Firstly I'll say ummm, "What Kyace said". The the server may now be more NorthAmerican-centric and forget not everyone can get DSL but I think the changes were because of lag cheating and just people expecting more from technology nowadays. Everyone screams "lagger", when we all do it to some extent.
It would be nice to have a couple of arenas that didn't enforce overly strict lag limits, I'm afraid it would draw cheaters as well as players from the Finnish hinterland. No reason not to try it though.
In closing... The Fins didn't have these limits keeping the Americans from playing when they had the server, so why should we change it now so that they can't play unless they're on broadband? Seriously.
Because it's 2 years later now?
2 years ago, DVDs and DVD players were still considered new and cool and still rather expensive. At least $100. Now they're commonplace, and you can pick up a DVD player for like $30. 2 years ago, a 3 gig P4 processor was state of the art shit. Probably $500-$600 for the chip, alone. Now, it comes standard on your generic Dell comp, which you can buy the entire new console, including a monitor, printer, the works, for the same price.
And 2 years ago, the number of gamers who had cable vs dial-up was probably something like half and half. Back then, many Fins and other Euros lagged, too. Now, the vast majority of gamers have cable / dsl. It's not about where the server is. It's about getting with the times. If you really live in such a desolate, rural area where you're unable to get not only dsl, but cable, either.. no form of Broadband, whatsoever.. then it would seem you have more pertinent things to worry about than lagging out of your computer game.
Jacklyn> i'm not here right now, leave ur phone number address and directions to your house, where you keep your money and what time youre not home and i will get Right back to you