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TW Memories.

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  • #76

    I think this should be preserved just because it's from a time before brookus was contractually obligated to terr in every single game ever.

    Anyways, I made a new memory I'll cherish forever when my squad got in a long, lengthy and surprisingly violent debate when Sprained asked for help with his algebra homework and we couldn't come to a consensus on " -7 = 6 - x".

    Brookus had people believing that x = -13. Oh the wackiness.

    Oh we need lives.
    Last edited by Erathia; 02-04-2005, 06:12 PM.
    Erathia> Attention the fort! Surrender and die!
    Melufa> don't you mean surrender or die?
    Erathia> No... no... I don't see that one working at all...


    • #77
      nevermind this post
      Currently listening to:
      Valient Thorr - Immortalizer
      Dead to Me - Little Brother
      Tim Barry - Manchester
      Lemuria - Get Better
      Alkaline Trio - Agony and Irony


      • #78
        lambaste is thixed


        • #79
          Oh shit. I forgot about the Annux VS Childrn of Light!!!

          Last edited by Volcs; 02-04-2005, 09:30 PM.
          Kthx> Does JB Inc pay his child support with pub bux?

          Undisputed Pre-Menstral Super-Bitch Internet Kickboxing Champion 2005


          • #80
            Not sure, two that comes to mind for me. Going 45-8 in elim (few weeks ago) and in a dd long time ago, playing on shriek, i beat 4 light players in a twdd. 4 on 1; took me 15 minutes but i did it. : )
            RaCka> how can i get you here
            death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
            RaCka> YOU'RE DUMPING ME?!?!?!?
            death row> LOL I KNOW I JUS READ THAT LINE AGAIN


            • #81
              Justin using mspaint and just bashing the hell out of the twserver's lag issues.
              Pearl Jam and Justin tag teaming the hell out of code, best paperdolls ever made.
              CoT losing his damn mind (completely).
              you might be sorry you know.jpg
              Pallies radio, no one ever did it sober.


              • #82
                Starting in 2001 I messed around for god-knows-how-long with random names dying a lot and not killing much. For those of you who have been playing longer and got kills off of me, thanks can start rolling in now.

                Creating RB in 2003 was pretty fun, I was still using the name novaflash at the time. Damn I miss basing with PaulOakenfold, Panhandler, WPE, Rodge_Rabbit and geekbot. Fun times.

                Joining whiterabbits was another milestone. Absolutely some of the best personalities on subspace. Arrogance, nailed, bleen, malladrin, rudy, and GNOME! I seriously laughed my ass of on this squad and it's really a pity things didn't work out like I'd hoped.

                Sometime in the middle of whiterabbits I left for 1 day to play one single TWBD with spastic. I think they were short a guy and I felt like bding. I'm pretty sure this is illegal now but hell, I did it. We won that game too!

                Disoblige has been my staple since January 2004. I think warportal recruited me because I was a damn good spider at the time (consistant 85+ kills in base). I've slipped a lot since then. Why they haven't axed me yet I don't know; my spider game has dropped hard. Still a great squad though. Late night conversations with bram have been excellent when none of the other euros are awake. People thought I would leave right off because of the time difference, but I disagree.
                5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
                5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
                5:royst> i wish it was calculus

                1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

                1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


                • #83
                  I remember demonfaze and concshitnyard being virgins when i startedm and they still are.. hell yeah!! fu all


                  • #84
                    oh, when i was really new there was a deathmatch (teams) and i went bottom right and killed everybody on Vulch, i remember that making me feel good.
                    The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

                    Originally posted by Richard Creager
                    All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


                    • #85
                      never killed me
                      because i don't know what a warbird is.
                      There once was a man from Nantucket.


                      • #86
                        I started to play when this guy i know, was telling me to dl this game.. Started in dsb cos he played it too... When you start playing this game there's a funny feeling discovering something new al the time... then i just played played and played..

                        My first squad i joined was like squad^x(they recruited me cos i had something 4000 kills in pub, GO PUB) or banana squad... then joined to shadow conspiracy... I thought i was leet when WE PLAYED PURE SQUADDUELS in #BANANA #WEAREELITES and so on.. that's something..

                        Owning you all with watch out*crash* in belim, everyone saying im newb i was like i get 10:10 im not a newb... asking from pro's how you keep doing those 15:10 and they were like this rec sucks.. i was like yo dude, that's an elite rec.. MY LEET POSTS IN TW FORUMS, everyone got pissed off, lolollol ...

                        LEAVING AG's Chat cos everyone was calling me newb! (tho i joined back)

                        Then started to play twd... I was tripplesquadding at one time, thought it was legal ... Joined to wima->Rapid recruited me... When we won mambo 1st time we were like spamming our chat, lol! YEYEYEYEYE WE WON MAMBO WE ARE BEST YEEYEY, ahha that was hilarious... Rapid's owners discovering that im actually watch out*crash*.. Piston>how did you come good suddenly, you were on wima when we recruited you.. G_A>na im just a newb.. piston>u have other nicks? G_a>yes im watch out*crash* piston>ROFL ARE YOU HIM, LOLOLOL, Raize>i think i remember him and that i was calling him newb in belim..

                        best memories are secrets, but here are few pieces of it ^-^
                        Last edited by Golden_Aim; 02-05-2005, 04:57 AM.
                        revolt> my girl
                        Golden_Aim> nice lips, i bet she gives u awesome blowjobs
                        Metal Headz> she looks good for bjs
                        Golden_Aim> LOL MHZ
                        Metal Headz> ROFL

                        1:kesser> MENTION ME
                        1:kesser> MOST KILLS

                        kess is homo


                        • #87
                          also, thinking about how Verto telling us on my chat that he got caught wanking by his mother, who then asked him if it squirted well...

                          that one always rips me off

                          Also going something about 44-3 in belim when belim was new

                          and ofcourse the time when there was only one elim arena and you were "not allowed" to vote for javs, yet me and plague rabbit kept voting for javs :P
                          Originally Posted by HeavenSent
                          You won't have to wait another 4 years.
                          There wont be another election for president.
                          Obama is the Omega President.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Golden_Aim
                            Rapid recruited me... When we won mambo 1st time we were like spamming our chat, lol! YEYEYEYEYE WE WON MAMBO WE ARE BEST YEEYEY, ahha that was hilarious...
                            Haha, that's wonderful.
                            YOU ARE THE 1,000,000,000TH VISITOR IN MY SIG!
                            Click here to receive your price!


                            • #89
                              Hmm.. TW moments that I remember...

                              -When TW average population was 250
                              -When I used to be so into this game I would stay up for a week straight to play it.
                              -When Trench was DDOSed for the first time, everyone thought we were goin to have to switch to pay2play to pay for it, Squadless got falsely accused for weeks, and the forums got their record hits.
                              -When pub used to be FUN
                              -When the community as a whole was a lot friendlier then they have been
                              -My constant name changing untill I finally stuck with Blue Thunder
                              -Ringing in the new year, TW style
                              -Paladen Parties

                              All good stuff. I miss the old days :/
                              "Shouldn't you be Running?"


                              TW Beginners Guide

                              1:KJW> some 23 year old teacher was screwing her 14 year old students here in Florida was arrested yesterday ... she's HOT and I want to be 14 again!

                              (Robo Ref)>FACK U ALL BITSHES!!!!!!!!!!!!


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Blue Thunder
                                Hmm.. TW moments that I remember...

                                -When TW average population was 250
                                -When I used to be so into this game I would stay up for a week straight to play it.
                                -When Trench was DDOSed for the first time, everyone thought we were goin to have to switch to pay2play to pay for it, Squadless got falsely accused for weeks, and the forums got their record hits.
                                -When pub used to be FUN
                                -When the community as a whole was a lot friendlier then they have been
                                -My constant name changing untill I finally stuck with Blue Thunder
                                -Ringing in the new year, TW style
                                -Paladen Parties

                                All good stuff. I miss the old days :/
                                me too
                                TWLD Champion 2014
                                TWDTB Champion 2013
                                TWDTB Champion 2016
                                TWDTB Champion 2017
                                TWDTB Champion 2019.. my last one.
                                -tj hazuki/hazuki :wub:

