I'm curious as to what sticks in everyone elses mind? Eventful times in your TW history on forums or game, recent or old.
I remember (in no real chronological order):
-Priitk and left_eye's dodgethor elim. Later, Flabin's robo-rampage.
-#mythrandir base games, and melee never being picked, ha.
-when elim was hosted, and people weren't as lame. (I maintain that people weren't as lame. I don't care what anyone says.)
-my first actual squad that I stayed on for more than 4 days. We thought we were so damn cool, and good. I recorded the scores. I remember the day we lost to paladen by 1 kill and I was really upset.
-kinky_girl and I dominating people in 2on2 duels
(kinky girl and super chick, quite the team
-Banracing in Vortex.
-Arobas+ winning the vortex tournament, and annux taking a picture of his dick with Arobas+ written next to it. GG.
-Paladen: The day Carbon got on Paladen and I was upset. The day I got on polls (I would bug rhino every hour or so to tell me what the polls were at.) And funny enough I don't remember the day I actually got on.
-Joining Melee and feeling l33t, to this day I don't know why.
-Joining Grapevine and feeling used.. bastards.
-Dueling magi koz to get in kaos, getting my ass kicked, then Kane letting me in because he remembered me from the speedball arena and he thought I was cool.
-finding out what "screenshots" were after playing for like a year and a half (I know, fuck off). Checking the folder and finding all of these pics of me getting my ass kicked while trying to warp
awwww... now this is nostalgia.
And do you guys remember the first day you played?
Mine was in grade 8 tech, and a guy I know downloaded it to my computer and taught me how to play. I asked him like 30 times "Why can't I make mine the blue?!" I was a really stupid newb. "How come these people can warphole themselves !?" "how are they all getting onto the red ship?" etc...
I remember (in no real chronological order):
-Priitk and left_eye's dodgethor elim. Later, Flabin's robo-rampage.
-#mythrandir base games, and melee never being picked, ha.
-when elim was hosted, and people weren't as lame. (I maintain that people weren't as lame. I don't care what anyone says.)
-my first actual squad that I stayed on for more than 4 days. We thought we were so damn cool, and good. I recorded the scores. I remember the day we lost to paladen by 1 kill and I was really upset.
-kinky_girl and I dominating people in 2on2 duels

-Banracing in Vortex.
-Arobas+ winning the vortex tournament, and annux taking a picture of his dick with Arobas+ written next to it. GG.
-Paladen: The day Carbon got on Paladen and I was upset. The day I got on polls (I would bug rhino every hour or so to tell me what the polls were at.) And funny enough I don't remember the day I actually got on.
-Joining Melee and feeling l33t, to this day I don't know why.
-Joining Grapevine and feeling used.. bastards.
-Dueling magi koz to get in kaos, getting my ass kicked, then Kane letting me in because he remembered me from the speedball arena and he thought I was cool.
-finding out what "screenshots" were after playing for like a year and a half (I know, fuck off). Checking the folder and finding all of these pics of me getting my ass kicked while trying to warp

awwww... now this is nostalgia.
And do you guys remember the first day you played?
Mine was in grade 8 tech, and a guy I know downloaded it to my computer and taught me how to play. I asked him like 30 times "Why can't I make mine the blue?!" I was a really stupid newb. "How come these people can warphole themselves !?" "how are they all getting onto the red ship?" etc...