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TW -v- DSB (Day 1)

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  • TW -v- DSB (Day 1)

    As I did before, the Public Chats with both zones. People've said "TW was too short", "You Should Do It Again". Now, here I am. Pulling off a TW -vs- DSB thingamajig. Without further delay, here is SSCU Trench War's (Public 5) taken on 6:15-6:20pm EST.

    Log file open: TWLog2
    aussie chick> okay
    Frozen*Ice> okay

    Before I started the log, some guy asked for those guys to jump infront of a train.

    evLiL> stfu
    Gods Boss> drugs are good just make sure ya do a lot in an hour
    Recon .177> dont talk to my old squad mate that way
    Recon .177> :\
    evLiL> ahhhh
    evLiL> im really leaving now
    An Enraged Ap> so there evlil u r 2
    An Enraged Ap> cool
    An Enraged Ap> cya
    aussie chick> LOL
    Ice_cap> there..all gone
    PinaColada> isn't a 177 a BB gun?
    Recon .177> yeah
    Ice Cap Jr.> I think I'm turning Japanese
    An Enraged Ap> u left for good 30 mins ago evlil
    aussie chick> no kidding
    Recon .177> i really think so
    Yugi Muto> anybody wanna start a free-4-all in ?go duel?
    aussie chick> and he left for good yesterday as well!
    Nikon F5> mee
    An Enraged Ap> cool
    An Enraged Ap> well
    aussie chick> icey <3
    An Enraged Ap> add this one 2 the list aswell
    PinaColada> 0I tought maybe it was for the Super Bee
    V_DubbeD> ice cap we meet again
    Ice_cap> lol
    rider> ?
    Urban_terror3> ns
    Ice Cap Jr.> Chiliburger
    Gods Boss> :P
    Ice_cap> hey Dub..i'd like to introduce my Son
    An Enraged Ap> so why do drugs for eh
    Ice_cap Sr.> lol
    PinaColada> dang... gotta fetch a bier
    Gods Boss> fun
    Ice_cap> V_Dub is my clay pigeon i use for target practice
    Ice Cap Jr.> who called
    Gods Boss> if ya never done drugs keep it shut lol
    An Enraged Ap> no?
    Gods Boss> they're relaxing
    PinaColada> drugs are good... they keep the masses down
    Yugi Muto> any1 that wants 2 have a free-4-all go 2 ?go duel
    An Enraged Ap> pffsh yer all dumbasses?
    Ice_cap> get all that time in rehab to just chill
    Kingz> I think I'm Hot.
    An Enraged Ap> hehehe
    Gods Boss> well when ya get sick dont take any
    Next elimination match is starting. Type ?go baseelim to play
    u_sux> lol
    Ice_cap> ack..ns
    Gods Boss> damn
    An Enraged Ap> omg thats why they make drugs addicdive dumbass
    aussie chick> ohhh
    Urban_terror3> tnx
    An Enraged Ap> so that even when u get sick u take em
    aussie chick> yeah you do get sicl
    An Enraged Ap> y due v dubbed
    Gods Boss> all the time its cool
    PinaColada> rehabs a waste
    Gods Boss> makes everyone cool
    An Enraged Ap> ><
    aussie chick> getting sick is cool?
    Kingz> Thank you all, you have participated in the Trench Wars / Death Star Battle Public Chat Observation

    Heres the results:
    %75.7 of the People in the Arena were talking/communicating.
    %10 of those people were talking about drugs.
    %100 of those people who were talking about drugs were noobies.
    %54.6 of the people were talking about their invisible skill.
    %100 of those people talking about their "skill" were noobies.

    1st APROACH:
    Kingz> I think I'm Hot
    An Enraged Ap> hehehe

    Thoughts of Responce "The Trench Wars Public People Love Kinky Stuff, if you give them Kinky Stuff, you'll strike a conversation. If I had made this Aproach earlier, there would be 3x more chat in the log."

    Nextly, the DSB Log.

    Log file open: DSBLog2
    MILES1234> skrew u guy i am going to the zone with the most people in it
    click -=> <=- if you lag
    MILES1234> whos commin
    Omega-Angel> and why dont you do anything? you just sit and wait for me
    CaptSillon> wow plos is high today
    MILES1234> plos?????????????
    Rzarectar> cause you die
    PudMonkey> cncbx
    CaptSillon> paket loss
    Emulator> thats it...where are u miles?
    Shellback> i would like to cum if there was a girl around
    A. Einstein> lol that was luck
    Zeodys> yep
    renegade_butl> damnit im sick of this
    Ekan> lol
    Rzarectar> whoops
    Omega-Angel> die punk
    Rzarectar> weeee
    renegade_butl> my computers power supply blew up so im on my dads 400 mhz pII
    Shellback> who cares
    renegade_butl> with an ati rage
    DSB soldier> lol
    Chaos_Matrix> Laaaaaaaaag
    Killer_15> cool emul
    Rzarectar> what?
    Omega-Angel> everyone can do that...
    Rzarectar> that was shitty
    Rzarectar> no shit
    Rzarectar> thats why i dont play this ship
    Rzarectar> or the red one
    Rzarectar> just hold own the trigger
    Rzarectar> and fly around
    Forneir> ew
    Omega-Angel> do you see me doing that with this ship?
    Shellback> if you were my son i would take the keyboard and smack you over the head with it
    Rzarectar> cause i was waiting for you
    Rzarectar> and you kew better
    DaBoss> I smoked you like you smoked your Daddy's dick!
    Kingz> I think I'm Hot.
    Omega-Angel> well duh. I'd fly right into your gunfire
    P.A.P.P.Y> u fuckin moron
    Omega-Angel> sry lamer... gtg
    Shellback> he ran real quick
    Rzarectar> bummer
    Emulator> fuck
    Omega-Angel> heh... thats the prob with dads and 00:30 in the morning
    smauge> cool
    DSB soldier> bum
    Cow'n'Chicken> bam
    Kingz> Thank you all, you have participated in the Trench Wars / Death Star Battle Public Chat Overservation
    smauge> yep

    Heres the results:
    %55.3 of the People in the Arena were talking/communicating.
    %100 of those people were talking about drugs/skill.
    %100 of those people who were talking about drugs were noobies.

    1st APROACH:
    Kingz> I think I'm Hot
    P.A.P.P.Y> u fuckin moron

    1st APROACH NOTES: "Read Below, and I prove myself correctly".

    NOTES: Shellback, as I know is a Current SMOD of the zone 'SSCU Death Star Battle'. With the Squad 'DSB Staff', it is inappropiate behavior. Most users in the zone look up to staff, since before the log, I saw this.

    Not Kingz> dude i <3 u shell.

    I've come to the conclusion, this is why, DSB is such a joke.

    Soon, I will be studying the Sub-Arenas (?go elim) and the Moderators actions (Using Alias's). Or I'll just forget about this thing, and you'll never hear about it again.
    Last edited by Kingz; 11-03-2002, 07:44 PM.
    // cool //

  • #2
    Kingz do you understand that you are polluting the other zones with your TW personality?
    Last edited by Eeks; 11-03-2002, 08:03 PM.
    Originally posted by Diakka
    Lets stop being lil bitches


    • #3


      • #4
        Polluting? More like Harassing. -_-
        // cool //


        • #5
          Originally posted by Kingz
          Polluting? More like Harassing. -_-
          Originally posted by Diakka
          Lets stop being lil bitches


          • #6
            TW4LYFE DAWGZ

            'vet' is the new 'newb'.
            sit ez vet, sit.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Louis XV
              SHOW YOUR ZONE PRIDE
              I'm supposed to be proud of TW? Surely you jest.
              jasonofabitch loves!!!!


              • #8
                i thought posting logs was illegal and bannable?

                plopp> im not a newbie ok!! im a butterfly waiting to come out of his coon!


                • #9
                  gerbil, who runs these forums, who told you that logs = ban

                  Now think abotu that.
                  The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

                  Originally posted by Richard Creager
                  All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Kookie
                    plopp> im not a newbie ok!! im a butterfly waiting to come out of his coon!


                    • #11
                      The log posting parade!
                      Originally posted by Diakka
                      Lets stop being lil bitches


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by sTuPiD-gErBiL

                        Stick it to the man
                        The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

                        Originally posted by Richard Creager
                        All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


                        • #13
                          a thx for participation ?

                          To all of these ppl, and don't think that I'm kidding, cuz if you do: fu.

                          Recon .177
                          Nikon F5

                          I know I've left out some others, and to them I apologize.
                          Originally posted by Disliked
                          However, I have a bigger problem, being an atheist for 9 years, most of it during my teenage years I've become a little addicted to masterbation. I've tried to stop and even asked God to help but I'm unable to resist the temptation and it's driving me insane with grief.

                          Originally posted by concealed
                          when i was on incuria i took 40 mgs of adderol like an hour before every match. didnt help me that much :X


                          • #14

                            You want to hear reason why evreryone in DSB are acting n00bish?

                            It goes like this.. When player first opens SS, he/she sees: HAA! Trench Wars has alot of ppl, i'll go there!

                            So he is fresh out of the oven newbie, who doesn't even know how to talk in pub. After a while, he gets out of TW and seeks for other zones. He sees: HAA Death Star Battle also has quite a bit of players innit, i'll go there next!

                            So we have newbie who has few hours of usage under his belt and he comes to DSB. There, he suddenly learns how to type, and starts smacking that newbie-talk to the chat.

                            My point in here is is, that in TW, the newbies are so damn newbie that they don't even know how to type.
                            Atleast DSB has some skillz.

                            And btw, if you think that that shellbacks' comment was harsh, you should see me sometimes with my Op>name.. though i always insert smiley there to announce that i'm kidding around ;P



                            • #15
                              Re: lol

                              Originally posted by Coster Mila
                              So he is fresh out of the oven newbie, who doesn't even know how to talk in pub. After a while, he gets out of TW and seeks for other zones. He sees: HAA Death Star Battle also has quite a bit of players innit, i'll go there next!
                              They probably get banned for teamkilling in TW.
                              Originally posted by Diakka
                              Lets stop being lil bitches

