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TW Memories.

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  • #16
    Ah also, I remember good times with CokeFreak (he then quit and his real life friend AAF started playing and we had a similar friendship - to this day I reckon it was the same person).
    USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
    ---A few minutes later---
    9:cool koen> you scorereseted
    9:Kim> UM
    9:Kim> i didn't
    9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
    9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
    9:pascone> lol?


    • #17
      1) Zombie marathon of 2004. 17 straight games and humans got owned a lot.

      2) Making friends and just talking to them.
      3) My first map being hosted.
      4) Jason hosting twcity on my birthday and getting people to go into nemos again.
      5) BLOB!!!
      Last edited by Twerp; 02-02-2005, 08:31 PM.


      • #18
        -Being in the following squads; $BANDITS$, Anti-Scrub, Whiterabbits, Brushfire, Disoblige.
        -Cpt.Guano!, Skate and I hosting zombies and boki previous to joining staff.
        -Having the oppotunity to be in staff, and doing a good job.
        -The day Pure Pubs were formed.
        -Ironically before then I enjoyed LTing with the MADCOWZ gang.
        -Pubbing with Talon and Daze. 2 Warbirds and a Shark is not a gang you want to mess with.
        -Pubbing with Troll King was memorable. Nobody in the other team got itno flagroom. :]
        "What is it? Um . . . what do you want it to be?" ?€”Juzba, Izzet tinker
        • Shark
        • Dicer
        • Sager
        • Trench Wars Map Uploader


        • #19
          I remember:
          -being in beauty, which was great fun, and having this weird crush (i was young, don't flame) on DragonShadow, I didn't know who she was, which was weird... and probably shouldn't have brought it up.
          -going into private arenas to "twdd" which is funny because even the "professional" games were there, and crappily hosted, props to the new age.
          -WoH - squad owned by htv, had left_eye, adam, napalm sunrise I and the likes.
          -ancients - me and a bunch of finnish people.
          -Implosive and supremacy - old school..
          -Tried out for onix once a month which was the rule, easton and metalkid kept owning me.
          -Bhang and Chemical owning elim, Wb and Jav, only one arena to you newbies.
          -hopped to newbie squads.
          -tried to catch unknown in elim rating.
          skip a year or two**
          -played in twl with cripples... not legally... banned for it.
          next time
          -played twl with verone, LEGALLY, not banned.
          -saw Escalate do something like 43-9 in a spider elim.
          -sat at my computer typed meaningless things on a forum.
          -hung myself with my mouse coord.
          Last edited by tyflyias; 02-02-2005, 09:06 PM.
          I dont think everyone agrees with you that tyf is a vet.. eeeeh? (2 tired to type the rest)


          Edit: btw.. did you just compare raspi with tyflias? (roflmaoroamroamroam ramroamr amroaomroamraofmlamomarmlol)


          • #20
            Originally posted by tyflyias
            -saw Escalate do something like 43-9 in a spider elim.
            Stra did like 53-4 in wb elim a couple months ago (of course being fed). Staff then specced her for cheating and she didn't win, gg.


            • #21
              a few random things that may pop into my head at this moment...

              -bouncing around in chaos zone trying to get a kill the first day i played.. learning all the weapons.

              -warbirding as a newbie in pub... i still remember hunting wolven fire and trying to kill him.

              -thinking that so many people played this game and wondering how i would ever get i reputation

              -seeing gabraham spidering in pub, seeing shade's child win an mvp in hosted basing in a spider.. made me become a spider because i felt they stood out.

              -private arena squad dueling, and how unorganized it was

              -i remember trying out for a squad and getting owned and i asked what their screen res was and they said it was radar shots.. thats how i learned about those sort of.

              -going to every hosted event i saw, and trying to win every one to make a name for myself.

              -finding out about an arena called ?go balance.. it was hosted long long ago and no one could beat 5 or 6 although everyone tried for like 30 minutes. i think nockm came close.

              -getting beaten by domi in ?go racing2... then deciding to practice a whole lot more.

              -being told about ?go #mythrandir by grandias, waiting 30 minutes for teams to get picked, and finally getting picked.

              -winning too many mvp's to count

              -when i joined dekai, my first real squad.

              -when automated squad matches first evolved, they were sweet

              -strategy posts on the dekai forums

              -making Cyanide- after dekai died. there is so much chat to read when you form a squad.. people pming you, asking for duels to try you out.

              -complaining endlessly on the forums about levis.. post after post after post.

              -pub tking sprees where i tked levis and went until i got a moderator warning. happened every day, never got banned.

              -awesome matches of ?go warzone

              -joining squad after squad, just to see them die a couple weeks later. existenze, intrigue, elfbot, war angels, others.. i learned a ton about basing in that time.

              -good times with provoke. server and dll made me laugh out loud all the time. we always made fun of "jenny from the block" with names like dll from the block and arro from the bed.

              -cpt. guano's basing tournament. i stayed up till 6 am doing that, and we won. great time. guano was one crazy host.

              -watching spastic play diso in three matches in twlb championships and thinking wow i am glad i didnt have to go through that stress for 3 hours.

              -waiting for two months to get on wr, making friends with them on the chat, and then got tired of the infinite wait and join existenze. a day later they invited me and i said no.

              -forming the original juice with apt and xu. i didnt think it was possible, but that was more fun than provoke.

              -all shark private freqs with juice in pubs

              -during juice's decline when we were sitting in a private arena and i says to everyone "let's all just go to pub, tk one person each, and meet up back here." one person each turned into about 5 people each. it was so fun we did it again, and again and again. just blatently tking everyone we could in javs. at one point i saw that i had gotten 49 kills. every time a mod would come we would just run away and scatter. he didnt know who to watch. finally i got warned and i was fooling around acting like i was going to tk centurion on the roof, and i shoot a really slow bomb, and he goes and sits right where it was gonna hit and lets it kill him. next thing i know, i am looking at the zones menu. banned.

              -when musashi and i made a tk levterr in pub. i greened up and he terred, and we prompty went up to the roof and bombarded the flagroom full of our teammates. so many people yelled at us. a mod came and told me to stop and i tried to tell him i was color blind but he didnt buy it and we kept on doing it and i got banned.

              -i was using a terrier and i used a portal to make it look like i had flown through a wall. some newb PMed me and asked how i flew through the wall. i told him that he had to press esc Q to activate cheat mode. he said "doesnt that dc you" and i was like "you gotta do it really fast, they made it like that so not just anyone could activate it." he totally bought it. i called over musashi and centurion and we watched him enter and exit the zone for about 30 minutes. finally he thought he had gotten it, so he was like "ok, what's next?" i told him "you fly at a wall as fast as you possibly can, and when right when you hit the wall hit insert." we proceded to watch him ram into walls for another hour and a half, laughing hysterically on chat. i kept on PMing him "FASTER, FASTER." i think at some point he concluded that he hadnt correctly activated cheat mode, so he entered and exited the arena like 30 times more and then thought he got it again. i kept on using portals and "flying through the walls" while he watched, but he still didnt catch on. pretty soon musashi, centurion, me, and a couple other people were all flying through walls while he was left baffled as to how we were doing it. i guess some asshole ended up telling him what was going on though. haha.

              -while i was on juice i remember watching a-s lose BD after bd and wondering why they didnt dissolve.

              -when i knew juice was dead, i suddenly knew i wanted to join anti-scrub because i was amazed at how they just kept on trying.

              -running out of a meeting on my first day at college to go to my dorm and play in the twl championships. winning them after 2 hours.
              Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
              apt>yes u can wtf
              apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
              apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
              apt>so i dont miss the toilet
              Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
              apt>ill show you pictures
              apt>next time I masturbate


              • #22
                - Joining SpiceForce5 back in June 98 or so
                - Fighting Defcon1 (Basically all of staff was on that squad, and non-staff on SF5)
                - Leaving in Oct to start DarKnights (Kicked ass in pub for months)
                - Then joined Paladen for 3, long year... Yeah, 3.
                - Stopped playing pub on March 2, 2002... But went out with a "bang" (If you bother checking my stats for that time period, it was all done in a WB )
                - Started playing elim thereafter, getting #1 over half a dozen times, and haven't really left it since
                - Then went to Onix, Value, DragonGuard, and finally Grapevine


                • #23
                  - TWL6 ... preseason ... Camisade, Mambo, Spastic, and Dekai ... the best TWD season ... and the best ppl I've ever met (in SS) from those 4 squads. Fiercest competition I've ever had the pleasure of being a part of.

                  - Joining my first real squad, No Surrender ... thanks whyte, vampz, elemental, and magoo.

                  - Deciding to try out the "newbie zone" (TW) that my friend kept on buggin me to play. And finally deciding to move over from EG to TW.

                  - LTing w/Spastic, Madcowz, and LevTerrs.

                  - First time I played SS several yrs back ... Alpha Zone.


                  • #24
                    -When I first saw the #mythrandir room. I wasn't a baser, so I never played, but it felt like that scene in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. You know, when they watch the sacrifical ceremony with the heart.

                    -When I first did TW Radio for about 7 hours straight

                    -TW Staff, when I got that.. duh.

                    -Remembering when you had to ask "are you in TWD?" when you joined a squad, cause we were just changing over to that system.

                    -First TWD squad, Dark Gift

                    -Pissing off i.d.i.o.t. in ?go elim to which made her turn into a good friend.

                    -Those old school squadduels in ?go #arena vs Wolvencreed.

                    -When Flabin told me to take a picture of myself naked, in a public place with "I love Pallies" written on my chest so I could join pallies.

                    -When that one guy "Randel" (no, not a misspelling of Randedl, not him) abused his radio staff advert and did a zoner trash talking some newb who had less of a name than him.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by ThiXed
                      Kolar = Ender's brother? i was enders good friend, he was in Ensare which Merged w/ Eletments, ask him if he remember EviL_<WB>_HearT
                      Ahaha, I remember ender too. Tell him to get his ass active.

                      Za Gophar, I remember balance! I was TERRIBLE at that shit
                      Originally posted by MetalKid
                      - Then joined Paladen for 3, long year... Yeah, 3.
                      And that's where you met me :wub: lol
                      I still remember us playing in a paladen match, and it being Starweaver VS 4 guys all on about 7, and him kicking their fucking asses. I was amazed.
                      Last edited by Volcs; 02-02-2005, 10:57 PM.
                      Kthx> Does JB Inc pay his child support with pub bux?

                      Undisputed Pre-Menstral Super-Bitch Internet Kickboxing Champion 2005


                      • #26
                        Pubbing in 2000 and trying to get over 40 bounty in warbird.

                        Coming back to the game in 2001 and leviterring. I remember I'd get so mad every time it was one of those no-leviterr weekends.

                        Making tons of sweet leviterr shots with all the awesome leviterrs like jimbojimmy and baby bunny, and watching spacedust do those ridiculous shots that had to be right by 1 pixel.

                        Getting 200 bounty in warbird and asking rocket soldier if I could join aero blast in 2001 or 2002. Then losing to him in a duel 10-9 (after i was up 9-7) and getting let on. Then dueling with them in private arenas before twd.

                        Getting 1300+ bounty leviterring with ethena, then dying to an x bullet that i thought was a star in the background

                        Being like the first guy to join solstice with elfquest, after i was scewing around fighting sirius. in the bottom safe of pub.

                        Coming back to the game in late 2002 or 2003 and playing elim. And seeing guys like jack keifer and someone called "fatalist" own the place.
                        I AM NOT AN ANIMAL


                        • #27
                          -ZeUs!! adding me to his MSN list. Becoming a forum icon.

                          -1000 posts. I think I was the first nobody to do so.

                          -A-S. Pre-TWLB.

                          -A-S, TWLB finals. Jason PM's me with "Hey, Mythrandir said your mom was hot" and Myth randomly exploded. Jason flips out and becomes a born-again Christian, for a few days.

                          -Juice. All of it.

                          -The fleeting convos with some cool people. PaulO, Jax, Vyk, Jason, Fit.
                          NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                          internet de la jerome

                          because the internet | hazardous


                          • #28
                            -Lefty and Erat hosting 6 hrs stragiht of Zombs/Ghoulgames

                            -Roboteddy.....i miss ya

                            -V@mp!res....the good ol days

                            -Private arena squad dueling, with no bots.
                            Originally posted by Tone
                            Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


                            • #29
                              -picking fights with people in pubs by bragging after I killed them
                              -Hunting jeffhardy397/minkmink's LT (and they were a damn good LT), or warbirding for it
                              -restarting avalonian with demonofdarkness countless times
                              -2v2, 3v3, 4v4 practice warbird duels with original DG members in random arenas
                              -Hunting LTs in general, actually tatsumar threatened to ban me for killing his LT cause i said "haha" for 3-4 lines (spam)

                              cant think of much else -_-
                              2:Sauro> dp i placed 4th today at yugoh tournament
                              Sauro> i traded e tele for 2 dark bribes and a primy today dp

                              2:Sauro> IM REARRAGNGING MYD ECK WTF
                              Go go go!

                              Sauro> DARK MAGICIAN GIRL SHOWS CLEAVAGE OK
                              Sauro> my fav card

                              1:Mootland Farmer> Duel, want to stfu please? Real m,en talking about Yu-Gi-Oh here
                              1:Sauro> yea dp

                              1:Sauro> i love dick


                              • #30
                                Learning javelin from scuzzy sureshot everyday in private arenas

                                Loving -Legacy- and finally getting a chance to join them for a short time (freq 989; never to be forgotten)

                                Being a good warbird back then

                                Space Duck Battle, playing there for a long time (Spacelords = best squad, 2 of my real life friends and I were on it)

                                Getting mod powers from "one" day from FieryFire because I won a trivia (long ago), then re-connecting the next day and still having powers, I banned, scorereset, specced and muted so many people lolol, got in trouble for that :/

                                Being ranked #1 in belim a few times under HuMMeR

                                Making Abstract (recently but it was full of great potential, lots of people/friends)

