After talking to more staff members and from 2d's post I now realize it is impossible to have the bots control spawning in such events like elim. To make the bots do this in the first place would take an extensive amount of programing for many reasons. One being the simple fact that there are many freqs fighting and not just two. Okay lets say we have the bot programmed, but now the problem is lag. A bot that has that much info stored on it will cause the elim arena to lag greatly from what I understand. Okay, I asked "What about multiple bots." Response: "The more bots you have the greater the lag." I don't know about you guys but I think there is more than enough lag from the 56kers and we don't need more. This is just what I am being told. If anyone knows more about the issue of programming bots you can post your info about them on here. Thanks for the fed back. Im just trying to make tw better for all of us.
