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TW Memories.

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  • TW Memories.

    I'm curious as to what sticks in everyone elses mind? Eventful times in your TW history on forums or game, recent or old.

    I remember (in no real chronological order):
    -Priitk and left_eye's dodgethor elim. Later, Flabin's robo-rampage.
    -#mythrandir base games, and melee never being picked, ha.
    -when elim was hosted, and people weren't as lame. (I maintain that people weren't as lame. I don't care what anyone says.)
    -my first actual squad that I stayed on for more than 4 days. We thought we were so damn cool, and good. I recorded the scores. I remember the day we lost to paladen by 1 kill and I was really upset.
    -kinky_girl and I dominating people in 2on2 duels (kinky girl and super chick, quite the team )
    -Banracing in Vortex.
    -Arobas+ winning the vortex tournament, and annux taking a picture of his dick with Arobas+ written next to it. GG.
    -Paladen: The day Carbon got on Paladen and I was upset. The day I got on polls (I would bug rhino every hour or so to tell me what the polls were at.) And funny enough I don't remember the day I actually got on.
    -Joining Melee and feeling l33t, to this day I don't know why.
    -Joining Grapevine and feeling used.. bastards.
    -Dueling magi koz to get in kaos, getting my ass kicked, then Kane letting me in because he remembered me from the speedball arena and he thought I was cool.
    -finding out what "screenshots" were after playing for like a year and a half (I know, fuck off). Checking the folder and finding all of these pics of me getting my ass kicked while trying to warp

    awwww... now this is nostalgia.

    And do you guys remember the first day you played?
    Mine was in grade 8 tech, and a guy I know downloaded it to my computer and taught me how to play. I asked him like 30 times "Why can't I make mine the blue?!" I was a really stupid newb. "How come these people can warphole themselves !?" "how are they all getting onto the red ship?" etc...
    Last edited by Volcs; 02-02-2005, 10:56 PM.
    Kthx> Does JB Inc pay his child support with pub bux?

    Undisputed Pre-Menstral Super-Bitch Internet Kickboxing Champion 2005

  • #2
    My TW memories?

    -When I first started to play elim, some guy named 'Patriotic Anarchy' kept killing me. He was ranked #25 in elim, I was ranked around #100. I thought 'damn this guy is good'. I think he was on Syndicate or something under another name but I forget who said he was him

    -Joining OBSiDIEN because I knew Win95 from Pro League years ago. Suddenly being on the best squad in TW with all 3 sysops even thought I was a TW Newbie

    -Warthog trashtalking my squad (FRAKTURE) for 2 weeks saying how Paladen would destroy us in TWDL and how we were all talk... and then us kicking their ass

    -Beating Static Burn to win in a large 50-person 30-death elim hosted by none other than... Priitk himself (the last time this happened, and perhaps only time) back in October 1999, on the first day I got 1600 res.

    -Fighting with Sudden for 1 1/2 hours at the end of an elim cause he kept warping and so I kept warping back. Finally he said screw it and spected and I won. I think this was one of the main reasons for anti-warp being in elim

    -Eeth Koth (or was it Obi-Wan) chasing me around elim as 'Epinephrine-' every day and suiciding lol!


    -Way back in August 1999 when TW Turf zone was hosted. Since that day the map dissapeared and it has never been hosted again

    -Joe going 24-8 to beat Light in TWLJ quarter-finals season 5

    -Psymorph getting a 3-fer which took out three 9-death people in TWLJ finals, final game season 5 and everyone on chat going 'OMOMGOM HHAHAHAH YES' at once

    -That first day Zombies was hosted outside of elim and 150 people showed up

    -Recruiting Sika to join my squad so he could make our website. Damn that website was elite. And then that day Sika decided on his own to let Domi joined and everyone was wondering who Domi was

    -The September 11th thread on the old Crown of Thorns forums... the one that was updated every minute as things were happening...

    -Me, Jack and FF being 'RAMsey', 'RAMsey2' and 'RAMsey3' in elim, going 20-0 each while typing in caps, then sitting around in the middle not shooting eachother. Meanwhile Dock was watching us, and pmed FF to let him know he knew it was us but he didn't care cause I was staff and FF was smod then!

    -FF being smod... LOL!

    The first day I played SS?
    I heard about this game from the cheating mage that helped me win Hell/Hell in Diablo. Since people started cheating in Diablo I got bored (I started playing the first week it was out before any cheating), and so decided to check this out. Was hooked from the start because it was so much like my favorite game of all time... Star Control, but with scores!
    Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

    My anime blog:


    • #3
      • Creating Shadow Conspiracy and dominating the pubs
      • Actually having fun while pubbing and getting over million of points
      • LTing in pub with Space Hiker and Skykomish, where did they go?!
      • Base games in #mythrandir, I was a newb but knew the right people
      • Creating Time Lords, while trying to get on Floydians
      • Dueling in private arena's and how much of a bitch it was to do so, constantly switching arena's because some idiot shot someone.
      • Wanting to be on staff but I pissed off the wrong people

      How I started, a friend of mine installed the game, I played it, I liked it, I got a new comp, forgot about it, half year later he mentioned it, and I was like, Ya that game was fun, let's dl it again. First played in '99, and started again in 2000. Al my friends quit, them being good at cs and halo and that kind of crap. Me being crap at jumping around and making headshots so I sticked with subspace. And now it's time for me to go.
      Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


      • #4
        -Shark dueling with Bobbus in pub at bottom safe and kicking his ass(he kept claiming I had shrap and he didn't n.n)
        -Getting as bt 5 portals and bursts in a row, so it was like port, burst, port, burst, port, burst, port, burst, port, burst. I killed like the entire team, it was great.
        -Being hit on by Warrior Mika... that was really weird since she's like 14 yet she was hitting on me o.o
        -Winning my first ever Ghoul Games, though technically I lost, because the host opened the doors too soon, and I was the last human left, so I flew out of the maze but then he warped me back to spawn and I was raped by the ghouls ;.;
        -Minotaur and Zombies, though I never win, farthest 've gotten is the final 4

        My first day... a former friend had told me about this game and I downloaded it. She taught me how to radar shoot, which I still suck at. She also had me be a member of this like... animal/anthro RP type prog you download... forget what it's called, not NeoPets but something else... oh Furcadia, but I quit that after like a day o.o

        "There are those who said this day would never come. What have they to say now?"

        Y'know... if you were any stupider, I swear death by laughter would be a real medical occurance.


        • #5
          Jason's ?SQUADOWNER:LIGHT=GAY thread in the Light forum
          Originally posted by Facetious
          edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


          • #6
            when the average number of cloakers in an arena was 0 - 2, instead of 3 - 6.

            when i could start with a clean record and go something like 22 - 0 with a lancaster before my first death ( The original one hit kill old setting, NOT the 1550 energy that we had for a week)

            when i could often get over 100 bounty using the old lancaster, and a few times got above 200.

            when accusations of cheating seemed to be less than they are now

            the 3 or 4 week period when ?go battleship was very active

            when i got a hosted game of warpwars going about 6 months ago. it was probably the last game of it played since. this game and battleship are the two best non-pub games that are way under played.


            • #7
              pubbing with old wr
              castro calling people crotchsnorklers
              being invited to my first #base game
              eeks' chat
              hammering diso in one round of the twlb cup (even though we lost the other two)


              • #8
                Originally posted by SpiderMage
                -Being hit on by Warrior Mika... that was really weird since she's like 14 yet she was hitting on me o.o
                I think I remember Warrior Mika. I think it's a male since Mika is a male name.
       - Keeping it short


                • #9
                  Rememeber asking "How come he can see me but I'm cloaked?!"

                  Played EG for a few months, eventually they changed their map and got bored. The only people I remember from there were 0ptimus (Or 0ptic or something along those lines, he used to make awesome turrets), Deervein (always was a weasel) and Chinostyla (Who now plays TW as Chino).

                  When I stopped playing EG I went pretty inactive for a few months. Eventually thought I'd give it a go again, thought I'd try out TW. I#d just camp in base with a wb, but I enjoyed it. I rememeber being totally confused by the jav's backwards firing. I started to get bored of that but then I found what kept me going for a couple of years... ?go javs. Then I kinda started playing ?go #myth (I think RR was the guy who told me about it originally) every now and again.
                  One point I went inactive for 4 or 5 months cause I got a new PC and started playing JK2 all the time.
                  USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
                  ---A few minutes later---
                  9:cool koen> you scorereseted
                  9:Kim> UM
                  9:Kim> i didn't
                  9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
                  9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
                  9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
                  9:pascone> lol?


                  • #10
                    hmmm not in order

                    First TW BIG MOMENT: I remember FMM when Relativity_17 used to pwn.. Gundam-Heavyarms, and JAMAL was shyne and shit.. well i would try out for them, and every day i would lose by like 1-10, then 2-10, then 3-10 and on my last tryout i got in cus i won 8-7 against Gundam! good times man, u should try to re-create FMM after TWLB is over, that would be mad chill

                    1. Soldier13(Invincible) and i in Ensare, Eletments under Evil_<WB>_HearT

                    2. Soldier and i joining Cyanide- w/ za goph, good times man $$$

                    3. owning pub w/ ^RaMpAgE^

                    4. going to elim and pming everyone i knew w/ /.?go #mythrandir!

                    5. not getting picked or captain after i got one started

                    6. Time Lords

                    7. me and DUTCH MADNESS in scumbags, i tried to cheat and let my friends go to a safe zone and keep killing them for high BTY/PTS/Record, then DUTCH MADNESS said he can get my a good record, and coming on my name, doing ?help scorereset and changing my pw loserrrr

                    8. A GooD LeViTeRR training me in WB so i can own pub, then told off dutch madness by saying "bounce bitch i fuckin own yoU"

                    9. #batcave, o/ juicetapo

                    10. seeing soldier13 in pub after 2 years of not talking to him, got him to ?go #mythrandir w/ me, basically saying : i gave birth to Invincible, although he owns everyone at spider in this game. -nt-

                    11. the OLD no surrender, that i was invited to play starting terr in TWLB against Camisade in preseason game 1, rofl i went like 64-4 cus i ran around mid cus the spiders wouldnt kill shit

                    12. getting axed from NS and seeing Vehicle on ther and shit

                    13. Bohemians wont let me on! rofl

                    i learned this game when about 4-5 years ago my neighbor and i used to play Infantry, another massivly multiplayer game, and we would ownn and then it didnt work on my comp so i went to WWW.MPOGD.COM and dl'ed this


                    • #11
                      i ALSO remember death row or someone asking me to join Cripples.. and the next year i regretted saying no cus they used to pwn.. then asking Cig Smoke to join and he said u gotta be crippled to join and i believed him and lied that i had down syndrome :-p


                      • #12
                        -Playing #secretbase #mythrandir
                        -playing leagues with u f o and the company (few memebers here made up Diso)
                        -squading with WAF
                        -staying up during the summer for twradio for like 2 days and having like 90 people on.
                        -playing on Floydians (most of them went on to make Spastic with other lower squads)
                        -Playing a lot of sub arenas Messenger <ER> hosted, rhinoTM also.
                        -pubbing a lot on the old trench maps.
                        -the Camaside fallout (even though I was never on Cami I still remember reading a lot about it from the basers)
                        -After learning basing and stuff from #myth I joined NSU for a while, RB for a few months then left because I had a fight with Paul. Joined Incuria for a few days then left for no reason, kinda finished with squading then.

                        first time I played was when Ender, my brother let me play on his name in TW. That was back in summer 1998 and he got pretty pissed off when I was killing his record so I made my own Izis. I changed to Kolar when I lost the pass and didn't do ?setemail..
                        Last edited by Kolar; 02-02-2005, 08:37 PM.


                        • #13
                          Mine was having fun in the squad "Celestial Arrow/Blade" funnist memories and when i ran the squad -Black Squadron- (lol yes.), good times good times. I cant remember the rest cause they werent as good =o .
                          TWLD Champion 2014
                          TWDTB Champion 2013
                          TWDTB Champion 2016
                          TWDTB Champion 2017
                          TWDTB Champion 2019.. my last one.
                          -tj hazuki/hazuki :wub:


                          • #14
                            Well, i remember making the first Siege-homepage and getting alot cred for a rather shitty flash-video Was back when nobody did flash and people thought i was this elite websitemaker!!!!!11111111 while all i did was follow the stupid how-to in Flash 4.

                            As of games and such i cant really remember much, it wasnt really a big deal. Came from Pro because i sucked hardcore and found a place were it didnt take much skill to do good. We won, that is about it.

                            The best memories from subspace has been from the last year with Sk8, just chatting, talking shit and spamming our personal forums with all the imbicils.

                            :wub: GammaHydroxyButyrate :wub:


                            • #15
                              Kolar = Ender's brother? i was enders good friend, he was in Ensare which Merged w/ Eletments, ask him if he remember EviL_<WB>_HearT

