up shop on our terms. Schedule it for New Year's Eve (just an example), host some events, and then simply turn it off at 11:59:59.
    3. Do the minimum to maintain the status quo, offer minimal transparency about the current technical issues, neglect the current social issues in the game, and hope that future server updates don't topple the game's Jenga tower of code.
    Staff have apparently chosen door #3 and we see how well that's working out.

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  • Roger Rabbit
    lol at all the dumb asses who fell for this scam. Who knew the carny model they’ve adopted of taking your money and then skipping town before you catch up to them wouldn’t work out. Oh, well most people. Where do you think they went

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  • paradise!
    Hey Qan. Thanks for your help in all this! Could we get some more details as to what exactly happened with the updates? And a frank discussion about the possibility of rolling it back?

    Also, what exactly is Priitk's role in this? I was under the impression this guy was paying for server costs. Sounds like he is no longer doing this? No joke, I say we pool our money for a lawyer and threaten the shit out of this guy to fork over the source code or go fuck himself. Or if anyone on this game is a lawyer, if they could do this pro bono.

    This guy has held this game hostage for too long for code that he ripped from other sources from a copyrighted game anyways. IIRC, he asked for $20,000 for the source code previously. I say we fuck this guy in the earhole.

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  • daresound
    Any update on this? Monthly payment processed. Thousands have been collected, hundreds coming in monthly. Can we roll back the update?

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  • Duster8
    It's still a problem only in the evenings for me. During the day it is still working. Any luck contacting PriitK? There's no way we could incentivize him to give up the reins so to speak? (i.e. here's $500?)

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  • mystic_pizza
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled.png
Views:	155
Size:	59.7 KB
ID:	1366380
    can we get an update?? i cannot play most days, TW is dying...

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  • Jessup
    Originally posted by Vys View Post

    Let me make this quite clear if it isn't are certainly not on the invite list...and for the record, I'll be playing with peeps every night from trench wars, enjoy your Elim battles with the other delinquents

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  • Vys
    Originally posted by Jessup View Post
    Shut your obnoxious dumb ass up Vys. No one wants to follow you anywhere, especially not to fortnite. If you want to post a retirement thread, fine but to come in here and be spouting off encouraging people to leave the game shows exactly who you have always been. You are a TOXIC TROLL.
    Let me make this quite clear if it isn't are certainly not on the invite list...and for the record, I'll be playing with peeps every night from trench wars, enjoy your Elim battles with the other delinquents

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  • 1 Hit
    I could've sworn that I was donating every few months... I guess I was wrong about that. I'll donate 10 dollars a month to help out a bit. Good thing I checked the forums today, I didn't know that this was an issue.
    Last edited by 1 Hit; 10-07-2024, 10:14 PM.

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  • Jessup
    Shut your obnoxious dumb ass up Vys. No one wants to follow you anywhere, especially not to fortnite. If you want to post a retirement thread, fine but to come in here and be spouting off encouraging people to leave the game shows exactly who you have always been. You are a TOXIC TROLL.

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  • Vys

    Pull the plug and DL Fortnite

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  • Money
    blah blah blah

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  • Cape
    Originally posted by cubone View Post

    I'm no expert but don't think Estonian bus routes run through yachts
    Drones do, if he doesn't get his act together and fix what he needs to.

    This is a joke, I don't own military grade drones nor would I use them @ the FBI

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  • cubone
    Originally posted by WherzWaldo View Post
    PriitK doesn't get hit by a bus.
    I'm no expert but don't think Estonian bus routes run through yachts

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  • WherzWaldo
    Originally posted by qan View Post
    After a recent update, we've had persistent issues with the server's interaction with the biller, resulting in the "endless stars" bug where players are unable to connect. After a lot of diagnosing, it's likely out of our hands and will need to be corrected on PriitK's end. He's been contacted, but he's notoriously difficult to reach and rarely responds to any message, making it exceedingly difficult to determine if he's read a message or performed an action. I'll contact him again soon with some new information and see if that nudges things forward.
    Ignoring for the moment any financial challenges of doing so, is there any kind of roadmap for reducing/eliminating reliance on PrittK? Is it impossible (e.g. PrittK has to willingly give it up and doesn't want to), or is it painful (e.g. we can do it without PriitK, but we'd have to reset all user accounts), or is it just a lack of manpower?

    Asking for donations just to keep the lights on is fine, but I'm not inclined to donate because I don't think the game in its current state is worth saving for a multitude of reasons, technical and otherwise. It would be nice to see some detailed info on all of the game's technical challenges, as well as some specific, prioritized action items to improve the game, even if it's unsexy back-end/server-side stuff that makes running the game more sustainable if nothing else. Even if no progress is ever made due to cost or whatever, I'd donate to something that feels like it has a future. Otherwise, you're just asking people to dump money into a Rube Goldberg machine held together with duct tape and bubble gum, and pray that a future server update doesn't break the game or that PriitK doesn't get hit by a bus.

    Also, no mention of this in game (i.e. news.txt) where more people would see it?

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